Manages data about unpacked shipment lines, aiding in tracking and operational planning.
Name | Type | Description |
ShipmentsDeliveryId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the shipment delivery within unpacked shipment lines. |
ShipmentLine [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for a specific shipment line within the shipment record. |
OrderTypeCode | String | Code representing the type of order (for example, sales, transfer, return). |
OrderType | String | Description of the order type associated with the shipment. |
Order | String | Unique reference number assigned to the order. |
OrderLine | String | Line-level identifier within the order. |
OrderSchedule | String | Schedule reference associated with the order line. |
InventoryItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the inventory item being shipped. |
Item | String | Internal or external item number assigned to the product. |
ItemDescription | String | Detailed description of the shipped item. |
Revision | String | Item revision number indicating version control of the product. |
UnitPrice | Long | Price per unit of the item at the time of shipment. |
SellingPrice | Long | Final price per unit of the item after applicable adjustments. |
RequestedQuantity | Decimal | Total quantity requested for shipment. |
RequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | Unit of measure (UOM) code for the requested quantity (for example, EA, KG). |
RequestedQuantityUOM | String | Full name of the UOM for the requested quantity. |
SecondaryRequestedQuantity | Decimal | Requested quantity in an alternate UOM. |
SecondaryRequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | UOM code for the secondary requested quantity. |
SecondaryRequestedQuantityUOM | String | Full name of the UOM for the secondary requested quantity. |
FOBCode | String | Code representing Free on Board (FOB) shipping terms. |
FOB | String | Description of the FOB terms applicable to the shipment. |
FreightTermsCode | String | Code indicating the freight terms applied to the shipment. |
FreightTerms | String | Description of the freight terms used in the shipment. |
ShippingPriorityCode | String | Code defining the priority level of the shipment. |
ShippingPriority | String | Description of the shipping priority for the order. |
PreferredGrade | String | Grade preference specified for the shipped item. |
PreferredGradeName | String | Name of the preferred grade of the shipped item. |
CurrencyCode | String | Code representing the currency used for the shipment transaction. |
CurrencyName | String | Full name of the currency associated with the shipment. |
ShipmentSet | String | Grouping identifier for shipments intended to be processed together. |
ArrivalSet | String | Grouping identifier for shipments scheduled to arrive together. |
CustomerPONumber | String | Purchase order number provided by the customer. |
CustomerItemId | Long | Customer's internal identifier for the item being shipped. |
CustomerItem | String | Customer-specific item number. |
CustomerItemDescription | String | Description of the item as provided by the customer. |
RequestedDate | Datetime | Date when the shipment was requested. |
ScheduledShipDate | Datetime | Planned date for the shipment to be dispatched. |
RequestedDateTypeCode | String | Code representing the type of requested date (for example, ship date, delivery date). |
RequestedDateType | String | Description of the type of requested date associated with the shipment. |
ShipToPartyId | Long | Unique identifier for the customer receiving the shipment. |
ShipToCustomer | String | Name of the customer receiving the shipment. |
ShipToCustomerNumber | String | Customer account number for the recipient. |
ShipToPartySiteId | Long | Unique identifier for the ship-to location. |
ShipToPartySiteNumber | String | Reference number for the ship-to location. |
ShipToContactId | Long | Unique identifier for the primary contact at the ship-to location. |
ShipToContact | String | Full name of the primary contact for the shipment recipient. |
ShipToContactFirstName | String | First name of the ship-to contact person. |
ShipToContactLastName | String | Last name of the ship-to contact person. |
ShipToContactPhone | String | Phone number of the ship-to contact. |
ShipToURL | String | Website or portal associated with the shipment recipient. |
ShipToFax | String | Fax number for the ship-to location. |
ShipToEmail | String | Email address of the primary contact at the ship-to location. |
