Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages information specific to purchase order-based supply, enabling tracking and fulfillment of buy-supply requests.


Name Type Description
SupplyRequestsSupplyOrderReferenceNumber [KEY] String Reference number for the supply request associated with this supply order line for purchasing supply.
SupplyorderlinesSupplyLineId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the supply order line within the buy supply request.
SupplyTrackingLineId [KEY] Long Tracking line identifier used for monitoring supply fulfillment and processing.
SupplyOrderHeaderId Long Unique identifier for the supply order header.
SupplyLineId Long Unique identifier for the supply line associated with the supply request.
SupplyParentTrackingLineId Long Tracking ID of the parent supply order line used for supply fulfillment tracking.
SupplyTrackingLineNumber Long Sequential number assigned to the supply tracking line.
SupplyTrackingLineStatus String Status of the supply tracking line (for example, pending, completed, in-progress).
SupplyType String Type of supply associated with this request, such as purchase order or transfer order.
SupplyOrderReferenceLineId Long Unique identifier for the supply order reference line.
SupplyOrderReferenceLineNumber String Reference number for the supply order line.
ItemId Long Unique identifier for the item being supplied.
ItemRevision String Revision version of the item, if applicable.
UOMCode String Code representing the unit of measure (UOM) for the item.
Quantity Decimal Quantity of items requested for supply.
DestinationOrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the destination organization where the supply will be received.
DestinationOrganizationCode String Code representing the destination organization.
SupplyFulfilledQuantity Decimal Quantity of supply that has been fulfilled so far.
SupplyChangePendingFlag Bool Indicates whether there is a pending change in the supply request. Possible values: true or false.
SupplyExceptionFlag Bool Indicates whether there is an exception or issue with the supply request.
BuyerId Long Unique identifier for the buyer responsible for this supply order.
PreparerId Long Unique identifier for the user who prepared the supply order.
CategoryId Long Unique identifier for the category of the item being supplied.
ScheduledShipDate Datetime Date when the supply is scheduled to be shipped.
RequestedShipDate Datetime Date when the supply was originally requested to be shipped.
DeliverToLocationId Long Unique identifier for the delivery location.
SupplierId Long Unique identifier for the supplier fulfilling the supply order.
SupplierSiteId Long Unique identifier for the supplier site.
DeliverToRequesterId Long Unique identifier for the requester of the supply order.
PurchaseOrderHeaderId String Unique identifier for the purchase order header associated with this supply order.
PurchaseOrderNumber String Number assigned to the purchase order.
PurchaseOrderLineId String Unique identifier for the purchase order line.
PurchaseOrderLineNumber String Number assigned to the purchase order line.
PurchaseOrderScheduleId Long Unique identifier for the purchase order schedule.
CarrierId Long Unique identifier for the carrier responsible for shipment.
RequisitioningBUId Long Unique identifier for the business unit making the requisition.
PurchaseOrderScheduleNumber String Number assigned to the purchase order schedule.
BackToBackFlag Bool Indicates whether the supply order is part of a back-to-back fulfillment process.
SupplierSiteName String Name of the supplier site fulfilling the supply order.
RequisitionLineNumber String Line number of the requisition associated with the supply order.
RequisitionNumber String Number assigned to the requisition.
RequisitionId String Unique identifier for the requisition.
RequisitionLineId String Unique identifier for the requisition line.
NeedByDate Datetime Date by which the supply is required.
ItemNumber String Unique item number for the supplied product.
ItemDescription String Description of the supplied item.
UOMName String Name of the UOM used for the supplied item.
DestinationOrganizationName String Name of the organization receiving the supply.
DeliverToRequesterName String Name of the person requesting the supply order.
DeliverToRequesterEmail String Email address of the requester.
PreparerEmail String Email address of the preparer of the supply request.
PreparerName String Name of the user who prepared the supply order.
CarrierCode String Code representing the carrier responsible for shipment.
RequisitioningBUCode String Code representing the business unit making the requisition.
RequisitioningBUName String Name of the business unit making the requisition.
CategoryName String Name of the category assigned to the item.
BuyerName String Name of the buyer responsible for the supply order.
DeliverToLocationName String Name of the delivery location.
SupplierName String Name of the supplier fulfilling the supply order.
SupplierNumber String Number assigned to the supplier.
BindDestOrganizationCode String Binding field linking the supply order line to the destination organization.
BindDocumentNumber String Binding document number associated with the supply order.
BindItemNumber String Binding item number used for linking supply order data.
BindNeedByDate Datetime Binding field indicating the required delivery date for the supply request.
BindSupplyOrderNumber String Binding field linking the supply order number.
BindSupplyOrderReferenceNumber String Binding field linking the supply order reference number.
BindSupplyOrderSource String Binding field linking the supply order source application.
BindSupplyRequestDate Datetime Binding field indicating when the supply request was submitted.
BindSupplyStatus String Binding field tracking the processing status of the supply request.
BindSupplyType String Binding field specifying the type of supply order.
Finder String Utility field used for retrieving specific supply order lines.
SupplyOrderReferenceNumber String Reference number used to track the supply order.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175