Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Handles extensible fields for items, enabling the capture of additional characteristics such as color or size.


Name Type Description
ItemsV2ItemId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for an item within the ItemsV2 module. This identifier serves as a primary key that links item records to their associated effective categories, ensuring proper classification and business rule enforcement.
ItemsV2OrganizationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the organization managing the item. This identifier ensures that item-related effective categories are correctly mapped to the relevant business unit, supporting access control and data integrity.
InventoryItemId [KEY] Long The unique identifier assigned to an inventory-managed part, item, product, or service. This identifier plays a crucial role in inventory tracking, procurement, and demand planning processes.
OrganizationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier representing the organization to which the item belongs. Proper assignment of this identifier ensures that category management and classification rules are applied to the correct business unit.
StyleItemId Long The unique identifier assigned to a style item, which represents a base model or template for configurable or variant items. This identifier is essential for managing items with multiple styles or variations in industries such as fashion and manufacturing.
MasterOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the master organization that governs the item and its associated category across multiple inventory organizations. This identifier enables central management of item definitions while allowing local customization.
CategoryCode String The standardized category code assigned to the item for classification purposes. Categories help group similar items together, enabling structured inventory management, pricing models, and reporting consistency.
StyleItemFlag Bool A flag that indicates whether the item is a style item. A style item serves as a base template for different product variations, commonly used in industries that support configurable items, such as apparel and electronics.
TemplateItemFlag String A flag that determines whether the item serves as a template for predefined item configurations. Template items are often used to streamline the creation of new products with predefined attributes.
AcdType String The classification type assigned to the item, determining how it is processed within the system. This classification type is essential for defining item behavior, influencing workflows such as pricing models, tax applicability, and supply chain rules.
ChangeLineId Long The unique identifier that links the item record to a specific change request or modification. This identifier ensures traceability of changes made to items, supporting version control and audit tracking.
Finder String The reference to an internal search or query mechanism that helps users efficiently locate item records within the system. This reference improves navigation and usability, particularly in environments with large datasets.
InventoryOrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the inventory organization responsible for managing the item. This identifier is critical for aligning inventory transactions, ensuring stock availability, and managing warehouse operations.
ItemId Long The unique identifier for the item, serving as a key reference for inventory, procurement, and product lifecycle management. This identifier is crucial for linking items to effective categories and ensuring accurate data tracking.
ItemNumber String A human-readable item number assigned to a product, part, or service. This item number is used across procurement, sales, and inventory management for quick reference and item identification.
OrganizationCode String The standardized alphanumeric code representing the organization responsible for the item. This code ensures consistency across financial reporting, inventory tracking, and business unit operations.
VersionId Long The system-generated identifier representing the version of the item record. This identifier allows historical tracking of changes, ensuring compliance with regulatory and business reporting requirements.

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Build 24.0.9175