Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages detailed instructions for manufacturing processes, including outputs, inputs, and resources.


Name Type Description
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the inventory organization enabled for manufacturing. This value serves as the primary key of the organization.
OrganizationCode String Abbreviation representing the inventory organization enabled for manufacturing.
OrganizationName String The name of the inventory organization associated with the process work order.
WorkOrderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the work order. This primary key is generated by the application during work order creation.
WorkOrderNumber String The unique number identifying the work order within the manufacturing organization. This number can be assigned either manually during creation or generated automatically based on plant parameters such as Work Order Prefix or Work Order Starting Number.
WorkOrderDescription String Detailed description of the work order, outlining its purpose or contents.
WorkOrderType String Specifies the type of work order selected during creation, such as Standard or Rework.
WorkOrderTypeDescription String Detailed description of the selected work order type.
WorkOrderSubType String Description of the specific type of work being performed, such as Standard Production, Prototyping, or Repair.
WorkOrderSubTypeDescription String Detailed description of the selected work order subtype.
ProcessName String The unique name of the process work definition. Either this attribute or the Primary Output attribute is required to create a process work order.
PrimaryProductId Long The unique identifier for the primary output of the process work order, automatically populated from the work order operation outputs.
ItemNumber String The unique number identifying the item that serves as the primary output of the work order.
Description String General description of the process work order, summarizing its purpose or details.
PrimaryProductQuantity Decimal The planned production quantity for the work order, specifying how much of the primary product is to be produced.
PrimaryProductUOMCode String The code representing the unit of measure for the primary product of the process work order.
PrimaryProductUnitOfMeasure String The unit of measure for the primary product of the process work order (for example, 'Pieces' or 'Kilograms').
ItemRevision String The revision level of the item associated with the process work order.
WorkDefinitionAsOfDate Datetime The effective date used to determine the appropriate version of the work definition for the process work order.
WorkDefinitionId Long The unique identifier for the work definition associated with the process work order.
WorkDefinitionCode String Code representing the work definition associated with the process work order.
WorkDefinitionVersionId Long The unique identifier for the specific version of the work definition used in the process work order.
WorkDefinitionVersionNumber String Version number of the work definition associated with the process work order.
WorkDefinitionName String Name of the work definition used for the process work order.
WorkOrderPriority Decimal The priority level of the work order, used to determine the execution order relative to other work orders.
WorkOrderStatusId Long The unique identifier for the status of the work order. A list of valid statuses can be retrieved using the workOrderStatuses resource.
WorkOrderStatusName String The name of the current status of the work order.
WorkOrderStatusCode String Abbreviation representing the current status of the work order. A list of valid codes can be retrieved using the workOrderStatuses resource.
WorkOrderSystemStatusCode String Code representing the system-assigned status of the work order.
SchedulingMethod String Specifies the method used to schedule the work order. The default value is 'DEFAULT_SCHEDULING'.
BatchQuantity Decimal The quantity of material either consumed or produced in the production process. This value can be based on the total input or output items. The batch quantity is required if the process name is specified when creating the work order.
CompletedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of the work order that completed successfully.
ScrappedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of materials or items scrapped during the work order process.
RejectedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of materials or items rejected during the work order process.
NettableSupplyQuantityOverride Decimal The quantity that the planning application uses as supply from the work order, overriding the default value.
UOMCode String The code representing the unit of measure for the work order's material or output.
UnitOfMeasure String The unit of measure associated with the work order's material or output (for example, 'Pieces' or 'Kilograms').
FirmPlannedFlag Bool Indicates whether the work order is firm planned. A value of 'true' means the work order is excluded from rescheduling or re-planning, while a value of 'false' allows planning to make rescheduling or re-planning recommendations. The default value is 'false'.
PlannedStartDate Datetime The scheduled date and time for the work order to start.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime The scheduled date and time for the work order to complete.
ActualStartDate Datetime The actual date and time when the work order started.
ActualCompletionDate Datetime The actual date and time when the work order was completed.
