Manages item templates, which provide predefined sets of attributes for quicker item creation and standardization.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier assigned to an item template within the system. This identifier serves as the primary reference for managing item templates and their associated attributes. |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | A system-generated identifier that links the item template to a specific organization. This identifier ensures that item templates are managed within the correct organizational structure. |
OrganizationCode | String | The unique alphanumeric code assigned to an organization, identifying which entity owns or controls the item template. This code is essential for multi-organization setups where items are managed across different business units. |
ItemClass | String | The classification code that categorizes the item template based on predefined item classification rules. This classification is used for reporting, searchability, and process automation. |
ItemNumber | String | The unique item number assigned to the item template. Typically, this item number is used as a key reference in transactions, inventory management, and procurement processes. |
ItemDescription | String | A brief textual description providing an overview of the item template. This description helps users identify the item quickly in searches, reports, and selection lists. |
ApprovalStatusValue | String | The current approval status of the item template, which determines whether it is pending approval, approved for use, or rejected. Approval processes are often tied to workflow automation for governance. |
ItemStatusValue | String | The operational status of the item template within the system. Common statuses include 'Active' (available for transactions), 'Inactive' (not available for new transactions), and 'Obsolete' (discontinued or replaced). |
LifecyclePhaseValue | String | The lifecycle phase of the item template, defining where the item stands in its overall lifecycle, such as 'Concept', 'Design', 'Production', or 'End of Life'. This phase influences availability and business rules. |
StyleItemFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the item template represents a style item. Typically, this flag is used in industries like fashion or retail where variations (for example, size or color) are managed under a single style identifier. |
Keyword | String | A keyword or set of keywords associated with the item template to enhance searchability. These keywords allow users to find relevant items more easily in catalogs, databases, or procurement systems. |
IgnoreDuplicateItemFlag | Bool | Indicates whether duplicate item validation should be bypassed when creating or modifying the item template. This flag is useful in scenarios where duplicate detection is intentionally disabled for efficiency. |
UserItemTypeValue | String | A user-defined item type that classifies the item template based on business-specific criteria. This value can be used for internal categorization, reporting, or system rules. |
PackTypeValue | String | The packaging type applicable to the item template. This type defines how the item is packed for storage, transportation, or sale (for example, 'Box', 'Pallet', and 'Individual Unit'. |
LongDescription | String | A comprehensive description providing in-depth details about the item template. This description includes specifications, intended usage, and other relevant attributes. |
FormattedDescription | String | A structured, formatted version of the item description, often used in catalogs, customer-facing documents, and system-generated reports where text formatting is important. |
PrimaryUOMValue | String | The primary unit of measure (UOM) assigned to the item template. This UOM defines how the item is quantified in transactions (for example, 'Kilogram' or 'Liter'). |
TransactionConversionValue | String | The conversion factor applied when this item template is used in transactions that require unit conversions. This factor ensures consistent measurement across different UOMs. |
DefaultingControlValue | String | The system rule that determines how default values are assigned to this item template when used in transactions, configurations, or order management processes. |
PositiveDeviationFactor | Decimal | The acceptable positive deviation percentage or factor for this item template. This metric defines how much variance is allowed beyond the standard measurement or tolerance limit. |
NegativeDeviationFactor | Decimal | The acceptable negative deviation percentage or factor for this item template. This metric defines how much variance is allowed below the standard measurement or tolerance limit. |
CopyItemAndApplyTemplatesFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the item template should be copied along with any associated templates when duplicating an item. This flag ensures consistency when reusing configurations. |
CopyAssociationsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether associations linked to the item template (for example, supplier relationships, sourcing rules, or planning parameters) should be copied during item duplication. |
CopyAttachmentsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether attachments (such as specifications, images, or compliance documents) associated with the item template should be copied when duplicating the item. |
CopyCategoriesFlag | Bool | Indicates whether category assignments for the item template should be retained when copying the item. Categories help classify items for reporting and workflow automation. |
CopyOrganizationAssignmentsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether organization-level assignments should be copied when duplicating the item template. This flag ensures the new item remains available in the same organizations as the original. |
LastSubmittedNewItemRequest | String | The reference identifier for the most recent new item request submitted for this item template. This identifier helps track approval processes and item introduction workflows. |
ChangeNotice | String | The identifier of the change notice associated with modifications made to the item template. Change notices document updates, approvals, and compliance tracking. |
ChangeOrderLineSequenceNumber | Int | The sequence number of the item template within a change order. This sequence helps track the order of changes applied to multiple items within a single change request. |
StructureItemTypeValue | String | The type of structure associated with the item template, such as 'Phantom' (for virtual groupings), 'Finished Goods' (for sellable items), or 'Subassembly' (for components used in manufacturing). |
