Manages serial numbers for assemblies processed during work order operations, enabling precise tracking.
Name | Type | Description |
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order associated with this serial number record. This identifier ensures traceability of serialized products within work order operations. |
WorkorderoperationWorkOrderOperationId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order operation linked to this serial number. This identifier ensures proper tracking of serialized items through the operation sequence. |
OrganizationId | Long | The identifier for the organization responsible for the work order operation serial number. This identifier supports multi-organization tracking of serialized inventory. |
WorkOrderProductSerialId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the serialized product within the work order. This identifier enables traceability for serialized items used in production. |
WorkOrderId | Long | The unique identifier for the work order that contains this serialized product. This identifier ensures proper tracking from work order initiation to completion. |
WorkOrderOperationMaterialId | Long | The unique identifier for the material associated with this serialized product within the work order operation. |
WorkOrderOperationId | Long | The unique identifier for the work order operation linked to this serial number. This identifier connects serialized items to specific operational steps. |
OperationSequenceNumber | Decimal | The sequence number that determines the order in which operations should be performed within the work order. This number ensures serialized items follow the correct production flow. |
OperationName | String | The name of the operation associated with this serialized item. This name helps identify the specific process step where the item is being used. |
StandardOperationId | Long | The unique identifier for the standard operation referenced in the work order. This identifier links serialized products to predefined operation workflows. |
StandardOperationCode | String | The abbreviation that identifies the standard operation within the work order. This abbreviation provides consistency in tracking serialized items across operations. |
WorkAreaId | Long | The unique identifier for the work area where this serialized item is used. This identifier ensures proper tracking of serialized products within specific production zones. |
WorkAreaName | String | The name of the work area where this serialized product is processed. This name helps in monitoring the flow of serialized inventory. |
WorkCenterId | Long | The unique identifier for the work center associated with this serialized item. This identifier supports accurate allocation of serialized resources within production. |
WorkCenterName | String | The name of the work center where this serialized item is being processed. This name ensures traceability at the work center level. |
InventoryItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this serial number. This identifier links serialized inventory to stock records. |
SerialNumber | String | The serial number assigned to the product, component, or resource within the work order. This serial number ensures precise tracking and compliance with traceability requirements. |
SerialStatus | String | The current status of the serialized item (for example, such as 'Active,' 'Scrapped,' or 'Issued'). This ensures proper lifecycle management of serialized inventory. |
SerialStatusDescription | String | A descriptive explanation of the current status of the serialized item. This explanation provides additional context on its availability or usage. |
BackToBackFlag | String | Indicates whether this serialized item is part of a back-to-back order fulfillment process. This flag ensures direct linkage between supply and demand. |
ContractMfgFlag | String | Indicates whether this serialized product is used in a contract manufacturing process. This flag helps track outsourced production workflows. |
DueDays | Int | The number of days remaining until the planned completion of the operation involving this serialized item. This metric supports scheduling and timely execution. |
Finder | String | A search key or identifier used to quickly locate specific serial number records in the system. |
FirmPlannedFlag | String | Indicates whether the serialized item requirement is firm planned, meaning it is locked and not subject to rescheduling or modifications. |
ItemNumber | String | The specific item number associated with the serialized product. This number ensures proper traceability in inventory and production processes. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date and time when this serial number record was last updated. These metrics support audit tracking and ensures data accuracy. |
MaterialItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the material associated with this serialized product. This identifier helps track material usage within the work order. |
PlannedCompletionDate | Datetime | The planned date and time for completing the operation involving this serialized item. These metrics help maintain adherence to production schedules. |
PlannedStartDate | Datetime | The planned date and time for starting the operation involving this serialized item. These metrics support accurate scheduling of production tasks. |
ProductSerialId | Long | The unique identifier for the serialized product associated with this operation. This identifier ensures seamless tracking of serialized items across work orders. |
ResourceId | Long | The unique identifier for the resource (for example, machine, tool, or labor) allocated to process this serialized item. This identifier links serialized items to specific equipment or personnel. |
SourceHeaderReferenceId | Long | The reference identifier linking this serialized item to the header of the source document, such as a purchase order or project plan. |
SourceHeaderRefId | Long | An alternate reference identifier for the source header. This identifier ensures compatibility with external systems or legacy integrations. |
SourceLineReferenceId | Long | The reference identifier linking this serialized item to a specific line item in the source document, such as a purchase order line or bill of materials. |
SourceLineRefId | Long | An alternate reference identifier for the source line. This identifier supports integration with external systems and ensuring accurate tracking of serialized inventory. |
SourceSystemId | Long | The identifier for the external system from which this serial number data originates. This identifier ensures proper synchronization of data across platforms. |
Tolerance | Int | The allowable tolerance for variations in serialized product specifications or quality control measures. This metric helps maintain production flexibility while ensuring compliance. |
WoProjectNumber | String | The project number associated with the work order operation serial number. This number links serialized items to broader project tracking and reporting. |
WorkOrderNumber | String | The user-friendly work-order number associated with this serialized item. This number ensures traceability and simplifies production reporting. |
WorkOrderStatusId | Long | The identifier for the current status of the work order (for example, 'Planned,' 'In Progress,' or 'Completed'). This identifier provides insights into serialized item processing progress. |
WoTaskNumber | String | The specific task number within the work order operation associated with this serialized item. This number enables task-level tracking of serialized inventory usage. |