Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Work Areas resource manages the names of the work areas that a manufacturing plant contains. A work area is a physical area in a manufacturing plant where the plant performs production.


Name Type Description
OrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates an inventory organization.
OrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the inventory organization.
OrganizationName String OrganizationName of WorkAreas
WorkAreaId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the work area. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates a work area.
WorkAreaName String Name of the work area.
WorkAreaDescription String Description of the work area.
WorkAreaCode String Abbreviation that identifies the work area.
InactiveDate Date Date when the work area becomes inactive.
Finder String Finder of WorkAreas

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Build 24.0.9111