CreateConfiguredItem | String | Indicates whether a configured item should be automatically created based on this template, typically in configurable manufacturing or custom product setups. |
ConfigModelTypeValue | String | The configuration model type assigned to the item template, defining its customization rules. Examples include 'Make-to-Order (MTO)', 'Engineer-to-Order (ETO)', and 'Assemble-to-Order (ATO)'. |
EffectivityControlValue | String | The control mechanism that governs when changes to the item template become effective. Effectivity can be based on dates, serial numbers, or lot numbers. |
BaseItemValue | String | The reference base item from which this item template is derived. This value is commonly used for template-driven item creation where a standardized base item serves as the foundation. |
AutoCreatedConfigurationFlag | Bool | Indicates whether configurations for this item template are automatically generated based on predefined rules. This flag is commonly used in configure-to-order processes. |
PickComponentsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether components of this item template can be picked individually in inventory transactions. Typically, this flag is used in kit or assembly management. |
AssembleToOrderFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template follows an assemble-to-order process, meaning components are assembled only upon order demand rather than pre-built inventory. |
CostingEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether cost tracking is enabled for this item template. When enables, this flag allows cost calculations for valuation, financial reporting, and cost roll-ups. |
IncludeInRollUpFlag | Bool | Determines whether this item template's costs should be included in cost roll-ups, which aggregate costs from lower-level components in a bill of materials. |
StandardLotSize | Decimal | Defines the standard production or procurement lot size for this item template. This lot size influences supply planning and inventory replenishment decisions. |
InventoryAssetFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template is treated as an inventory asset, meaning it is considered in financial asset tracking and valuation calculations. |
BuildInWIPFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template is built directly in Work in Process (WIP), commonly used for manufacturing workflows where production occurs incrementally. |
WIPSupplyTypeValue | String | Defines the supply type used for issuing this item in a WIP environment (for example,'push', 'pull', or 'direct issue'). |
WIPSupplyLocatorValue | String | The default locator assigned to supply this item template in WIP transactions. This locator ensures proper tracking of materials within storage locations. |
WIPSupplySubinventoryValue | String | The default subinventory from which this item template is supplied for WIP operations. This information determines the material source within inventory. |
OvercompletionToleranceTypeValue | String | Specifies the type of tolerance allowed for overcompletion in WIP, such as percentage-based or absolute quantity-based thresholds. |
OvercompletionToleranceValue | Decimal | Defines the acceptable level of overproduction beyond the planned quantity for this item template in WIP, preventing excessive overproduction. |
InventoryCarryPenalty | Decimal | Represents the penalty cost assigned to carrying excess inventory for this item template. This value is used in cost analysis and inventory optimization calculations. |
OperationSlackPenalty | Decimal | Specifies the penalty cost associated with delays in operations related to this item template. This value is commonly used in scheduling and production planning models. |
RecipeEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template supports recipes. Typically, this flag is used in process manufacturing for defining ingredient formulations and batch production processes. |
ProcessQualityEnabledFlag | Bool | Determines whether quality tracking and process inspections are enabled for this item template, ensuring compliance with quality control standards. |
ProcessCostingEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether process costing is enabled for this item template. This flag allows for cost tracking in process manufacturing environments where costs accumulate over multiple steps. |
ProcessExecutionEnabledFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template can be used in process execution workflows. This template supports manufacturing operations that involve batch or continuous production. |
ProcessSupplySubinventoryValue | String | Defines the subinventory from which supply materials are drawn for process manufacturing involving this item template. |
ProcessSupplyLocatorValue | String | Specifies the locator within the supply subinventory that is designated for storing materials used in process manufacturing for this item template. |
ProcessYieldSubinventoryValue | String | Defines the subinventory where yield or finished goods from a process manufacturing operation involving this item template are stored. |
ProcessYieldLocatorValue | String | Specifies the locator within the yield subinventory for storing completed output from process manufacturing of this item template. |
HazardousMaterialFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template is classified as hazardous material, requiring special handling, compliance documentation, and regulatory controls. |
CASNumber | String | The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number associated with this item template. This registry number is used for identifying and tracking chemical substances. |
AssetTrackedFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template is tracked as an asset, enabling asset-management features such as depreciation, maintenance, and lifecycle tracking. |
AssetClassValue | String | Defines the asset classification assigned to this item template, categorizing it for asset management and financial reporting purposes. |
ServiceRequestEnabledValue | String | Indicates whether service requests can be created for this item template, allowing tracking of service activities such as repairs or maintenance. |
DefectTrackingOnFlag | Bool | Determines whether defect tracking is enabled for this item template, allowing users to log, monitor, and resolve quality issues. |
ServiceDurationTypeValue | String | Specifies the type of service duration applicable to this item template, such as fixed period, variable duration, or based on contract terms. |
ServiceDuration | Decimal | Defines the duration for which a service associated with this item template is valid. Typically, this duration is measured in days, months, or years. |
