Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks individual instances of resources, such as specific equipment or labor, used in operations.


Name Type Description
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the work order associated with this resource instance. This identifier ensures correct linkage of resources to specific work orders.
WorkorderresourceWorkOrderOperationResourceId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the resource within the work order operation. This identifier helps track the specific resource allocated to an operation.
WorkOrderOperationResourceInstanceId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for an instance of a resource used in a work order operation. This identifierenables detailed tracking of resource use at the instance level.
WorkOrderOperationResourceId Long The unique identifier for a resource in a work order operation. This identifier ensures accurate allocation of resources to the appropriate operation.
WorkOrderOperationId Long The unique identifier for the work order operation associated with this resource instance. This identifier helps track resource assignments for each operation step.
WorkOrderId Long The unique identifier for the work order linked to this resource instance. This identifier ensures proper assignment of resources to production jobs.
OrganizationId Long The identifier for the organization managing this resource instance. This identifier allows tracking of resource utilization across different business units.
LaborInstanceId Long The unique identifier for the labor resource instance assigned to the work order operation. This identifier enables labor tracking at the individual level.
LaborInstanceCode String The abbreviated code that identifies the labor resource instance. This code helps in quick reference and reporting.
LaborInstanceName String The name of the labor resource instance used in the work order operation. This name supports personnel and workforce management.
EquipmentInstanceId Long The unique identifier for the equipment resource instance. This identifier helps track machine or tool usage in production.
EquipmentInstanceCode String The abbreviated code identifying the equipment resource instance. This code simplifies equipment tracking.
EquipmentInstanceName String The name of the equipment instance used in the work order operation. This name helps in managing asset utilization.
ChargedQuantity Decimal The quantity of resources charged to the work order operation. This metric enables cost and material consumption tracking.
ResourceType String Specifies whether the resource is labor or equipment. This field ensures correct classification for scheduling and reporting.
ProgramFileId Long The unique identifier for the document item representing the program file used by the equipment instance. This identifier helps in automation and process control.
ProgramFileName String The name of the program file associated with the equipment resource used in this work order operation.
CurrentRevision String The latest revision number of the program file. This number ensures the most up-to-date version is used in operations.
EquipmentParameterFileName String The name of the parameter file used for the equipment in this work order operation instance.
EquipmentParameterFileContent String The contents of the parameter file used to configure the equipment in the work order operation.
BackToBackFlag String Indicates whether this resource instance is linked to a back-to-back manufacturing process. This flag ensures synchronization between supply and demand.
ContractMfgFlag String Indicates whether this resource instance is related to contract manufacturing. This flag ensures accurate tracking of outsourced production resources.
DueDays Int The number of days remaining until the planned due date for completing the operation associated with this resource instance.
Finder String A search key or identifier for locating this specific resource instance in the system.
FirmPlannedFlag String Indicates whether the resource plan is firm and locked from further modifications. This flag ensures stability in planning.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item linked to this resource instance. This identifier support material tracking.
ItemNumber String The unique item number associated with this resource instance. This number ensures precise identification and allocation.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when this resource instance record was last updated. These metrics support audit trails.
MaterialItemId Long The unique identifier for the material associated with this resource instance. This identifier ensures accurate tracking.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime The planned completion date for the operation involving this resource instance. This metric supports production scheduling.
PlannedStartDate Datetime The planned start date for the operation involving this resource instance. This metric ensures proper scheduling and resource allocation.
ProductSerialId Long The unique identifier for the serialized product linked to this resource instance. This identifier ensures traceability.
ResourceId Long The unique identifier for the resource associated with this instance. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of resource utilization.
SerialNumber String The serial number of the product or material linked to this resource instance. This serial number ensures traceability of serialized inventory.
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long The reference identifier linking this resource instance to the source document header (for example, 'purchase order' or 'production plan').
SourceHeaderRefId Long An alternate reference identifier for the source document header. This identifier ensures integration with external systems.
SourceLineReferenceId Long The reference identifier linking this resource instance to a specific line item in the source document. This identifier ensures proper tracking.
SourceLineRefId Long An alternate reference identifier for the source line. This identifier supports external system compatibility.
SourceSystemId Long The identifier for the external system from which this resource instance data originates. This identifier ensures synchronization across platforms.
Tolerance Int The allowable variation in resource allocation for this instance. This metric ensures flexibility in operations without affecting quality.
WoProjectNumber String The project number associated with this resource instance. This number links it to broader project tracking efforts.
WorkAreaId Long The unique identifier for the work area where this resource instance is used. This identifier ensures proper allocation within production zones.
WorkCenterId Long The unique identifier for the work center associated with this resource instance. This identifier support resource management.
WorkOrderNumber String The user-friendly identifier for the work order associated with this resource instance. This identifier simplifies production tracking.
WorkOrderStatusId Long The unique identifier representing the current status of the work order linked to this resource instance. This identifier ensures accurate monitoring.
WoTaskNumber String The specific task number within the work order associated with this resource instance. This number connects resources to precise tasks.

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Build 24.0.9175