Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Stores documents attached to materials processed by a specific work order operation, enabling better tracking and reference for operational documents.


Name Type Description
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the work order in the WorkOrders table. This identifier links the current attachment record to its associated work order, ensuring traceability.
WorkordermaterialWorkOrderOperationMaterialId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the material associated with a specific operation in the work order. This identifier ensures that attachments are connected to the correct material operation.
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the attached document. This identifier links it to its corresponding material or work order operation.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when this attachment record was last updated. These metrics are useful for tracking changes and maintaining audit trails.
LastUpdatedBy String The username or identifier of the person who last updated this attachment record, aiding in accountability and tracking.
DatatypeCode String The code indicating the data type of the attached file (for example, 'PDF' or 'DOCX'). This code helps in categorizing and processing attachments.
FileName String The name of the attached file, as it appears in the system. This name helps users identify the file by name.
DmFolderPath String The folder path in the document management system where the file is stored. This field provides the storage location for the file.
DmDocumentId String The unique identifier for the document in the document management system. This identifier enables document retrieval.
DmVersionNumber String The version number of the document in the document management system. This number ensures users can access the correct version.
Url String The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) linking to the attached file. This URL allows quick access to the document in the system.
CategoryName String The category or classification of the attached document (for example, 'Specification' or 'Quality Report'). This classification helps organize attachments by type.
UserName String The username of the individual who uploaded or interacted with this attachment. This name supports user-specific tracking.
Uri String The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the file. This URI used for precise referencing in the system.
FileUrl String The complete URL to the file for downloading or viewing the attachment. This URL provides easy access to the file content.
UploadedText String The text content extracted from the uploaded file, text-based searches, and analysis.
UploadedFileContentType String The content type of the uploaded file. This field helps the system identify file formats for proper handling.
UploadedFileLength Long The size of the uploaded file in bytes. This metric is useful for storage management and system optimization.
UploadedFileName String The original name of the file when it was uploaded, providing a reference for the file's source.
ContentRepositoryFileShared Bool A Boolean flag indicating whether the file is shared within the content repository, controlling file accessibility.
Title String The title or name assigned to the attachment. This title is often used for display purposes in user interfaces.
Description String A brief description of the attached document. This description provides context about its purpose or content.
ErrorStatusCode String The error status code associated with any issues encountered during file processing. This code is useful for debugging and error tracking.
ErrorStatusMessage String A detailed error message explaining the issue. This error message aids in troubleshooting and resolution.
CreatedBy String The username or identifier of the individual who originally created this attachment record, helping trace its origin.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when this attachment record was created. These metrics support audit and compliance requirements.
FileContents String The raw or processed content of the uploaded file. This content is used for file processing or archiving purposes.
ExpirationDate Datetime The date when the document or attachment will expire. This metric is useful for managing lifecycle and compliance.
LastUpdatedByUserName String The username of the person who most recently updated the record. This name ensures clear accountability.
CreatedByUserName String The username of the person who originally created the record. This name provides traceability for its origin.
AsyncTrackerId String A unique identifier used to track asynchronous processes related to file uploads or attachments.
FileWebImage String A web-accessible version of the file, often used for thumbnails or previews in user interfaces.
DownloadInfo String Information about how or where to download the file. This information includes metadata for system or user reference.
PostProcessingAction String The action or workflow triggered after the attachment was processed, such as notifications or approvals.
BackToBackFlag String Indicates whether this work order is linked to a back-to-back order, where the demand from a customer order directly triggers a matching supply order. This flag ensures streamlined supply chain operations and avoids excess inventory.
ContractMfgFlag String Indicates whether the work order involves contract manufacturing. This flag helps identify production that is outsourced to third-party manufacturers, ensuring proper tracking and collaboration.
DueDays Int The number of days remaining until the planned completion or delivery of the work order. This metric helps manage schedules and monitor deadlines for timely production and delivery.
Finder String A unique identifier or search key used to locate specific records within the system (for example, 'materials', 'work orders', or 'operations'). This identifier improves efficiency when managing large datasets.
FirmPlannedFlag String Indicates whether the work order is firm-planned, meaning it has been confirmed and is not subject to rescheduling or cancellation. This flag supports resource allocation and production planning.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with this work order. This identifier links the material or product to the inventory system for accurate stock tracking and management.
ItemNumber String The specific item number assigned to the material or product. This number serves as a unique reference across procurement, inventory, and production systems.
MaterialItemId Long The unique identifier for the material item linked to this work order. This identifier ensures traceability and accountability for materials used in the manufacturing process.
OrganizationId Long The identifier for the organization or business unit responsible for this work order. This identifier supports multi-organization operations by distinguishing work orders based on ownership or production location.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime The scheduled completion date for the work order or operation. This metric helps ensure the production timeline aligns with delivery schedules or project requirements.
PlannedStartDate Datetime The planned start date for executing the work order or operation. This metric supports resource scheduling and operational planning.
ProductSerialId Long The unique identifier for the serialized product associated with this work order. This identifier ensures full traceability of the product through its lifecycle, from manufacturing to delivery.
ResourceId Long The identifier for the resource (for example, 'machine', 'tool', or 'personnel') allocated to this work order. This identifier helps in resource planning and ensures optimal use.
SerialNumber String The serial number assigned to the material or product. This serial number enables precise tracking, especially for serialized inventory or quality assurance purposes.
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long A reference to the source document header (for example, a sales order or project plan) from which this work order originated. This reference ensures traceability and alignment with the originating demand.
SourceHeaderRefId Long An alternate reference to the source header identifier. This reference supports compatibility with legacy systems or external integrations.
SourceLineReferenceId Long The reference identifier for the specific line item in the source document, such as a sales order line. This identifier ties material or production requirements back to their originating demand.
SourceLineRefId Long An alternate reference for the source line identifier. This identifier is used for system compatibility and integration purposes.
SourceSystemId Long The identifier for the external system from which this work order data originates. This identifier ensures traceability and supports multi-system data integration.
Tolerance Int The allowable tolerance for deviations in material usage or production specifications. This metric ensures compliance with quality standards without excessive rework.
WoProjectNumber String The project number associated with the work order. This number links the work order to a broader project, aiding in cost allocation and project tracking.
WorkAreaId Long The identifier for the specific work area where the work order is being executed, such as an assembly line or workstation. This identifier helps allocate resources and monitor production progress.
WorkCenterId Long The identifier for the work center responsible for executing this work order. Work centers group resources like equipment and labor into units for efficient production management.
WorkOrderId Long The unique identifier for the work order itself. This identifier connects all related materials and operations to a single production job for traceability and reporting.
WorkOrderNumber String A user-friendly number assigned to the work order. This number is often used in operational reports, production schedules, and worker instructions.
WorkOrderStatusId Long The identifier for the current status of the work order (for example, 'planned', 'in-progress', 'completed'). This identifier supports real-time production monitoring and workflow tracking.
WoTaskNumber String The specific task number within the work order. This number represents a distinct operation or step in the production process. It also supports task-level tracking and management.

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Build 24.0.9175