Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Provides a comprehensive list of available lookup values and associated metadata for standard references.


Name Type Description
LookupType [KEY] String Type of the lookup value in the system. Defines the category or classification for the lookup.
LookupCode [KEY] String Unique identifier or code representing a specific lookup entry within the system.
Meaning String Human-readable description or meaning associated with the lookup code, providing context for users to understand the code.
Description String Detailed explanation or additional information about the lookup entry, often used to clarify its use and purpose.
Tag String A keyword or label used to categorize the lookup value, allowing for easier identification and filtering.
ActiveDate Date The date when the lookup value became active and available for use in the system.
Bind_ParentLookupCode String Code of the parent lookup value, used to establish hierarchical relationships between lookups.
Bind_ParentSetidDetermType String Type of the set identifier determination for the parent lookup, indicating how the parent lookup is determined.
Bind_ParentSetidDetermValue String Value used in determining the parent set ID for the lookup, providing context for the relationship.
Bind_RelationshipId Long Unique identifier for the relationship between the lookup and its associated set or parent.
BindActiveDate Date The date when the binding relationship for the lookup becomes active, indicating when the lookup relationship can be used.
BindLookupCode String Code for the lookup that is being bound to a parent or set, defining its connection in the system.
BindLookupType String Type of the lookup being bound, defining its classification in relation to the parent lookup.
BindTag String A keyword or tag used to categorize the binding relationship, providing additional context to the lookup.
Finder String Method or tool used to locate and retrieve specific lookup values in the system, facilitating easy access and query of data.
NewLookupCode1 String An additional code for a new lookup entry, used for expanding or adding values to the lookup set.
NewLookupCode2 String Second additional code for a new lookup entry, used for expanding or adding values to the lookup set.
NewLookupCode3 String Third additional code for a new lookup entry, used for expanding or adding values to the lookup set.
NewLookupCode4 String Fourth additional code for a new lookup entry, used for expanding or adding values to the lookup set.
NewLookupCode5 String Fifth additional code for a new lookup entry, used for expanding or adding values to the lookup set.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175