Stores documents attached to materials processed by work order operations, ensuring proper documentation.
Name | Type | Description |
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order associated with this material attachment. This identifier ensures that document management aligns with the correct work order for traceability. |
WorkorderoperationWorkOrderOperationId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order operation related to this material attachment. This identifier links the attachment to the specific operation step within the work order. |
WorkorderoperationmaterialWorkOrderOperationMaterialId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the material used in the work order operation that this attachment is associated with. This identifier ensures traceability of documents tied to specific materials. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the attached document. This identifier allows for easy retrieval and reference to material-related documentation within the work order operation. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date and time when this attachment record was last updated. These metrics help track modifications to document versions and maintains an audit history. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The username or identifier of the individual who last updated this attachment. This identifier ensures accountability and tracking document revisions. |
DatatypeCode | String | The data type of the attached file (for example, 'text', 'image', or 'PDF'). This data type helps categorize files for appropriate handling and retrieval. |
FileName | String | The name of the attached file as stored in the system. This provides a reference for identifying the document associated with the work order material. |
DmFolderPath | String | The folder path in the document management system where the file is stored. This path provides a structured location for document retrieval. |
DmDocumentId | String | The unique identifier for the document in the document management system. This identifier enables efficient file access and control. |
DmVersionNumber | String | The version number of the document in the document management system. This number ensures access to the latest or specific document versions as needed. |
Url | String | The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) linking to the attached document. This URL provides quick access to the file from the system interface. |
CategoryName | String | The category or classification of the attached document (for example, 'Material Specification' or 'Work Instructions'). This classification helps organize documents systematically. |
UserName | String | The username of the individual who uploaded or last interacted with this attachment. This name ensures accountability in document management. |
Uri | String | The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that uniquely identifies the location of the file, providing precise referencing in the system. |
FileUrl | String | The complete URL to the file. This URL is used for downloading or viewing the attachment in an external system or portal. |
UploadedText | String | The extracted text content from the uploaded file. This extracted text allows for text-based searches and indexing in the document management system. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | The content type of the uploaded file. This type ensures compatibility with document viewers and processing applications. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | The size of the uploaded file in bytes. This metric helps in managing storage capacity and preventing excessive file sizes. |
UploadedFileName | String | The original name of the file when it was uploaded. This name helps maintain a reference to the source document before system renaming. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the file is shared within the content repository. This field determines accessibility and permissions for document access. |
Title | String | The title or subject of the attachment. This title is often used for display purposes and quick identification in the document system. |
Description | String | A brief description of the attached document. This description provides context on its purpose and relevance to the work order operation material. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | A system-generated code representing an error status if any issues occurred during file processing or attachment. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | A detailed error message describing any issues encountered during the attachment process. This error message aids in troubleshooting. |
CreatedBy | String | The username or identifier of the individual who originally created this attachment record, ensuring traceability of its source. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time when this attachment record was created. These metrics support compliance and data integrity in document management. |
FileContents | String | The raw or processed content of the uploaded file. This processed content is used for text extraction, archiving, or compliance tracking. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | The date when the document or attachment will expire. This metric ensures controlled document lifecycle management and compliance with retention policies. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | The username of the person who most recently updated the record. This metric ensures clear accountability for document modifications. |
CreatedByUserName | String | The username of the person who originally created the record. This name provides traceability for document origination. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | A unique identifier used to track asynchronous processes related to file uploads or attachments. This identifier ensures proper system processing. |
FileWebImage | String | A web-accessible image representation of the attached file, such as a thumbnail or preview. This representation helps users quickly identify the file without needing to download it. |
DownloadInfo | String | Metadata or information about how and where the file can be downloaded, including details such as download links, access permissions, and file availability. |
PostProcessingAction | String | Specifies the action triggered after the file has been processed, such as sending notifications, updating work order records, or initiating workflows. |
BackToBackFlag | String | Indicates whether this work order operation material is linked to a back-to-back order. This flag ensures direct fulfillment of demand from procurement or manufacturing. |
ContractMfgFlag | String | Indicates whether the work order operation involves contract manufacturing. This flag helps track materials and documents related to outsourced production activities. |
DueDays | Int | The number of days remaining until the planned completion of the work order operation. This metric helps in scheduling and tracking material readiness. |
Finder | String | A search key or identifier used to quickly locate specific work-order operation material attachment records within the system. |
FirmPlannedFlag | String | Indicates whether the work order operation is firm planned, meaning it is locked from scheduling changes or adjustments. |
InventoryItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this work order operation material attachment. This identifier ensures correct traceability of materials. |
ItemNumber | String | The specific item number assigned to the material. This number serves as a unique identifier in inventory and production tracking. |
MaterialItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the material assigned to this work order operation. This identifier ensures traceability of materials and their associated documents. |
OrganizationId | Long | The identifier for the organization or business unit responsible for this work order operation material. This identifier supports multi-organization tracking. |
PlannedCompletionDate | Datetime | The scheduled completion date for the work order operation. Attachments might include supporting documentation required for finalization. |
PlannedStartDate | Datetime | The planned start date for the work order operation. This metric ensures that materials and attachments are available when production begins. |
ProductSerialId | Long | The unique identifier for the serialized product associated with this work order operation material attachment. This identifier ensures traceability. |
ResourceId | Long | The unique identifier for the resource (for example, 'machine', 'tool', or 'personnel) associated with this work order operation. This identifier helps link materials and attachments to resource planning. |
SerialNumber | String | The serial number assigned to the material or product associated with this operation. This serial number supports traceability and compliance with serialized inventory tracking. |
SourceHeaderReferenceId | Long | The reference identifier linking this work order operation material attachment to the source document's header, such as a purchase order or work order. |
SourceHeaderRefId | Long | An alternate reference identifier for the source header. This identifier ensuring compatibility with external systems or legacy integrations. |
SourceLineReferenceId | Long | The reference identifier linking this work order operation material attachment to a specific line item in the source document, such as a purchase-order line. |
SourceLineRefId | Long | An alternate reference identifier for the source line. This identifier supports integration with external systems and historical tracking. |
SourceSystemId | Long | The identifier for the external system from which this work order operation material attachment data originates. This identifier ensures data synchronization across platforms. |
Tolerance | Int | The allowable tolerance for variations in material specifications or usage for this work order operation. Attachments might document deviations and quality controls. |
WoProjectNumber | String | The project number associated with this work order operation material. This number links attachments to broader project tracking and reporting. |
WorkAreaId | Long | The unique identifier for the work area where the operation is executed. This identifier helps organize attachments by production zone. |
WorkCenterId | Long | The unique identifier for the work center associated with the work order operation. This identifier ensures that attachments are correctly linked to the responsible production unit. |
WorkOrderId | Long | The unique identifier for the work order associated with this operation material attachment. This identifier connects all relevant documents to the overarching production job. |
WorkOrderNumber | String | The user-friendly work-order number associated with this operation. This number helps reference attachments in reports and workflows. |
WorkOrderStatusId | Long | The identifier for the current status of the work order (for example, 'Planned,' 'In Progress,' or 'Completed'). Attachments might be required at different work order stages. |
WoTaskNumber | String | The specific task number within the work order operation that this attachment is associated with. This number enables task-level tracking and documentation. |