Manages information specific to purchase order-based supply, enabling tracking and fulfillment of buy-supply requests.
Name | Type | Description |
SupplyRequestsSupplyOrderReferenceNumber [KEY] | String | Reference number for the supply request associated with this supply order line for purchasing supply. |
SupplyorderlinesSupplyLineId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the supply order line within the buy supply request. |
SupplyTrackingLineId [KEY] | Long | Tracking line identifier used for monitoring supply fulfillment and processing. |
SupplyOrderHeaderId | Long | Unique identifier for the supply order header. |
SupplyLineId | Long | Unique identifier for the supply line associated with the supply request. |
SupplyParentTrackingLineId | Long | Tracking ID of the parent supply order line used for supply fulfillment tracking. |
SupplyTrackingLineNumber | Long | Sequential number assigned to the supply tracking line. |
SupplyTrackingLineStatus | String | Status of the supply tracking line (for example, pending, completed, in-progress). |
SupplyType | String | Type of supply associated with this request, such as purchase order or transfer order. |
SupplyOrderReferenceLineId | Long | Unique identifier for the supply order reference line. |
SupplyOrderReferenceLineNumber | String | Reference number for the supply order line. |
ItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the item being supplied. |
ItemRevision | String | Revision version of the item, if applicable. |
UOMCode | String | Code representing the unit of measure (UOM) for the item. |
Quantity | Decimal | Quantity of items requested for supply. |
DestinationOrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the destination organization where the supply will be received. |
DestinationOrganizationCode | String | Code representing the destination organization. |
SupplyFulfilledQuantity | Decimal | Quantity of supply that has been fulfilled so far. |
SupplyChangePendingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether there is a pending change in the supply request. Possible values: true or false. |
SupplyExceptionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether there is an exception or issue with the supply request. |
BuyerId | Long | Unique identifier for the buyer responsible for this supply order. |
PreparerId | Long | Unique identifier for the user who prepared the supply order. |
CategoryId | Long | Unique identifier for the category of the item being supplied. |
ScheduledShipDate | Datetime | Date when the supply is scheduled to be shipped. |
RequestedShipDate | Datetime | Date when the supply was originally requested to be shipped. |
DeliverToLocationId | Long | Unique identifier for the delivery location. |
SupplierId | Long | Unique identifier for the supplier fulfilling the supply order. |
SupplierSiteId | Long | Unique identifier for the supplier site. |
DeliverToRequesterId | Long | Unique identifier for the requester of the supply order. |
PurchaseOrderHeaderId | String | Unique identifier for the purchase order header associated with this supply order. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | Number assigned to the purchase order. |
PurchaseOrderLineId | String | Unique identifier for the purchase order line. |
PurchaseOrderLineNumber | String | Number assigned to the purchase order line. |
PurchaseOrderScheduleId | Long | Unique identifier for the purchase order schedule. |
CarrierId | Long | Unique identifier for the carrier responsible for shipment. |
RequisitioningBUId | Long | Unique identifier for the business unit making the requisition. |
PurchaseOrderScheduleNumber | String | Number assigned to the purchase order schedule. |
BackToBackFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the supply order is part of a back-to-back fulfillment process. |
SupplierSiteName | String | Name of the supplier site fulfilling the supply order. |
RequisitionLineNumber | String | Line number of the requisition associated with the supply order. |
RequisitionNumber | String | Number assigned to the requisition. |
RequisitionId | String | Unique identifier for the requisition. |
RequisitionLineId | String | Unique identifier for the requisition line. |
NeedByDate | Datetime | Date by which the supply is required. |
ItemNumber | String | Unique item number for the supplied product. |
ItemDescription | String | Description of the supplied item. |
UOMName | String | Name of the UOM used for the supplied item. |
DestinationOrganizationName | String | Name of the organization receiving the supply. |
DeliverToRequesterName | String | Name of the person requesting the supply order. |
DeliverToRequesterEmail | String | Email address of the requester. |
PreparerEmail | String | Email address of the preparer of the supply request. |
PreparerName | String | Name of the user who prepared the supply order. |
CarrierCode | String | Code representing the carrier responsible for shipment. |
RequisitioningBUCode | String | Code representing the business unit making the requisition. |
RequisitioningBUName | String | Name of the business unit making the requisition. |
CategoryName | String | Name of the category assigned to the item. |
BuyerName | String | Name of the buyer responsible for the supply order. |
DeliverToLocationName | String | Name of the delivery location. |
SupplierName | String | Name of the supplier fulfilling the supply order. |
SupplierNumber | String | Number assigned to the supplier. |
BindDestOrganizationCode | String | Binding field linking the supply order line to the destination organization. |
BindDocumentNumber | String | Binding document number associated with the supply order. |
BindItemNumber | String | Binding item number used for linking supply order data. |
BindNeedByDate | Datetime | Binding field indicating the required delivery date for the supply request. |
BindSupplyOrderNumber | String | Binding field linking the supply order number. |
BindSupplyOrderReferenceNumber | String | Binding field linking the supply order reference number. |
BindSupplyOrderSource | String | Binding field linking the supply order source application. |
BindSupplyRequestDate | Datetime | Binding field indicating when the supply request was submitted. |
BindSupplyStatus | String | Binding field tracking the processing status of the supply request. |
BindSupplyType | String | Binding field specifying the type of supply order. |
Finder | String | Utility field used for retrieving specific supply order lines. |
SupplyOrderReferenceNumber | String | Reference number used to track the supply order. |