Manages production resources such as labor, equipment, and tools within a manufacturing plant, enabling efficient resource allocation.
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory organization. This primary key is generated by the application to distinguish inventory organizations across the system. |
OrganizationCode | String | A short code or abbreviation used to identify the inventory organization, aiding in quick referencing and reporting. |
OrganizationName | String | The full name of the inventory organization, providing descriptive context for better user understanding. |
ResourceId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the production resource. This primary key is generated by the application to uniquely identify each resource. |
ResourceName | String | The name of the production resource, used to identify and reference the resource in operations and reports. |
ResourceDescription | String | A detailed description of the production resource, outlining its purpose or characteristics. |
ResourceCode | String | An abbreviation or short code used to identify the production resource, providing a concise reference in the system. |
ResourceType | String | Specifies the type of the production resource. Valid values are defined in the lookup type ORA_WIS_RESOURCE_TYPE (for example, 'labor', 'equipment', or 'tools'). |
ResourceTypeMeaning | String | A human-readable description or meaning of the resource type, enhancing understanding of the resource classification. |
UOMCode | String | The code representing the unit of measure (UOM) for the resource, used for scheduling and cost calculations. The UOM must belong to a valid Time UOM class to be used in scheduling. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The full name of the UOM associated with the resource, used for scheduling and costing purposes. |
ResourceClassCode | String | The code representing the class that groups similar production resources. Valid values are defined in the lookup type ORA_WIS_RESOURCE_CLASS. |
CostedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the resource's costs are considered in work order costing. A value of 'True' means costs are included, while 'False' means costs are excluded. The default value is 'False'. |
InactiveDate | Date | The date when the production resource becomes inactive. If no date is specified, the resource is considered active indefinitely. |
DefaultExpenditureTypeId | Long | The unique identifier for the expenditure type used for project-related transaction distributions. This identifier is associated with an opt-in feature. |
DefaultExpenditureTypeName | String | The name of the cost classification assigned to expenditure items, grouped into cost and revenue categories. This name is tied to an opt-in feature. |
AutomationEquipmentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the equipment operates automatically ('True') or requires manual intervention ('False'). The default value is 'False'. |
AssetItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the asset item linked to the production resource, used for asset tracking and costing. |
AssetItemNumber | String | The code or number assigned to the asset item, enabling identification and tracking of the associated production resource. |
AssetNumber | String | The unique number assigned to the asset, providing an additional identifier for tracking and management. |
ChangedDate | Date | The date when the resource details were last modified, helping track updates or changes in the system. |
EquipmentIdentifier | String | The unique identifier for the equipment associated with the production resource, enabling precise tracking and management. |
EquipmentInstanceId | Long | The unique identifier for a specific instance of the equipment resource, supporting detailed operational tracking. |
Finder | String | A utility field used to locate or identify the production resource within the system. |
FirstName | String | The first name of the person associated with the labor resource. |
LaborIdentifier | String | The unique identifier for the labor resource, allowing precise identification and tracking of human resources. |
LaborInstanceId | Long | The unique identifier for a specific instance of a labor resource, supporting detailed tracking of personnel activities. |
LastName | String | The last name of the person associated with the labor resource. |
MiddleName | String | The middle name of the person associated with the labor resource. |
PartyId | Long | The unique identifier for the party associated with the production resource, linking it to broader organizational or customer data. |
PersonName | String | The full name of the person associated with the labor resource, providing a complete identification for human resources. |
PersonType | String | The type of person associated with the resource (for example, 'employee' or 'contractor'), aiding in resource classification and reporting. |
PrimaryWorkCenterCode | String | The code representing the primary work center where the resource is primarily used, enabling better operational organization. |
PrimaryWorkCenterId | Long | The unique identifier for the primary work center associated with the production resource, supporting resource allocation. |
WorkCenterId | Long | The unique identifier for the work center where the production resource is utilized, aiding in planning and tracking resource usage. |