ServiceDurationPeriodValue | String | Specifies the unit of time for the service duration (for example, days, weeks, months, or years). This value defines how the service period is calculated. |
ServiceStartTypeValue | String | Determines how the service start date is defined for this item template, such as upon shipment, installation, or activation. |
ServiceStartDelay | Decimal | Defines the delay period before service starts for this item template, commonly used when service begins after a set period from sale or activation. |
AllowSuspendFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the service or subscription associated with this item template can be temporarily suspended and resumed later. |
AllowTerminateFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the item template allows termination of associated services, contracts, or warranties before their scheduled end date. |
RequiresItemAssociationFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template requires an association with another item, such as in configurations where dependent components must be linked. |
CreateFixedAssetFlag | Bool | Indicates whether an item created from this template should be registered as a fixed asset for financial tracking and depreciation purposes. |
InstanceClassValue | String | Defines the classification of item instances created from this template, commonly used in asset tracking and serialized inventory management. |
BillingTypeValue | String | Specifies the billing type applicable to this item template, such as one-time, recurring, or usage-based billing, for financial and subscription management. |
ServiceBillingEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether service billing is enabled for this item template, allowing charges for service-related activities like maintenance or support. |
RecoveredPartDispositionValue | String | Defines the disposition method for recovered parts associated with this item template, such as refurbishment, disposal, or reuse in inventory. |
InventoryItemFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template represents an inventory item, meaning it is managed within stock control and inventory transactions. |
StockEnabledFlag | Bool | Determines whether stock tracking is enabled for this item template, allowing it to be stored, counted, and transacted within inventory. |
MaterialTransactionEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template can be included in material transactions such as receipts, issues, transfers, and returns. |
ReservableFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template can be reserved in inventory for specific orders, ensuring availability for future demand. |
CheckMaterialShortageFlag | Bool | Determines whether material shortage checks are enforced for this item template, preventing transactions if stock is insufficient. |
RevisionQuantityControlFlag | Bool | Indicates whether quantity control is enforced for different revisions of the item, ensuring version-specific inventory tracking. |
BulkPickedFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template is eligible for bulk picking, where large quantities are picked together instead of individual units. |
LotControlValue | String | Defines the lot control method for this item template, such as 'Full Lot Control', 'No Lot Control', or 'User-Defined Control'. This method impacts traceability and compliance. |
StartingLotPrefix | String | Specifies the prefix used when generating lot numbers for this item template. This prefix ensures consistent identification of lot-controlled inventory. |
StartingLotNumber | String | Defines the starting numeric value for lot numbers assigned to this item template. This value is used for sequential lot tracking. |
MaturityDays | Decimal | Specifies the number of days required for this item to reach maturity. This value is commonly used for perishable or aging-sensitive inventory. |
HoldDays | Decimal | Defines the number of days an item must be held before it can be released for use. This value is often applied to quality control or quarantine processes. |
LotExpirationControlValue | String | Determines the lot expiration control method for this item template, such as 'None', 'Shelf Life Days', or 'User-Defined Expiry'. |
ShelfLifeDays | Decimal | Specifies the number of days this item remains usable before expiration. This value is critical for perishable goods and regulated inventory. |
RetestInterval | Decimal | Defines the interval at which this item should be retested for quality or compliance before expiration or continued use. |
ExpirationActionValue | String | Specifies the action to be taken when the lot reaches expiration (for example, quarantine, disposal, or extension based on testing). |
ExpirationActionInterval | Decimal | Defines the time interval before or after expiration when the specified expiration action should be executed. |
ChildLotEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether child lots can be created for this item template. This information allows hierarchical lot management and sub-lot tracking. |
ChildLotFormatValidationFlag | Bool | Specifies whether format validation rules should be enforced when generating child lot numbers for this item template. |
CopyLotAttributeFlag | Bool | Determines whether lot attributes should be copied when creating child lots from this item template. This information maintains consistency in lot characteristics. |
ChildLotPrefix | String | Defines the prefix used when generating child lot numbers. This prefix ensures a structured and traceable lot numbering system. |
ChildLotStartingNumber | Decimal | Specifies the starting numeric value for child lot numbers. This value is used for sequential tracking of sub-lots. |
ChildLotParent | String | Indicates the parent lot from which child lots are derived. This information enables hierarchical tracking of lot-based inventory. |
LotTranslateEnabledFlag | Bool | Determines whether lot translation is enabled. This information allows conversion of one lot number to another for traceability or compliance. |
LotSplitEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template supports lot splitting. This information allows a single lot to be divided into multiple smaller lots. |
LotDivisibleFlag | Bool | Specifies whether the lot can be divided into fractional quantities. This flag is commonly used in industries requiring precise inventory control. |
LotSubstitutionEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether lot substitution is allowed for this item template. This information enables replacement of one lot with another based on business rules. |
LotMergeEnabledFlag | Bool | Determines whether multiple lots can be merged into a single lot for inventory simplification and batch consolidation. |
