Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Records votes on ideas, tracking user sentiment as Like or Dislike.


Name Type Description
IdeasIdeaId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the idea associated with this vote. This identifier establishes the relationship between an idea and the votes it has received.
CreatedBy String The username or identifier of the user who cast the vote. This identifier helps track voter participation and engagement with the idea.
CreationDate Datetime The timestamp when the vote was submitted. This timestamp is used for tracking voting trends and engagement over time.
IdeaId Long The unique identifier of the idea being voted on. This identifier ensures that votes are correctly linked to the relevant idea.
IdeaName String The name of the idea receiving the vote. This field provides a human-readable reference to the idea in reports and UI displays.
IdeaVoteId [KEY] Long A unique identifier assigned to the vote. This identifier is used for tracking and managing votes within the system.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The timestamp of the most recent update to the vote. This timestamp helps in auditing modifications or tracking vote retractions.
LastUpdatedBy String The username or identifier of the last user who modified the vote. this identifier is useful for monitoring changes and maintaining accountability.
ObjectVersionNumber Int A system-generated version number that tracks changes to the vote record in the database. This version number is used for concurrency control and maintaining data integrity.
UserName String The username associated with the login session when the vote was submitted. This login information is used for tracking voter activity.
Vote String Indicates whether the user voted in favor or against the idea. Typically, this field stores values such as 'Yes' or 'No' to reflect support or opposition.
Finder String The name of the predefined finder query used to retrieve vote records dynamically. Finders improve efficiency in vote-related data retrieval.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175