Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Stores notes and instructions related to outer packing units, including packing guidelines and shipping-specific information.


Name Type Description
ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the shipment transaction request associated with outer packing unit notes.
ShipmentsDeliveryInterfaceId [KEY] Long Identifier for the interface managing shipment delivery within the transaction request.
OuterpackingunitsLPNInterfaceId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the outer packing unit’s License Plate Number (LPN) in the shipment.
NoteId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the note associated with the outer packing unit.
SourceObjectCode String Code representing the source object type that the metadata defines for the note (for example, shipment, order, packing unit).
SourceObjectId String Unique identifier of the source object to which the note is attached.
PartyName String Name of the party associated with the note (for example, carrier, customer, shipper).
NoteTxt String Full text content of the note attached to the outer packing unit.
NoteTypeCode String Code representing the category of the note (for example, shipping instructions, damage report, tracking update).
VisibilityCode String Code indicating the visibility level of the note (for example, public, internal, confidential).
CreatorPartyId Long Unique identifier of the person or entity that created the note.
CreatedBy String User who created the note entry for the outer packing unit.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp when the note entry was created.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp when the note entry was last updated.
PartyId Long Unique identifier of the party associated with the note.
CorpCurrencyCode String Code representing the corporate currency in which financial amounts are recorded.
CurcyConvRateType String Type of currency conversion rate applied to financial amounts in the note.
CurrencyCode String Code representing the currency used in any financial references in the note.
ContactRelationshipId Long Unique identifier of the relationship between the contact and the shipment transaction.
ParentNoteId Long Unique identifier of the parent note, if this note is a reply or part of a thread.
LastUpdatedBy String User who last modified the note entry.
LastUpdateLogin String Session identifier of the user who last updated the note.
EmailAddress String Email address of the contact person related to the note.
FormattedAddress String Formatted address of the party associated with the note.
FormattedPhoneNumber String Formatted phone number of the contact person for reference.
UpdateFlag Bool Indicates whether the note is flagged for updates (true/false).
DeleteFlag Bool Indicates whether the note is flagged for deletion (true/false).
NoteNumber String System-generated or externally assigned unique identifier for the note.
NoteTitle String Title or subject of the note, typically entered by the user.
Carrier String Name of the carrier related to the shipment or the note.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String Reference identifier linking the note to an external system transaction.
Finder String Searchable reference field for locating specific notes in the system.
FromActualShipDate Datetime Start date range for the actual shipment date associated with the note.
FromInitialShipDate Datetime Start date range for the originally planned shipment date.
Item String Identifier or name of the item related to the note.
ModeOfTransportCode String Code representing the mode of transport for the shipment (for example, air, sea, land).
Order String Order number associated with the shipment or note.
PackingUnit String Packing unit name or identifier associated with the note.
ServiceLevelCode String Code representing the level of service for the shipment (for example, express, standard).
ShipFromOrganizationCode String Code identifying the organization location from which the shipment originates.
Shipment String Unique identifier or name of the shipment.
ShipmentLine Long Line number corresponding to a specific item in the shipment.
SoldToCustomer String Name of the customer to whom the shipment is sold.
ToActualShipDate Datetime End date range for the actual shipment date.
ToInitialShipDate Datetime End date range for the originally planned shipment date.
TransactionId Long Unique transaction ID linking this note data to the shipment transaction request.

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Build 24.0.9175