GradeControlFlag | Bool | Indicates whether grade control is enabled for this item template. This flag allows classification based on quality or specification standards. |
DefaultGradeValue | String | Specifies the default grade assigned to items created from this template. This grade is used for categorization in quality control and procurement. |
SerialGenerationValue | String | Defines the serial-number generation method for this item template, such as manual, preassigned, or dynamically assigned at transaction time. |
SerialStartingPrefix | String | Specifies the prefix applied to serial numbers generated for this item template. This prefix ensures structured and recognizable serial tracking. |
SerialStartingNumber | String | Defines the starting numeric value for serial numbers assigned to this item template. This value is used for sequential tracking. |
NegativeMeasurementError | Decimal | Specifies the acceptable negative-measurement error tolerance for this item template. This metric ensures quality compliance and precision in manufacturing. |
PositiveMeasurementError | Decimal | Defines the acceptable positive-measurement error tolerance for this item template. This metric ensures accurate measurement within defined limits. |
CycleCountEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template is eligible for cycle counting. This flag allows regular stock audits to improve inventory accuracy. |
LotStatusEnabledFlag | Bool | Determines whether lot status tracking is enabled for this item template. This flag ensures control over lot usage based on status settings. |
SerialStatusEnabledFlag | Bool | Specifies whether serial-number status tracking is enabled for this item template. This flag allows serialized items to have distinct operational states. |
DefaultLotStatusValue | String | Defines the default lot status assigned to new lots created from this item template. This lot status determines initial usability or restrictions. |
DefaultSerialStatusValue | String | Specifies the default serial status assigned to newly created serialized items. This serial status influences transactions and usability. |
RestrictSubinventoriesFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template restricts the use of specific subinventories. This flag limits storage locations based on predefined rules. |
RestrictLocatorsFlag | Bool | Determines whether locators are restricted for this item template. This flag enforce specific storage assignments within inventory locations. |
StockLocatorControlValue | String | Defines the stock-locator control method for this item template. This method specifies how items are assigned to storage locations. |
DimensionUOMValue | String | Specifies the unit of measure (UOM) used for dimensional attributes of this item template, such as inches, centimeters, or meters. |
UnitWidthQuantity | Decimal | Defines the standard width measurement of a single unit of this item template. This metric isused for packaging and storage calculations. |
UnitLengthQuantity | Decimal | Specifies the standard length measurement of a single unit of this item template. this metric is relevant for dimensional planning and shipping. |
UnitHeightQuantity | Decimal | Defines the standard height measurement of a single unit of this item template. This metric is used for stacking and storage optimization. |
WeightUOMValue | String | Specifies the UOM used for weight attributes of this item template (for example, 'Grams', 'Kilograms', or 'Pounds'. |
UnitWeightQuantity | Decimal | Defines the standard weight of a single unit of this item template. This value impacts shipping costs and handling requirements. |
VolumeUOMValue | String | Specifies the UOM used for volume attributes of this item template (for example, 'Cubic Inches', 'Liters', or 'Cubic meters'. |
UnitVolumeQuantity | Decimal | Defines the volume occupied by a single unit of this item template. This value is relevant for packaging, transportation, and storage planning. |
ContainerItemFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template represents a container, which is used for packaging or storing other items during handling and shipping. |
ContainerTypeValue | String | Defines the type of container represented by this item template (for example, 'Box', 'Pallet', 'Drum', or 'Crate'. |
MaximumLoadWeight | Decimal | Specifies the maximum allowable weight capacity for a container defined by this item template. This value ensures compliance with load restrictions. |
VehicleItemFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template represents a vehicle, which can be used for material movement, logistics, or operational purposes. |
InternalVolume | Decimal | Defines the internal volume capacity of an item template designated as a container or vehicle. This information ensures space optimization for storage or transportation. |
MinimumFillPercent | Decimal | Specifies the minimum fill percentage required for a container or vehicle before shipment. This value ensures efficient space utilization. |
WarehouseEquipmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template represents warehouse equipment (for example, forklifts, shelving units, or conveyor belts) for operational tracking. |
EventFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template is associated with event-driven processes. This field enables triggers for workflow automation or business rules. |
CollateralFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template represents collateral such as promotional materials, marketing brochures, or bundled non-saleable items. |
CustomerOrderFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template can be included in customer orders, determining its availability for direct sales. |
CustomerOrderEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template is enabled for customer orders. When enabled, this flag allows it to be sold through order management processes. |
ATPComponentsValue | String | Defines the Available-to-Promise (ATP) calculation method for components within this item template. This calculation method ensures accurate supply commitments. |
PickingRuleValue | String | Specifies the picking rule associated with this item template. This rule determines how inventory is selected for order fulfillment. |
RMAInspectionRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a Return Material Authorization (RMA) inspection is required when this item template is returned by a customer. |
EligibilityRuleFlag | Bool | Determines whether an eligibility rule applies to this item template. This rule controls who can purchase or use the item based on predefined criteria. |
ReturnableFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template can be returned by customers. This flag defines its eligibility for refunds, replacements, or credits. |
