Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Performs midpoint rescheduling for process work orders to maintain workflow alignment.


Name Type Description
OperationId Number The unique identifier for the work order operation to be rescheduled.
OperationSequence Number The sequence number that indicates the order in which the work order operations referencing this serial number are performed.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the inventory organization that is enabled for manufacturing processes.
ScheduleDate Datetime The date used to anchor the scheduling of the operation. It specifies either the start or completion date.
ScheduleOption Number Determines the scheduling action: '1' assigns the ScheduleDate to the start date of the anchor operation, and '2' assigns ScheduleDate to the completion date.
WorkOrderNumber String The unique number that identifies the work order associated with the operation.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Result String The outcome of the procedure execution, indicating whether the operation rescheduling was successful.

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Build 24.0.9175