Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages shipping instructions for unpacked shipment lines, aiding in logistics execution.


Name Type Description
ShipmentsDeliveryId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the delivery associated with the unpacked shipment line shipping instructions.
UnpackedshipmentlinesShipmentLine [KEY] Long Identifier for the specific unpacked shipment line associated with the shipping instructions.
NoteId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the note linked to the shipping instructions.
ShippingInstructions String Detailed instructions on how the shipment should be handled and transported.
BaseItem String Base item associated with the unpacked shipment line shipping instructions.
DeliveryId Long Identifier for the delivery linked to the shipment shipping instructions.
EndAssemblyItemNumber String Item number of the final assembly associated with the shipment line.
Finder String Search reference used to locate the shipment line shipping instructions.
IntegrationStatus String Status indicating whether the shipping instructions have been successfully integrated.
Item String Item identifier linked to the shipment line shipping instructions.
LineStatus String Current status of the shipment line shipping instructions.
OrderNumber String Order number associated with the shipment line shipping instructions.
OrderType String Type of order linked to the shipment line shipping instructions.
OrderTypeCode String Code representing the order type.
ParentPackingUnit String Reference to the parent packing unit related to the shipment shipping instructions.
PickWave String Pick wave associated with the shipment line shipping instructions.
QuickShipStatus String Status indicating whether the shipment is eligible for quick shipping.
RcvShipmentLineId Long Identifier for the receiving shipment line associated with the shipping instructions.
Shipment String Reference identifier for the shipment linked to the shipping instructions.
ShipmentSet String Grouping identifier for shipments processed together.
ShipToCustomer String Customer designated as the recipient of the shipment.
ShipToPartyId String Identifier for the party receiving the shipment.
SourceOrder String Order number from the source system related to the shipment line shipping instructions.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine String Fulfillment line identifier from the source order system.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId String Unique identifier for the source order fulfillment line.
SourceOrderLine String Order line number from the source system.
SourceSystemId String Identifier for the source system that originated the shipment order.
TradeComplianceStatus String Compliance status of the shipment against trade regulations.
TransportationPlanningStatus String Status of transportation planning related to the shipment shipping instructions.

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Build 24.0.9175