ATPValue | String | Defines the ATP method for this item template. This method determines how availability is calculated for sales commitments. |
FinancingAllowedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether financing options are available for this item template, enabling installment payments or lease agreements. |
SalesProductTypeValue | String | Specifies the sales-product type classification assigned to this item template, such as tangible goods, services, or subscriptions. |
TransactionEnabledFlag | Bool | Determines whether this item template is allowed for transactions. This flag enables the item template's use in sales, purchasing, and inventory movements. |
OrderManagementIndivisibleFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template must be ordered as a whole unit. This flag prevents partial order fulfillment or fractional quantities. |
DefaultSalesOrderSourceTypeValue | String | Specifies the default source type for sales orders associated with this item template (for example, 'direct sale', 'subscription', or 'bundled offering'. |
ElectronicFormatFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template is available in electronic format. This flag is commonly used for digital products, software, or downloadable content. |
ShippableFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template is eligible for shipping. This specification ensures the item template can be included in logistics and fulfillment processes. |
DefaultShippingOrganizationValue | String | Defines the default shipping organization responsible for fulfilling orders containing this item template, optimizing supply chain operations. |
ShipModelCompleteFlag | Bool | Determines whether this item template must be shipped as a complete model, preventing partial shipments of its components. |
DownloadableFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template represents a downloadable product (for example, digital media, software, or electronic documents). |
OverShipmentTolerance | Decimal | Defines the allowable percentage or quantity variance for over-shipment beyond the ordered amount of this item template. |
UnderShipmentTolerance | Decimal | Specifies the allowable percentage or quantity variance for under-shipment when fulfilling orders for this item template. |
OverReturnTolerance | Decimal | Defines the maximum allowable percentage or quantity variance for over-returns beyond the originally purchased quantity of this item template. |
UnderReturnTolerance | Decimal | Specifies the minimum allowable percentage or quantity variance for under-returns. This specification ensures compliance with return policies. |
InvoiceEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether invoicing is enabled for this item template. This flag allows the item template to be included in billing and financial transactions. |
AccountingRuleValue | String | Defines the accounting rule applied to this item template. This rule determines how revenue and expenses are recognized in financial reporting. |
PaymentTermsValue | String | Specifies the payment terms applicable to this item template, such as 'Net 30', 'Due on Receipt', or nstallment-based agreements). |
OutputTaxClassificationCodeValue | String | Defines the tax classification code for sales transactions involving this item template. This code ensures compliance with tax regulations. |
InvoicedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template has already been invoiced. This flag tracks its financial status in sales transactions. |
InvoicingRuleValue | String | Specifies the invoicing rule used for this item template. This rule determines how and when invoices are generated for sales transactions. |
SalesAccountValue | String | Defines the sales account associated with this item template. This account ensures proper financial tracking and revenue allocation. |
WebStatusValue | String | Indicates the web status of this item template (for example, 'available', 'discontinued', or 'hidden') for online storefront visibility. |
BackOrderableFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template can be placed on backorder. This flag allows orders to be accepted even when stock is unavailable. |
OrderableOnWebFlag | Bool | Determines whether this item template can be ordered online. This flage enables e-commerce sales and digital storefront integration. |
MinimumLicenseQuantity | Decimal | Defines the minimum quantity required for licensing this item template. Typically, this value is used for software, subscriptions, or enterprise agreements. |
InventoryPlanningMethodValue | String | Specifies the inventory planning method used for this item template, such as 'Min-Max Planning', 'Reorder Point', or 'Forecast-Based Planning'. |
PlanningMakeBuyValue | String | Indicates whether this item template is planned for in-house manufacturing (Make) or procurement from suppliers (Buy). This value affects sourcing decisions. |
Planner | String | Defines the designated planner responsible for managing replenishment, forecasting, and inventory control for this item template. |
SubcontractingComponentValue | String | Indicates whether this item template is used as a subcontracted component, where external vendors perform partial or full assembly. |
MinimumMinmaxQuantity | Decimal | Specifies the minimum inventory level for Min-Max planning. This value ensures stock does not fall below the defined threshold. |
MaximumMinmaxQuantity | Decimal | Defines the maximum inventory level for Min-Max planning. This value prevents excessive stock accumulation. |
MinimumOrderQuantity | Decimal | Specifies the smallest allowable order quantity when procuring or manufacturing this item template. This value ensuring efficient purchasing and production. |
MaximumOrderQuantity | Decimal | Defines the largest allowable order quantity for procurement or production. This value prevents overordering and excessive inventory costs. |
OrderCost | Decimal | Represents the fixed cost associated with placing an order for this item template. This fixed cost used in cost calculations and economic order quantity (EOQ) models. |
SourceOrganizationValue | String | Specifies the source organization responsible for supplying this item template in an internal transfer or supply chain network. |
SourceSubinventoryOrganizationValue | String | Defines the organization associated with the source subinventory for this item template. This value ensures accurate material sourcing. |
SourceSubinventoryValue | String | Specifies the subinventory from which this item template is sourced. This information is used in inventory transfers and replenishment processes. |
