Manages discrete work orders detailing item, quantity, operations, resources, and timelines for discrete manufacturing.
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory organization that is enabled for manufacturing. This identifier ensures the work order is associated with the correct organization, supporting multi-organization workflows. |
OrganizationCode | String | An abbreviation for the inventory organization. This abbreviation provides a shorthand reference for the organization in reports and interfaces. |
OrganizationName | String | The name of the inventory organization. This name provides a user-friendly label for identifying the organization managing the work order. |
WorkOrderId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the work order. This identifier serves as the primary key for managing and tracking work orders in the system. |
WorkOrderNumber | String | The unique number assigned to the work order. This number can be generated automatically or assigned manually, following the organization's numbering conventions. |
WorkOrderDescription | String | A detailed description of the work order. This description provides context about the production or tasks to be performed. |
WorkMethodId | Long | The unique identifier for the work method associated with the work order. This identifier ensures the correct manufacturing or assembly method is linked to the work order. |
WorkOrderType | String | Specifies the type of work order (for example, 'Standard', 'Non-Standard', or 'Maintenance'). This categorization helps in organizing and reporting work orders. |
WorkOrderTypeDescription | String | A detailed description of the work order type. This description provides additional context about the type of production or task being performed. |
WorkOrderSubType | String | Specifies the subtype of work being performed (for example, 'Standard Production', 'Prototyping', or 'Repair'. This field helps refine categorization within the work order type. |
WorkOrderSubTypeDescription | String | A detailed description of the work order subtype. This description provides additional clarity about the nature of the work being performed. |
InventoryItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with the work order. This identifier ensures that the work order is linked to the correct product, item, or assembly. |
ItemNumber | String | The unique number for the inventory item that is the output of the work order. This number serves as a reference for tracking production results. |
Description | String | A general description of the work order. This description provides additional context for users managing the work order. |
ItemRevision | String | The revision number of the item associated with the work order. This number supports version control and ensures the correct specifications are used. |
ItemStructureName | String | The name of the item structure used for the work order. This name defines the components and subassemblies needed for production. |
TransformFromItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the item that will be transformed into the output item of the work order. This identifier supports transformation processes in manufacturing. |
TransformFromItemNumber | String | The number of the item being transformed. This number provides a clear reference for tracking input materials or assemblies. |
WorkDefinitionAsOfDate | Datetime | The date used to determine the applicable work definition version for the work order. This metric ensures the correct version is applied based on the production date. |
WorkDefinitionId | Long | The unique identifier for the work definition associated with the work order. This identifier defines the sequence of operations and resources needed for production. |
WorkDefinitionCode | String | An abbreviation for the work definition. This abbreviation provides a shorthand reference for identifying the work definition. |
WorkDefinitionVersionId | Long | The unique identifier for the version of the work definition. This identifier ensures the correct version is applied to the work order. |
WorkDefinitionVersionNumber | String | The version number of the work definition. This number supports version control and ensures accurate production specifications. |
WorkDefinitionName | String | The name of the work definition associated with the work order. This name provides a descriptive reference for identifying the production process. |
WorkOrderPriority | Decimal | The priority assigned to the work order. Higher priority work orders are scheduled and executed before lower priority orders. |
WorkOrderStatusId | Long | The unique identifier for the current status of the work order. This identifier ensures accurate tracking and reporting of work order progress. |
WorkOrderStatusName | String | The name of the current status of the work order. This name provides a descriptive reference for users monitoring the work order. |
WorkOrderStatusCode | String | An abbreviation for the current status of the work order. This abbreviation provides a shorthand reference for identifying work order statuses. |
WorkOrderSystemStatusCode | String | The system-assigned status code for the work order. This code reflects predefined workflow states such as 'Open,' 'In Progress,' or 'Closed.' |
SchedulingMethod | String | The method used to schedule the work order (for example,DEFAULT_SCHEDULING or MANUAL_SCHEDULING). This method defines how production timelines are managed. |
PlannedStartQuantity | Decimal | The planned production quantity for the work order. This metric represents the expected output quantity. |
CompletedQuantity | Decimal | The total quantity of items completed for the work order. This metric provides visibility into production progress. |
ScrappedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of items scrapped during production. This metric supports quality control and waste analysis. |
RejectedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of items rejected during production. This metric tracks quality issues and helps identify areas for improvement. |
NettableSupplyQuantityOverride | Decimal | The quantity that the planning system uses as a supply from the work order. This metric overrides the default quantity for planning calculations and ensures accurate supply-demand balancing. |
UOMCode | String | The code representing the unit of measure (UOM) for the work order's item. This code is used for consistency in inventory and production calculations. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The full name of the unit of measure (for example, 'Pieces' or 'Kilograms') for the work order's item. This name ensures clarity in quantity-related calculations. |
FirmPlannedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the work order is firm planned. If the value is 'true', the work order is locked and excluded from rescheduling or re-planning. If the value is 'false', planning can suggest updates. The default value is 'false'. |
PlannedStartDate | Datetime | The scheduled start date and time for the work order. These metrics define when production is expected to begin. |
PlannedCompletionDate | Datetime | The scheduled completion date and time for the work order. These metrics define when production is expected to end. |
ActualStartDate | Datetime | The actual date and time when the work order began production. These metrics provide insight into adherence to schedules. |
ActualCompletionDate | Datetime | The actual date and time when the work order was completed. The metrics are used for performance tracking and reporting. |
ReleasedDate | Datetime | The date when the work order was released for production. This metric indicates readiness to begin work. |
ClosedDate | Datetime | The date when the work order was closed. This metric indicates the work order's lifecycle is complete. |
CanceledDate | Datetime | The date when the work order was canceled. This metric tracks the cancellation date for historical and audit purposes. |
DelayStatus | Int | An integer indicating the delay status of the work order. This field helps monitor whether the work order is on track, delayed, or overdue. |
WorkOrderDate | Datetime | The date associated with the work order creation. This metric provides visibility into when the work order was initiated. |
CanceledReason | String | The reason for canceling the work order. This field helps document why the work order was not completed. |
OvercomplToleranceType | String | The type of tolerance allowed for over-completing the work order, such as a percentage or a fixed quantity. |
OvercomplToleranceValue | Decimal | The percent or quantity by which the finished work can exceed the work order quantity. Ensures flexibility in production. |
OvercomplToleranceTypeDescription | String | A description of the over-completion tolerance type, providing additional clarity about the allowed threshold. |
UndercomplToleranceType | String | The type of tolerance allowed for under-completing the work order, such as a percentage or a fixed quantity. Requires opt-in for use. |
UndercomplToleranceValue | Decimal | The percent or quantity by which the finished work can fall short of the work order quantity. This metric supports partial completions when necessary. |
UndercomplToleranceTypeDescription | String | A description of the under-completion tolerance type, providing clarity about the allowed deviation. |
UnderCompletedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the work order was completed with an under-completion condition. This field helps track deviations from the planned quantity. |
SupplyType | String | The default supply type for the work order components (for example, 'Push' or 'Pull'). This type determines how materials are managed during production. |
SupplyTypeDescription | String | A description of the supply type, providing additional context for how materials are issued to the work order. |
CompletionSubinventoryCode | String | The subinventory used by default for product completion. This field ensures that completed products are stored in the correct location. |
CompletionLocatorId | Long | The unique identifier for the locator used for product completion. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of where finished goods are stored. |
CompletionLocator | String | The specific locator used for product completion within the subinventory. This locator provides visibility into the physical location of finished products. |
SerialTrackingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether serial tracking is enforced for the work order. If the value is 'true', serialized products are tracked individually. The default value is 'false'. |
PreassignLotFlag | Bool | Indicates whether lot numbers can be preassigned to products in the work order. This flag supports lot control and traceability. Requires opt-in. |
BackToBackFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the work order is part of a back-to-back process. This flag helps manage workflows tied to specific customer orders or demands. |
ContractMfgFlag | Bool | Specifies whether the work order is part of a contract manufacturing process. This flag identifies outsourced production activities. |
ResequenceFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the operations within the work order are resequenced. This flag helps track and manage changes to the operation order. |
OrchestrationCode | String | The code representing the orchestration process for the work order. This code ensures alignment with orchestrated workflows in the manufacturing system. |
