Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages catalog hierarchies and associated categories for product organization.


Name Type Description
CatalogId [KEY] Long The unique identifier assigned to the item catalog. This identifier is used for tracking and managing catalogs within the system.
CatalogCode String The unique code assigned to the catalog. This catalog is often used for quick reference in integrations, reports, and user interfaces.
CatalogName String The name of the item catalog, providing a user-friendly identifier for the catalog in the system.
Description String A detailed description of the catalog, explaining its purpose, scope, and any relevant business context.
MasterControlledFlag Bool Indicates whether the catalog is controlled at the master level. If set to 'true', changes to the catalog are managed centrally and inherited by subordinate catalogs.
StartDate Date The date from which the catalog becomes active and available for use. This date helps in controlling catalog availability over time.
EndDate Date The date after which the catalog is no longer valid or available. This date is used to phase out catalogs that are no longer needed.
AssignItemsToLeafOnlyFlag Bool Indicates whether items can only be assigned to leaf categories (for example, the lowest level in the category hierarchy). This flag ensures correct item categorization based on business rules.
AllowItemToMultipleCategoriesFlag Bool Indicates whether an item can be assigned to multiple categories within the catalog. If set to 'false', items must belong to a single category.
PublicCatalogFlag Bool Indicates whether the catalog is public and accessible to all users. If set to 'false', access can be restricted based on roles or permissions.
DefaultCategoryCode String The default category code assigned to items in this catalog when no other category is specified. This code helps standardize item categorization.
HierarchyEnabledFlag Bool Indicates whether hierarchical categorization is enabled for this catalog. If set to 'true', categories can be structured in parent-child relationships.
CreationDateTime Datetime The timestamp when the catalog was created. This timestamp is used for historical tracking and auditing.
LastUpdateDateTime Datetime The timestamp of the most recent update to the catalog. This timestamp helps track modifications over time.
Finder String The name of the predefined finder query used to retrieve catalog records dynamically. Finders improve efficiency in catalog searches and reporting.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175