FixedOrderQuantity | Decimal | Defines the fixed quantity for replenishment orders of this item template. This value ensures consistent order sizes in planning and procurement. |
FixedDaysSupply | Decimal | Specifies the number of days’ worth of supply that should be maintained for this item template. This value aids in demand-based planning. |
FixedLotSizeMultiplier | Decimal | Defines the lot-size multiplier used for ordering or manufacturing this item template. This value ensures that order quantities adhere to specific increments. |
ReleaseAuthorizationRequiredValue | String | Indicates whether release authorization is required before processing supply orders for this item template. This informaton ensures controlled procurement or production. |
AutomaticallyExpireASNFlag | Bool | Specifies whether Advanced Shipment Notices (ASNs) for this item template expire automatically if not received within a predefined timeframe. |
ConsignedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template is managed under a consignment arrangement, where inventory remains supplier-owned until used or sold. |
ReplenishmentMinimumOrder | Decimal | Defines the minimum quantity required when generating replenishment orders for this item template. This value prevents inefficient small orders. |
ReplenishmentMaximumOrder | Decimal | Specifies the maximum allowable replenishment order quantity. This value controls excessive stock accumulation. |
VMIFixedOrderQuantity | Decimal | Defines the fixed-order quantity for Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) scenarios. This value ensures consistent replenishment practices. |
ForecastTypelValue | String | Specifies the type of forecast applied to this item template, such as 'Demand Forecast', 'Supply Forecast', or 'Consumption-Based Forecasting'. |
ForecastHorizon | Decimal | Defines the forecast horizon for this item template. This information indicates how far into the future demand is projected for planning purposes. |
PlanningMethodValue | String | Indicates the planning method assigned to this item template. This method determines whether it follows manual, automated, or system-driven planning rules. |
RoundingControlTypeFlag | Bool | Determines whether rounding controls are applied to order quantities for this item template. These controls ensure compliance with unit increments. |
CreateSupplyFlag | Bool | Indicates whether supply is automatically created for this item template. This information ensures continuous availability in planning workflows. |
PlanningTimeFence | String | Defines the planning time fence for this item template. This information restricts automatic changes to supply plans within a certain time frame. |
DemandTimeFence | String | Specifies the demand time fence. This information prevents last-minute demand changes from affecting planned supply decisions. |
ReleaseTimeFence | String | Defines the release time fence. This information ensures supply orders for this item template are released only within a predefined planning window. |
ShrinkageRate | Decimal | Represents the expected shrinkage rate for this item template. This value accounts for losses due to damage, spoilage, or process inefficiencies. |
ForecastControlValue | String | Specifies the forecast control method used for this item template. This method determines whether forecast data influences planning decisions. |
AcceptableEarlyDays | Decimal | Defines the acceptable number of days an order for this item template can be received early without impacting planning calculations. |
PlanningTimeDays | Decimal | Indicates the number of days used in planning calculations for this item template. This value determines lead time and scheduling accuracy. |
DemandTimeDays | Decimal | Defines the number of days within which demand for this item template is considered stable. This value prevents late changes to orders. |
ReleaseTimeDays | Decimal | Specifies the number of days within which supply releases are controlled for this item template. This value ensures proper execution timing. |
MRPCalculateATPFlag | Bool | Indicates whether ATP is calculated for this item template in Material Requirements Planning (MRP). |
RepairLeadtime | Decimal | Defines the lead time required to repair or refurbish this item template. This information ensures accurate scheduling for service operations. |
RepairYield | Decimal | Specifies the expected yield percentage after repairs. This metric determines how much of the repaired quantity remains usable. |
PreprocessingDays | Decimal | Represents the number of days required for preprocessing activities, such as inspection or preparation, before manufacturing or fulfillment. |
PostprocessingDays | Decimal | Defines the number of days needed for postprocessing activities after production or fulfillment, including packaging and quality checks. |
ProcessingDays | Decimal | Indicates the total number of days required to process this item template through manufacturing or order fulfillment cycles. |
VariableLeadTime | Decimal | Represents the variable lead-time component for this item template. This component accounts for fluctuations in production or procurement duration. |
CumulativeTotalLeadTime | Decimal | Defines the total lead time for this item template. This lead time includes all processing, transportation, and waiting periods. |
FixedLeadTime | Decimal | Specifies the fixed lead time required for this item template. This lead time represents standard processing duration regardless of order quantity. |
CumulativeManufacturingLeadTime | Decimal | Defines the total lead time for manufacturing this item template, including all production steps and dependencies. |
LeadTimeLotSize | Decimal | Defines the lot size used for calculating lead times in procurement and production planning. This lot size ensures accurate scheduling and order quantities. |
PurchasingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template is available for purchasing. This flag allows it to be procured through the purchasing system. |
UseApprovedSupplierFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template must be purchased only from approved suppliers. This flag ensures compliance with sourcing policies. |
NegotiationRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether supplier negotiations are required before purchasing this item template. Typically, this informaton is used for high-value or strategic purchases. |
PurchasingInputTaxClassificationValue | String | Defines the tax classification applied to incoming purchases of this item template. This classification ensures proper tax calculation and reporting. |
InvoiceCloseTolerancePercentage | Decimal | Specifies the allowable variance percentage between the invoiced amount and the expected amount before an invoice can be closed. |