InterfaceSourceCode | String | The code identifying the source of the interface through which the work order was created. This code supports integration tracking and troubleshooting. |
ScoSupplyOrderId | Long | The unique identifier for the supply chain orchestration (SCO) supply order associated with the work order. This identifier links the work order to its supply chain context. |
CmPOHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the purchase order (PO) header associated with contract manufacturing. This identifier ensures traceability to the contract manufacturing PO. |
CmPOLineId | Long | The unique identifier for the purchase order line in contract manufacturing. This identifier links the work order to the specific line item in the contract manufacturing PO. |
CmPOLineLocId | Long | The unique identifier for the purchase order line location in contract manufacturing. This identifier provides additional traceability for specific location-level details. |
OrderLessFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the work order is orderless (not tied to a sales order). If the value is 'true', the work order operates independently of customer orders. |
SourceSystemType | String | Specifies whether the source system for the work order is internal or external. This field helps categorize work orders based on their origin. |
SourceSystemId | Long | The unique identifier for the source system that created the work order. This identifier ensures traceability across integrated systems. |
SourceHeaderReference | String | Reference information for the header of the source document or transaction that initiated the work order. This field provides a direct link to the originating document. |
SourceHeaderReferenceId | Long | The unique identifier for the header of the source document. This identifier supports precise mapping to the originating transaction. |
SourceLineReference | String | Reference information for the line item in the source document associated with the work order. This field provides detailed traceability to the originating document. |
SourceLineReferenceId | Long | The unique identifier for the line item in the source document. This identifier ensures accurate linkage between work orders and specific line items. |
ProjectNumber | String | The unique project number associated with the work order. This identifier ties the work order to specific projects, enabling project-based production tracking. |
TaskNumber | String | The task number associated with the project tied to the work order. This number helps track and manage project-specific tasks within the work order. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time when the work order was created. These metrics support audit trails and historical tracking. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date and time when the work order was last updated. These metrics ensure traceability of changes and supports audit requirements. |
CreatedBy | String | The username of the person who created the work order. This name provides accountability for work order creation. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The username of the person who last updated the work order. This name ensures traceability for modifications. |
ExplosionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the work order includes exploded operations, materials, and resources based on the work definition. If the value is 'true', these elements are created automatically; if 'false', they must be added manually. Default is false. |
WorkMethodCode | String | The code representing the work method used for the work order. This code defines how production activities are performed. |
DueDays | Int | The number of days remaining until the work order is due. This number supports prioritization and scheduling of production activities. |
Finder | String | A utility field enabling advanced search and filtering capabilities for work orders. This field helps users efficiently locate specific records. |
MaterialItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the material item associated with the work order. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of required materials. |
ProductSerialId | Long | The unique identifier for the product serial number associated with the work order. This identifier supports serialized production tracking. |
ResourceId | Long | The unique identifier for the resource associated with the work order. This identifier ensures proper allocation and tracking of production resources. |
SerialNumber | String | The serial number of the product associated with the work order. This serial number supports traceability for serialized items in the production process. |
SourceHeaderRefId | Long | An alternative identifier for the source header reference. This identifier provides flexibility in integration with external systems. |
SourceLineRefId | Long | An alternative identifier for the source line reference. This identifier supports flexible tracking of source system integrations. |
Tolerance | Int | The allowed deviation (in days) for completing the work order. This metric defines acceptable thresholds for delays. |
WoProjectNumber | String | The unique project number associated with the work order. This number links the work order to specific projects for tracking and reporting. |
WorkAreaId | Long | The unique identifier for the work area associated with the work order. This identifier ensures tasks are assigned to the correct operational zones. |
WorkCenterId | Long | The unique identifier for the work center associated with the work order. This identifier ensures proper allocation of tasks to the correct work centers. |
WoTaskNumber | String | The unique task number associated with the work order. This number provides detailed tracking of tasks within the work order. |