ReleasedDate Datetime The date when the work order was released for execution.
ClosedDate Datetime The date when the work order was officially closed.
CanceledDate Datetime The date when the work order was canceled.
DelayStatus Int Indicates the status of delays associated with the work order, represented numerically.
WorkOrderDate Datetime The date associated with the creation or scheduling of the work order.
CanceledReason String The reason provided for canceling the work order.
OvercomplToleranceType String Specifies the tolerance type for exceeding the work order quantity. Examples include percentage-based or quantity-based tolerance.
OvercomplToleranceValue Decimal The percentage or quantity that specifies how much production can exceed the planned work order quantity.
OvercomplToleranceTypeDescription String A detailed description of the tolerance type for exceeding the work order quantity.
UndercomplToleranceType String Specifies the tolerance type for completing less than the work order quantity. This feature requires an opt-in configuration.
UndercomplToleranceValue Decimal The percentage or quantity that specifies how much production can fall short of the planned work order quantity. This feature requires an opt-in configuration.
UndercomplToleranceTypeDescription String A detailed description of the tolerance type for completing less than the work order quantity.
UnderCompletedFlag Bool Indicates whether the work order was completed with less than the planned quantity.
SupplyType String Specifies the default supply type for the materials required by the work order.
SupplyTypeDescription String A detailed description of the default supply type for the materials required by the work order.
PreassignLotFlag Bool Indicates whether lot numbers can be preassigned to a product in the work order. A value of 'true' allows preassignment of lot numbers, while a value of 'false' disallows it. This feature requires opt-in configuration.
ResequenceFlag Bool Indicates whether resequencing is enabled for the work order.
OrchestrationCode String The code representing the orchestration process associated with the work order.
InterfaceSourceCode String The code identifying the source of the interface for the process work order.
ScoSupplyOrderId Long The unique identifier for the supply order associated with the process work order.
SourceSystemType String Specifies the type of source application. Valid values include 'INTERNAL' (within the organization) or 'EXTERNAL' (from an external system).
SourceSystemId Long The unique identifier for the source application that integrates with the process work order.
SourceHeaderReference String A reference identifier for the source header related to the process work order.
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long The unique identifier for the source header associated with the process work order.
SourceLineReference String A reference identifier for the source line related to the process work order.
SourceLineReferenceId Long The unique identifier for the source line associated with the process work order.
ProjectNumber String The project number associated with the process work order, used for project-specific tracking.
TaskNumber String The task number associated with the process work order, used for task-level tracking.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the process work order was created.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when the process work order was last updated.
CreatedBy String The name or identifier of the user who created the process work order.
LastUpdatedBy String The name or identifier of the user who last updated the process work order.
ExplosionFlag Bool Indicates whether work order operations, materials, and resources are created from the work definition on the work order header. A value of 'true' enables this process, while 'false' disables it. The default value is 'false'.
BackToBackFlag String Indicates whether the work order is part of a back-to-back manufacturing process.
ContractMfgFlag String Indicates whether the work order is part of a contract manufacturing process.
DueDays Int The number of days remaining until the work order is due for completion.
Finder String Search mechanism or identifier for the process work order.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with the process work order.
MaterialItemId Long The unique identifier for the material item used in the process work order.
ProductSerialId Long The unique identifier for the product serial number associated with the process work order.
ResourceId Long The unique identifier for the resource used in the process work order.
SerialNumber String The serial number associated with the process work order item, used for tracking.
SourceHeaderRefId Long The unique identifier for the source header reference associated with the process work order.
SourceLineRefId Long The unique identifier for the source line reference associated with the process work order.
Tolerance Int Specifies the tolerance level for the process work order, such as acceptable variances in production.
WoProjectNumber String The project number associated with the work order, used for project-level tracking.
WorkAreaId Long The unique identifier for the work area associated with the process work order.
WorkCenterId Long The unique identifier for the work center where the process work-order operations take place.
WoTaskNumber String The task number within the work order, used for detailed task tracking.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175