HazardClassValue | String | Indicates the hazard classification for this item template. This classification ensures proper handling, storage, and transportation compliance with safety regulations. |
AssetCategoryValue | String | Defines the asset category associated with this item template. This categorization is used for financial tracking, depreciation, and asset management. |
PurchasableFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template is eligible for procurement transactions. This flag allows it to be purchased from suppliers. |
TaxableFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template is subject to sales or use tax in purchasing transactions. This flag ensures tax compliance in procurement. |
BuyerOrganizationValue | String | Specifies the buyer organization responsible for managing procurement transactions involving this item template. |
DefaultBuyerValue | String | Defines the default buyer assigned to this item template. This information ensures consistent purchasing responsibility within the organization. |
ReceiptCloseTolerancePercentage | Decimal | Specifies the allowable variance percentage for received quantities before the receipt transaction can be closed. |
UNNumberValue | String | Defines the United Nations (UN) number for hazardous materials associated with this item template. This number is used for global transportation compliance. |
ListPrice | Decimal | Specifies the standard list price of this item template. This value is used as a reference price in procurement and sales transactions. |
PriceTolerancePercentage | Decimal | Defines the maximum allowable percentage variance in price before requiring approval or triggering alerts in purchasing transactions. |
MarketPrice | Decimal | Represents the current market price of this item template. This value is used for comparison in procurement and cost analysis. |
RoundingFactor | Decimal | Defines the rounding factor applied to pricing, order quantities, or transaction values for this item template, ensuring consistent calculations. |
MatchApprovalLevelValue | String | Specifies the level of approval required for matching purchase orders, invoices, and receipts for this item template. |
MatchConfigurationOptionValue | String | Defines the matching configuration rule for this item template. This rule determines how invoice and receipt matching processes are executed. |
ReceiptDateActionValue | String | Specifies the action taken when a receipt is outside the allowed receipt date tolerance for this item template (for example, 'accept', 'warn', or 'reject'). |
DaysEarlyReceiptAllowed | Decimal | Defines the number of days before the scheduled receipt date that this item template can be received without triggering exceptions. |
DaysLateReceiptAllowed | Decimal | Specifies the number of days after the scheduled receipt date that this item template can be received before impacting compliance or planning. |
AllowSubstituteReceiptsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether substitute receipts are allowed for this item template. This flag enables alternate items to be received in place of the ordered item. |
AllowUnorderedReceiptsFlag | Bool | Specifies whether receipts can be processed for this item template without an associated purchase order. Typically, this flag is used for miscellaneous receipts. |
QuantityReceivedToleranceAction | String | Defines the system action taken when the received quantity exceeds the allowed tolerance for this item template (for example, 'accept', 'warn', or 'reject'). |
QuantityReceivedTolerancePercentage | Decimal | Specifies the acceptable percentage variance for received quantities before triggering exceptions or requiring manual intervention. |
ItemExtensibleFlexfieldCategoryCode | String | Defines the category code associated with this item template’s extensible flexfields (EFFs). This code allows for additional attribute customization. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Specifies the date when this item template was created in the system. This date serves as a reference for auditing and historical tracking. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Indicates the most recent date when this item template was updated,. This date ensures visibility into changes and modifications. |
BackToBackEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template supports back-to-back ordering, where sales orders trigger automatic purchase or manufacturing orders. |
ContractManufacturingFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template is eligible for contract manufacturing, where production is outsourced to external suppliers. |
DaysOfCover | Decimal | Defines the number of days of supply coverage required for this item template. This value ensures adequate stock availability in planning models. |
DemandPeriod | Decimal | Specifies the length of time used for demand aggregation in planning calculations for this item template. This value influences forecasting and replenishment. |
SafetyStockPlanningMethodValue | String | Specifies the safety stock planning method used for this item template (for example, 'Min-Max', 'Statistical', or 'Fixed Quantity'). This information ensures adequate inventory levels. |
OutsideProcessServiceFlag | Bool | Indicates whether this item template is used for outside processing services, where production steps are outsourced to external suppliers. |
AllowMaintenanceAssetFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template can be assigned as a maintenance asset. This flag enables it to be tracked for servicing and repairs. |
EnableGenealogyTrackingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether genealogy tracking is enabled for this item template. This flag allows traceability of components and materials throughout production and usage. |
EngineeredItemFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template represents an engineered item, which is typically subject to design control and revision management. |
ProcurementBusinessUnitName | String | Defines the business unit responsible for procurement activities related to this item template. This value ensures proper financial and purchasing assignment. |
ForcePurchaseLeadTimeFlag | Bool | Indicates whether purchase lead-time enforcement is required for this item template. This flag prevents transactions that do not meet lead time criteria. |
ReplacementTypeValue | String | Specifies the type of replacement strategy applicable to this item template (for example, 'alternate item', 'substitute item', or 'standard replacement'. |
BuyerEmailAddress | String | Defines the email address of the designated buyer responsible for purchasing this item template. This information enables procurement communication and approvals. |
