Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks resources utilized during work order operations, including labor and equipment.


Name Type Description
ProcessWorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking the process work order to its resource details, enabling tracking of resources used in production.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization where the resource is used, representing a specific manufacturing plant or facility.
ResourceSequenceNumber Decimal Specifies the sequence number of the resource in the operation, determining the order in which resources are used.
WorkOrderOperationResourceId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the specific resource assigned to the work order operation. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of resource usage.
ResourceId Long The unique identifier for the resource, such as equipment or personnel, used in the operation. This identifier tracks resource allocation and utilization.
ResourceCode String The code assigned to the resource, enabling quick identification and reference in production processes.
ResourceDescription String A detailed description of the resource, including its function or role in the operation.
ResourceName String The name of the resource, such as the name of a machine or the designation of a worker assigned to the operation.
ResourceType String Specifies the type of resource, such as 'Labor,' 'Machine,' or 'Tool,' categorizing the resource for planning and reporting.
WorkAreaId Long The unique identifier for the work area where the resource is used. This identifier helps in organizing resources by production zones.
WorkAreaName String The name of the work area where the resource is located, such as 'Welding Station' or 'Assembly Line 1.'
WorkAreaCode String A shorthand code representing the work area where the resource is used.
WorkAreaDescription String A detailed description of the work area, including its resources and production capabilities.
WorkCenterId Long The unique identifier for the work center where the resource is assigned. A work center groups resources dedicated to specific tasks.
WorkCenterName String The name of the work center where the resource is used (for example, 'CNC Machining Center').
WorkCenterCode String The code assigned to the work center, enabling quick identification and reference.
WorkCenterDescription String A detailed description of the work center, including the types of resources available and their functions.
WorkOrderId Long The unique identifier for the work order associated with the resource. Links the resource to the specific production job.
WorkOrderOperationId Long The unique identifier for the operation within the work order to which the resource is assigned. This identifier tracks resources at the operation level.
OperationSequenceNumber Decimal The sequence number of the operation within the work order, determining the order in which operations are performed.
OperationName String The name of the operation associated with the resource (for example, 'Assembly,' 'Testing,' or 'Painting').
StandardOperationId Long The unique identifier for the standard operation template associated with the resource. This identifier enables reuse of common operation setups.
StandardOperationCode String A shorthand code representing the standard operation associated with the resource.
PrincipalFlag Bool Indicates whether the resource is the primary resource for the operation. A value of 'true' designates it as the main resource.
BasisType String Specifies the basis for resource allocation (for example, 'Fixed' or 'Variable'), determining how resource usage is calculated.
RequiredUsage Decimal The amount of resource usage required for the operation. This value helps in planning and allocating resources efficiently.
UOMCode String The unit of measure (UOM) code for the resource usage, such as 'HRS' (Hours) or 'EA' (Each).
UnitOfMeasure String The full name of the unit of measure for the resource usage (for example, 'Hours' or 'Each'), providing additional clarity for the UOM code.
ChargeType String Specifies the type of charge associated with the resource (for example, 'Direct' or 'Indirect') for costing purposes.
AssignedUnits Decimal The number of units of the resource assigned to the operation. This number helps in tracking and managing resource allocation.
PlannedStartDate Datetime The planned date and time for starting the use of the resource in the operation. These metrics align resource allocation with the production schedule.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime The planned date and time for completing the use of the resource in the operation.
ResourceActivityCode String The code representing the specific activity performed by the resource (for example, 'Grinding' or 'Welding').
ScheduledIndicator String Indicates whether the resource usage is scheduled. This value helps in tracking planned versus unscheduled resource usage.
PhantomFlag Bool Indicates whether the resource is a phantom resource. A phantom resource is not tracked physically but is used for planning purposes.
ActualResourceUsage Decimal The actual amount of the resource consumed during the operation. This value helps in comparing planned versus actual usage for reporting and optimization.
CreatedBy String The name or identifier of the user who created the resource record. This identifier provides an audit trail for accountability.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the resource record was created. These metrics help track when the resource was assigned to the operation.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when the resource record was last updated. These metrics ensure changes are traceable for accuracy and auditing.
LastUpdatedBy String The name or identifier of the user who last updated the resource record. This identifier provides traceability for modifications.
ProfileId Long The unique identifier for the profile associated with the resource. This identifier links the resource to a predefined profile for standardization.
ProfileCode String The code for the profile associated with the resource. This code provides a shorthand reference for the resource profile.
EquipmentProfileId Long The unique identifier for the equipment profile linked to the resource. This identifier tracks equipment-specific configurations and attributes.
EquipmentProfileCode String The code for the equipment profile associated with the resource. This code helps identify equipment setups or specifications.
BackToBackFlag String Indicates whether the resource is part of a back-to-back process, where resource usage is directly linked to specific customer demand.
ContractMfgFlag String Indicates whether the resource is associated with contract manufacturing, where operations are outsourced to external suppliers or partners.
DueDays Int The number of days remaining until the resource is required for the operation. This number helps in planning and scheduling resource usage.
Finder String Represents the search mechanism or criteria used to locate the resource record within the system for quick access.
FirmPlannedFlag String Indicates whether the resource is firm planned, meaning its allocation cannot be modified by planning or scheduling tools.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item linked to the resource. This identifier tracks materials or components related to resource usage.
ItemNumber String The unique number assigned to the inventory item associated with the resource. This number aids in tracking and identification.
MaterialItemId Long The unique identifier for the material item related to the resource. This identifier links the material to the resource for detailed tracking.
ProductSerialId Long The unique identifier for the product serial number associated with the resource. This identifier enables serialized tracking for resource usage.
SerialNumber String The serial number of the resource or equipment. This serial number provides precise identification and traceability.
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long The unique identifier for the source header linking the resource record to its originating transaction, such as a purchase order or project.
SourceHeaderRefId Long An alternate unique identifier for the source header associated with the resource. This identifier provides additional linkage to the source system.
SourceLineReferenceId Long The unique identifier for the source line linking the resource record to a specific line item in the originating transaction.
SourceLineRefId Long An alternate unique identifier for the source line associated with the resource record. This identifier provides additional traceability.
SourceSystemId Long The unique identifier for the source system that provided the data related to the resource. This identifier is useful for integrations with external systems.
Tolerance Int The allowable tolerance level for the resource usage. This value ensures flexibility in operations while maintaining accuracy.
WoProjectNumber String The project number associated with the work order resource. This number links the resource to specific project-related activities.
WorkOrderNumber String The unique number assigned to the work order associated with the resource. This number helps track resource usage within the broader production process.
WorkOrderStatusId Long The unique identifier for the current status of the work order linked to the resource. This identifier indicates whether the work order is 'Open,' 'In Progress,' or 'Completed.'
WoTaskNumber String The task number within the work order associated with the resource. This attribute enables tracking of resource usage at the task level.

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Build 24.0.9175