Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Executes the scheduling of operations automatically, streamlining order management processes.


Name Type Description
CallingInstance String Identifier for the source application making the request. This value helps track which system initiated the action.
CallingModule String Identifier that represents the specific module of the source application, helping distinguish between different modules involved in the process.
FulfillmentLineEntryList String A list containing the attributes associated with each fulfillment line entry, such as product details, quantity, and associated status, used to request fulfillment.
ReleaseNumber String A numeric identifier that represents the specific release version of Oracle Distributed Order Orchestration Cloud being utilized in the request.
RequestCreationDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the fulfillment line check availability request was created, helping to track the timing of the request for processing.
RequestTimeZone String The time zone from which the ship method request originated, used to calculate accurate time-based values like delivery promises.
UniqueOrderIdentifier String A unique identifier for the order associated with the request. This ensures that all actions and updates are applied to the correct order.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
FulfillmentLineEntryResultList String A list containing the web response data for each fulfillment line entry, including success status, error messages, or availability results for the requested items.
PromiseDateTime String The exact date and time when the availability promise is made by Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud, indicating when the requested items can be fulfilled.
PromisingInstance String Identifier for the application instance that provided the availability promise, used for tracking which system gave the promise.
PromisingSystem String The identifier of the Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud system that performed the availability check and determined the fulfillment promise date and time.

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Build 24.0.9175