Enables querying and retrieval of standard lookup values, including codes and their translated meanings for reference data sharing.
Name | Type | Description |
LookupType [KEY] | String | Type of lookup used to categorize different sets of codes. |
LookupCode [KEY] | String | Unique identifier for the specific lookup entry within the lookup type. |
Meaning | String | User-friendly label or meaning assigned to the lookup code. |
Description | String | Detailed description providing context for the lookup code. |
Tag | String | Tag associated with the lookup code for additional classification or grouping. |
ActiveDate | Date | Date when the lookup code becomes active and available for use. |
Bind_ParentLookupCode | String | Parent lookup code that establishes a hierarchical relationship between lookups. |
Bind_ParentSetidDetermType | String | Determination type for parent lookup set ID, used for context-based filtering. |
Bind_ParentSetidDetermValue | String | Determination value that links the lookup to a specific parent set. |
Bind_RelationshipId | Long | Unique identifier for the relationship between lookup entries. |
BindActiveDate | Date | Date when the bound lookup relationship becomes active. |
BindLookupCode | String | Lookup code that is bound to another lookup entry for reference. |
BindLookupType | String | Lookup type that is bound to another lookup entry. |
BindTag | String | Tag associated with the bound lookup entry. |
Finder | String | Searchable reference field used to locate specific lookup values. |
NewLookupCode1 | String | Additional lookup code field for storing a new or alternate value. |
NewLookupCode2 | String | Additional lookup code field for storing a second new or alternate value. |
NewLookupCode3 | String | Additional lookup code field for storing a third new or alternate value. |
NewLookupCode4 | String | Additional lookup code field for storing a fourth new or alternate value. |
NewLookupCode5 | String | Additional lookup code field for storing a fifth new or alternate value. |