Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Stores configuration details used in order management, defining customizable settings.


Name Type Description
ConfigHeaderId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the configuration header, used to associate and track the overall configuration within the system.
ConfigRevisionId [KEY] Long Identifier for the specific revision of the configuration, allowing for version control and tracking of changes in configuration settings.
ConfigurationId String Unique identifier for the configuration itself, used to reference and manage individual configurations within the system.
Name String The name of the configuration, typically used to identify the configuration in reports or queries.
Description String A detailed description of the configuration, providing additional context about its purpose, scope, or settings.
ValidConfigurationFlag Bool A flag indicating whether the configuration is valid. A value of 'true' means the configuration is considered valid, while 'false' indicates an invalid configuration.
CallingApplicationId Long Identifier for the application that called the configuration service, used to trace the source of the configuration request.
CallingApplicationCode String Code identifying the specific application that initiated the configuration request, used for tracking and logging purposes.
InventoryItemNumber String Identifier for the inventory item associated with the configuration, linking the configuration to a specific product or service.
InventoryOrganizationCode String Code representing the inventory organization in which the configuration is being processed or applied, helping to categorize inventory data.
FinishConfigurationFlag Bool A flag indicating whether the configuration is finalized. A value of 'true' means the configuration is complete and ready for use, while 'false' indicates it is still in progress.
LineQuantity Int The quantity of items or units in the configuration, typically used to specify the number of products being configured.
HeaderAttributes String Attributes related to the configuration header, providing metadata or key-value pairs for the configuration's overall settings.
AdditionalRootLineAttributes String Additional attributes related to the root line of the configuration, often used for supplementary or advanced configuration settings.
CustomParameters String Custom parameters for the configuration, allowing users to define unique settings or rules specific to the configuration's requirements.
ManualPriceAdjustments String Any manual adjustments made to the pricing of the configuration, often used to modify the price after initial calculations.
OutputMode String Specifies the output format or mode for the configuration, such as whether the result is displayed in a report, exported as a file, or used for further processing.
ConfigurationSessionToken String A token that uniquely identifies the configuration session, ensuring that requests and changes are linked to the correct session context.
CreatedBy String The name or identifier of the person or system that created the configuration, used for auditing and tracking purposes.
CreatedOn Datetime The date and time when the configuration was created, useful for tracking the timeline of configuration events.
LastUpdatedBy String The name or identifier of the person or system that last updated the configuration, used to track changes and ensure accountability.
LastUpdatedOn Datetime The date and time when the configuration was last updated, helping to track the most recent changes and maintain version control.
ConfigurationState String Current state of the configuration, indicating whether the configuration is in progress, completed, or in an error state, providing status information.
SessionEffectiveDate Datetime The effective date of the configuration session, indicating when the configuration's changes or settings are to take effect.
Finder String A search or lookup tool used to locate and identify specific configurations, typically used for filtering or finding configurations within the system.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175