Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Supply Request Lines resource manages the demand and supply information associated with a supply request.


Name Type Description
SupplyRequestsSupplyOrderReferenceNumber [KEY] String SupplyRequestsSupplyOrderReferenceNumber of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
UOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure for the item in the supply request sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.
SupplyOrderReferenceLineId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supply request line in the supply request sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.
SupplyOrderReferenceLineNumber String Number that identifies the supply request line in the supply request sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.
SourceSubinventoryCode String Code that identifies the subinventory from where the requested item needs to be transferred to the destination organization or subinventory for a supply request. This code has to be a subinventory code defined in the Oracle Cloud applications.
SourceOrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the organization from where the requested item needs to be transferred to the destination organization or subinventory for a supply request. This identifier has to be an organization identifier generated in Oracle Cloud applications.
SourceOrganizationCode String Code that identifies the organization from where the requested item needs to be transferred to the destination organization or subinventory for a supply request. This code has to be an organization code defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
RequestedShipDate Datetime Date when the requester of the supply needs the item to be shipped from the supply source location.
Quantity Decimal Quantity of the item requested in the supply request.
PreparerId Long Value that uniquely identifies the person who prepared the supply request. This identifier has to be associated with the preparer name defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
ItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the item requested in the supply request.
InterfaceBatchNumber String Number that identifies the batch of supply requests that are sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud to create supplies. The batch consists of one or more supply requests.
InterfaceSourceCode String Code that uniquely identifies the supply requesting applications. Values include DOO, YPS, INV, or EXT. The default value is set to EXT if no value is sent in the request.
CarrierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the carrier in shipping method. This identifier has to be a value associated to the name of the carrier defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
DeliverToRequesterId Long Value that uniquely identifies the person who requested the supply. This identifier has to be a value associated to the name of the employee or person defined in the employee records in Oracle Cloud applications.
DestinationOrganizationCode String Code that identifies the inventory organization in which the supply for the requested item needs to be created. This code has to be an organization code defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
DestinationOrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization in which the supply for requested item needs to be created. This identifier has to be associated with the organization code defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
DestinationSubinventoryCode String Code that identifies the subinventory in which the supply for the requested item needs to be created. This code has to be a subinventory code defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
SupplyOrderSource String Source application that requested the supply to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud. Valid values include DOO, INV, YPS. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_DOS_SUPPLY_ORDER_SOURCE.
BackToBackFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the supply request or order is a back-to-back supply request or order. If N, then the supply request or order is not a back-to-back supply request or order. The default value is N.
NeedByDate Datetime Date on which the requester needs the supply to be delivered at the destination.
SupplySourceSystem String Supply application where the supply is being created. Valid values include INV, WIE, POR.
SupplyType String Type of supply that is being requested by the application requesting supply. Valid values include TRANSFER, BUY, MAKE. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_DOS_SUPPLY_ORDER_TYPE.
ProcessStatus String Status of the supply request that indicates whether the supply request has been processed successfully or has resulted in an error. Valid values include SUCCESS, ERROR.
PreparerName String Name of the person who prepared the supply request. Values must be the full name in LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME format as defined in the employee records in Oracle Cloud applications.
PreparerEmail String Email address of the person who prepared the supply request. This identifier has to be the email of the employee or email of the person defined in the employee records in Oracle Cloud applications.
CarrierCode String Code that identifies the carrier in the shipping method. This code has be associated with a carrier name defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
DeliverToRequesterName String Name of the employee/person who requested the supply. Values must be the full name in LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME format as defined in employee records in Oracle Cloud applications.
DestinationLocation String Code that identifies the destination location to which the item is requested to be sent or transferred. This code has to be a location defined in Oracle Cloud applications. This attribute is required only for the expense-destination type transfers. For inventory-destination type internal material transfers, during supply request processing, the location code defaults to the location associated with the destination organization.
SourceLocation String Code that identifies the location of the source from where the requested item is being shipped. This code has to be a location code defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
DestinationTypeCode String Code that identifies the destination type to which the transfer order is to be received. Values include INVENTORY and EXPENSE.
DooShipmentFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the transfer order shipment is routed through Oracle Order Management Cloud. If N, then the transfer order is not routed through Order Management. The default value is N.
FirmDemandFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the demand is firm. If N, then the demand is not firm. The default value is N.
GroupCode String Code that identifies the import group for this line in a group.
ScheduledShipDate Datetime Date when the requested item is scheduled to ship.
ShipClassOfService String Class of service in the shipping method. This indicates the priority of transportation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_SERVICE_LEVELS.
ShipModeOfTransport String Mode of transport in the shipping method. This indicates the mode of transportation used for movement of goods. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_MODE_TRANSPORT.
SupplyOperation String Operation that needs to be performed on the supply request. Valid values include CREATE, UPDATE, or CANCEL.
DestinationLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the location to which the item is requested to be sent or transferred. This identifier has to be defined in Oracle Cloud applications. This attribute is required only for the expense-destination type transfers. For inventory-destination type internal material transfers, during supply request processing, the location identifier defaults to the location associated with the destination organization.
DeliverToRequesterEmail String Email address of the person who requested the supply. This identifier has to be the email of the employee or person defined in the employee records in Oracle Cloud applications.
UOMName String Name of the unit of measure for the item in the supply request sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud.
ItemDescription String ItemDescription of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
SourceOrganizationName String SourceOrganizationName of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
SourceSubinventoryName String Name that identifies the subinventory from where the requested item needs to be transferred to the destination organization or subinventory for a supply request. This identifier has to be associated to the subinventory code defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
SourceLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the location from where the requested item is being shipped. This identifier has to be defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
DestinationOrganizationName String DestinationOrganizationName of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
DestinationSubinventoryName String Name that identifies the subinventory in which the supply for the requested item needs to be created. This identifier has to be associated to the subinventory code defined in Oracle Cloud applications.
TransferPrice Decimal Value that indicates the transfer price.
TransferPriceCurrencyCode String Code that uniquely identifies the transfer price currency.
ItemNumber String Number that identifies the item requested in the supply request.
TransferOrderHeaderNumber String Number that identifies the transfer order header.
TransferOrderLineNumber String Number that identifies the transfer order line.
NoteToReceiver String Note to the receiver entered by the supply requester in the transfer supply request; for example, receiving instructions.
NoteToSupplier String Note to the supplier entered by the supply requester in the transfer supply request; for example, shipping instructions.
Comments String Comments that the supply requester entered in the transfer supply request.
ItemRevision String Number that identifies the revision of the item requested in the supply request.
SupplySplitsAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud splits the supply recommendations based on the availability. If N, then Global Order Promising sends the best available single supply recommendation without splitting the supply recommendations based on partial availabilities. The default value is N.
PurchaseOrderScheduleNumber String Number that identifies the purchase order schedule.
PurchaseOrderNumber String Number that identifies the purchase order.
PurchaseOrderLineNumber String Number that identifies the purchase order line.
PurchaseOrderLineId String Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order line.
PurchaseOrderHeaderId String Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order header.
SupplierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier.
SupplierSiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site.
SupplierNumber String Number that identifies the supplier.
SupplierSiteName String Name of the supplier site.
PurchaseOrderScheduleId Long Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order schedule.
SupplierName String Name of the supplier.
FirmPlannedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values:Y or N. If Y, then the supply (transfer order or purchase order) will be firmed. If N, then the supply (transfer order or purchase order) will not be firmed. The default value is N.
ShipmentPriorityCode String Priority to place when shipping a transfer order line from the source organization. A list of accepted values are defined in the lookup type WSH_SHIPPING_PRIORITY. For example, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH etc.
BindDestOrganizationCode String BindDestOrganizationCode of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
BindDocumentNumber String BindDocumentNumber of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
BindItemNumber String BindItemNumber of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
BindNeedByDate Datetime BindNeedByDate of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
BindSupplyOrderNumber String BindSupplyOrderNumber of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
BindSupplyOrderReferenceNumber String BindSupplyOrderReferenceNumber of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
BindSupplyOrderSource String BindSupplyOrderSource of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
BindSupplyRequestDate Datetime BindSupplyRequestDate of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
BindSupplyStatus String BindSupplyStatus of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
BindSupplyType String BindSupplyType of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
Finder String Finder of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines
SupplyOrderReferenceNumber String SupplyOrderReferenceNumber of SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines

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Build 24.0.9111