AssetTrackedValue | String | Indicates whether this item template is tracked as an asset. This information determines whether depreciation and lifecycle management apply. |
RequestId | Long | The unique identifier for the request associated with this item template,. This identifier is used for tracking system-generated changes and approvals. |
CreatedBy | String | Specifies the user who created this item template. This information ensures accountability and traceability in system records. |
CreationDateTime | Datetime | Indicates the exact date and time when this item template was created in the system. This information is used for historical tracking and auditing. |
LastUpdateDateTime | Datetime | Represents the most recent date and time when this item template was updated. This information ensures visibility into modifications. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Defines the system login identifier used when the last update was performed on this item template. This identifier provides an audit trail. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Indicates the user who last updated this item template. This information ensures traceability of modifications. |
InternallyTransferableFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template is eligible for internal transfers between organizations or locations. |
TransferOrdersEnabledFlag | Bool | Indicates whether transfer orders (TOs) are enabled for this item template. This flag allows movement between inventory locations through formal transfer documents. |
ReplenishmentMaximumDaysOfSupply | Decimal | Defines the maximum number of days of supply allowed for replenishment planning. This information prevents excessive inventory accumulation. |
CustomerSelfServiceEnabledFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template is available for customer self-service transactions, such as direct ordering through a web portal. |
AllowPurchasingDocumentDescriptionUpdateFlag | Bool | Indicates whether users can modify the item description on purchasing documents. This information allows flexibility in procurement transactions. |
EnableContractCoverage | Bool | Determines whether contract coverage is enabled for this item template. This information ensures service or warranty agreements apply. |
CarryingCostPercentage | Decimal | Specifies the percentage cost associated with holding inventory for this item template. This cost is used in cost analysis and financial planning. |
ReplenishmentMinimumDaysOfSupply | Decimal | Defines the minimum number of days of supply required for replenishment planning. This value ensures stock availability without excess. |
AllowExpressTransactionsFlag | Bool | Indicates whether express transactions, such as fast-track receiving or expedited processing, are allowed for this item template. |
ReceiptRoutingValue | String | Specifies the default receipt routing method for this item template, such as 'Standard Receipt', 'Inspection Required', or 'Direct Delivery'. |
InvoiceMatchOptionValue | String | Defines the invoice matching rule applicable to this item template, determining how purchase orders, receipts, and invoices are reconciled. |
CommsActivationRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether communications activation is required for this item template. This flag is commonly used for networked or subscription-based products. |
RequiresFulfillmentLocationFlag | Bool | Specifies whether a fulfillment location must be assigned when processing orders for this item template. This flag ensures accurate delivery routing. |
IssueUOMValue | String | Defines the UOM used when issuing this item template from inventory. This UOM ensures accurate transaction quantities. |
EnforceShipToLocationValue | String | Specifies whether shipping transactions must adhere to predefined ship-to locations for this item template. This information ensures compliance with fulfillment policies. |
StandardCoverageValue | String | Defines the standard coverage applicable to this item template, such as service warranties or contractual guarantees. |
ReplenishmentSourceTypeValue | String | Specifies the source type for replenishing this item template, such as 'supplier procurement', 'internal transfer', or 'contract manufacturing'. |
TrackingUOMValue | String | Defines the UOM used for tracking this item template. This UOM ensures proper inventory control at a granular level. |
SecondaryUOMValue | String | Specifies the secondary UOM for this item template. This UOM is used in dual UOM tracks scenarios where conversion is required. |
PricingUOMValue | String | Defines the UOM used for pricing transactions related to this item template. This UOM ensures consistency in financial calculations. |
HardPeggingLevelValue | String | Indicates the level of hard pegging required for this item template. This value ensures that demand is linked to specific supply sources. |
CommonSupplyProjectDemandFlag | Bool | Specifies whether this item template supports common supply across multiple projects, consolidating inventory demand. |
EnableIotFlag | Bool | Indicates whether Internet of Things (IoT) tracking is enabled for this item template. This flag allows integration with connected devices and real-time monitoring. |
ExpenditureTypeValue | String | Defines the expenditure type assigned to this item template. This type determines how costs are categorized in financial tracking. |
PackagingStringValue | String | Specifies the packaging description for this item template. This description details how it is packed for storage or shipping. |
CreateSupplyAfterDate | Date | Indicates the date after which supply creation is allowed for this item template. This date ensures demand-driven production or procurement. |
CreateFixedAssetValue | String | Determines whether this item template is designated as a fixed asset upon acquisition. This information ensures proper financial classification. |
UnderCompletionToleranceTypeValue | String | Specifies the tolerance type allowed for under-completion of manufacturing orders for this item template. |
UnderCompletionToleranceValue | Decimal | Defines the acceptable under-completion percentage or quantity for manufacturing or assembly processes of this item template. |
DefaultRepairTransactionName | String | Defines the default repair transaction type for this item template. This information ensures consistent processing of maintenance or refurbishment activities. |
TemplateName | String | Specifies the name of the item template. This name is used for categorization and reference in system configurations. |
Finder | String | Defines the search criteria or query used for locating this item template within the system. This criteria or query facilitates quick access. |