Manages extensible flexfields in item templates for capturing additional customizable attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemTemplatesItemId [KEY] | Long | Specifies the unique identifier for an item within the ItemTemplatesitemEFFs module. This identifier links item template records to their associated extensible flexfields (EFFs), allowing for additional custom attributes. |
ItemTemplatesOrganizationId [KEY] | Long | Defines the unique identifier for the organization managing the item template. This identifier ensures that EFFs are applied correctly within the appropriate business unit, supporting classification and reporting. |
InventoryItemId [KEY] | Long | Represents the unique identifier for the part, item, product, or service within the inventory system. This identifier is used to track and manage inventory records across procurement, sales, and manufacturing workflows. |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | Defines the unique identifier for the organization that owns or manages the inventory item. This identifier ensures proper assignment of inventory items to the correct business unit, enabling financial reporting and operational planning. |
StyleItemId | Long | Specifies the unique identifier for a style item, which serves as a base model for configurable product variations. This identifier is commonly used in industries like fashion, automotive, and consumer electronics. |
MasterOrganizationId | Long | Represents the unique identifier of the master organization responsible for managing the item template. This identifier ensures consistency in item attributes across multiple inventory organizations. |
CategoryCode | String | Defines the category code assigned to the item, which classifies it within the organization's item hierarchy. This category code is critical for catalog management, reporting, and searchability. |
StyleItemFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the item is classified as a style item. If set to 'true', the item serves as a template for creating variations, such as different sizes or colors. |
TemplateItemFlag | String | Specifies whether the item functions as a template item. Template items define standard attributes and configurations used to create new items efficiently. |
Finder | String | Defines the search mechanism or query criteria used to locate records in the ItemTemplatesitemEFFs module. This field enhances system usability by enabling efficient data retrieval for item templates and EFFs. |
ItemId | Long | Specifies the unique identifier for the item within the item template module. This identifier ensures accurate tracking and association of item attributes across EFFs. |