Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages documents exchanged with trading partners for B2B message processing.


Name Type Description
B2bTradingPartnersTradingPartnerId [KEY] Long Unique identifier linking this document entry to a specific trading partner record.
DocumentId Long Unique identifier for the collaboration document. This serves as a foreign key reference to the document record.
DocumentName String Name of the document associated with the trading partner.
TradingPartnerDocumentId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the trading partner document. This serves as a foreign key reference to the trading partner document record.
TradingPartnerDocumentStatus String Indicates the current status of the trading partner document, such as Active, Inactive, or Pending.
ServiceRequestId Long Unique identifier for the service request related to the document setup, automatically generated when a request is made to a service provider.
BindServiceProviderId Long Unique identifier for the service provider bound to this trading partner for document management.
Finder String A system-defined query or lookup used to retrieve document records associated with trading partners.
TradingPartnerId Long Unique identifier for the trading partner associated with this document.

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Build 24.0.9175