Handles documentation and metadata for attachments specific to unpacked shipment lines.
Name | Type | Description |
ShipmentsDeliveryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the delivery associated with the unpacked shipment line attachments. |
UnpackedshipmentlinesShipmentLine [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the specific unpacked shipment line associated with the attachment. |
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the attached document linked to the shipment line. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Timestamp of the last update made to the attachment record. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last modified the attachment record. |
DatatypeCode | String | Code representing the data type of the attached document. |
FileName | String | Name of the file attached to the shipment line. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path within the document management system where the file is stored. |
DmDocumentId | String | Unique identifier of the document in the document management system. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the document stored in the document management system. |
Url | String | URL link to access the attached document. |
CategoryName | String | Category assigned to the document for classification. |
UserName | String | User associated with the document attachment. |
Uri | String | URI reference for accessing the document. |
FileUrl | String | Direct file URL for downloading the attached document. |
UploadedText | String | Text content extracted from the uploaded file, if applicable. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileLength | Long | Size of the uploaded file in bytes. |
UploadedFileName | String | Original name of the uploaded file. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Bool | Indicates whether the file is shared within the content repository. |
Title | String | Title of the document attachment. |
Description | String | Description or summary of the attached document. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error code if an issue occurred during document processing. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Detailed error message for failed document processing. |
CreatedBy | String | User who originally created the document attachment record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Timestamp when the document attachment was created. |
FileContents | String | Raw contents of the uploaded file, if stored as text. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date of the document attachment, if applicable. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | Username of the last person who updated the document attachment. |
CreatedByUserName | String | Username of the person who created the document attachment. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Tracking ID for asynchronous processing of the attachment. |
FileWebImage | String | Thumbnail or preview image associated with the attached file. |
DownloadInfo | String | Metadata related to file download details. |
PostProcessingAction | String | Action to be performed after processing the attached document. |
BaseItem | String | Base item associated with the unpacked shipment line attachment. |
DeliveryId | Long | Identifier for the delivery linked to the shipment attachment. |
EndAssemblyItemNumber | String | Item number of the final assembly associated with the shipment line attachment. |
Finder | String | Search reference used to locate the shipment line attachment. |
IntegrationStatus | String | Status indicating whether the attachment record has been integrated successfully. |
Item | String | Item identifier linked to the shipment line attachment. |
LineStatus | String | Current status of the shipment line attachment. |
OrderNumber | String | Order number associated with the shipment line attachment. |
OrderType | String | Type of order linked to the shipment line attachment. |
OrderTypeCode | String | Code representing the order type. |
ParentPackingUnit | String | Reference to the parent packing unit related to the shipment attachment. |
PickWave | String | Pick wave associated with the shipment line. |
QuickShipStatus | String | Status indicating whether the shipment is eligible for quick shipping. |
RcvShipmentLineId | Long | Identifier for the receiving shipment line associated with the attachment. |
Shipment | String | Reference identifier for the shipment linked to the attachment. |
ShipmentSet | String | Grouping identifier for shipments processed together. |
ShipToCustomer | String | Customer designated as the recipient of the shipment. |
ShipToPartyId | String | Identifier for the party receiving the shipment. |
SourceOrder | String | Order number from the source system related to the shipment line attachment. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine | String | Fulfillment line identifier from the source order system. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | String | Unique identifier for the source order fulfillment line. |
SourceOrderLine | String | Order line number from the source system. |
SourceSystemId | String | Identifier for the source system that originated the shipment order. |
TradeComplianceStatus | String | Compliance status of the shipment against trade regulations. |
TransportationPlanningStatus | String | Status of transportation planning related to the shipment attachment. |