ShipToLocationId | Long | Unique identifier for the physical location where the shipment will be delivered. |
ShipToLocationType | String | Type of location where the shipment is being sent (for example, warehouse, store). |
ShipToAddress1 | String | Primary address line of the shipment destination. |
ShipToAddress2 | String | Secondary address line of the shipment destination. |
ShipToAddress3 | String | Additional address information for the shipment destination. |
ShipToAddress4 | String | Extra address line for the shipment destination. |
ShipToCity | String | City where the shipment will be delivered. |
ShipToCounty | String | County or district of the shipment destination. |
ShipToPostalCode | String | Postal or ZIP code of the shipment destination. |
ShipToRegion | String | Region associated with the shipment destination. |
ShipToState | String | State or province of the shipment destination. |
ShipToCountry | String | Country where the shipment is being delivered. |
SoldToPartyId | Long | Unique identifier for the entity purchasing the shipment. |
SoldToCustomer | String | Name of the customer purchasing the shipment. |
SoldToCustomerNumber | String | Customer account number of the purchasing entity. |
Supplier | String | Supplier associated with the shipment transaction. |
SupplierPartyNumber | String | Supplier reference number. |
SoldToContactId | Long | Unique identifier for the contact person at the purchasing entity. |
SoldToContact | String | Full name of the contact person at the purchasing entity. |
SoldToContactFirstName | String | First name of the contact at the purchasing entity. |
SoldToContactLastName | String | Last name of the contact at the purchasing entity. |
SoldToContactPhone | String | Phone number of the contact person at the purchasing entity. |
SoldToURL | String | Website or portal of the purchasing entity. |
SoldToFax | String | Fax number of the purchasing entity. |
SoldToEmail | String | Email address of the contact person at the purchasing entity. |
BillToPartyId | Long | Unique identifier for the entity responsible for payment. |
BillToCustomer | String | Name of the customer responsible for payment. |
BillToCustomerNumber | String | Customer account number of the paying entity. |
BillToPartySiteId | Long | Unique identifier for the billing address location. |
BillToPartySiteNumber | String | Reference number for the billing site. |
BillToContactId | Long | Unique identifier for the contact person at the billing entity. |
BillToContact | String | Full name of the billing contact. |
BillToContactFirstName | String | First name of the billing contact. |
BillToContactLastName | String | Last name of the billing contact. |
BillToContactPhone | String | Phone number of the billing contact. |
BillToURL | String | Website or portal of the billing entity. |
BillToFax | String | Fax number of the billing entity. |
BillToEmail | String | Email address of the billing contact. |
BillToLocationId | Long | Unique identifier for the billing location. |
BillToAddress1 | String | Primary billing address line. |
BillToAddress2 | String | Secondary billing address line. |
BillToAddress3 | String | Additional billing address information. |
BillToAddress4 | String | Extra billing address line. |
BillToCity | String | City associated with the billing address. |
BillToCounty | String | County or district of the billing address. |
BillToPostalCode | String | Postal or ZIP code of the billing address. |
BillToRegion | String | Region associated with the billing address. |
BillToState | String | State or province of the billing address. |
BillToCountry | String | Country of the billing entity. |
Subinventory | String | Specific subinventory from which the items are being shipped. |
LocatorId | Long | Unique identifier for the warehouse locator. |
Locator | String | Warehouse location where the items are stored before shipment. |
ShippedQuantity | Decimal | Total quantity of items shipped. |
SecondaryShippedQuantity | Decimal | The secondary quantity of items that have been shipped. |
NetWeight | Long | The net weight of the shipment, excluding packaging materials. |
GrossWeight | Long | The total weight of the shipment, including packaging materials. |
TareWeight | Decimal | The weight of the packaging materials for the shipment. |
WeightUOMCode | String | The UOM code for weight (for example, KG, LB). |
WeightUOM | String | The UOM description for weight. |
Volume | Long | The total volume occupied by the shipment. |
VolumeUOMCode | String | The UOM code for volume (for example, L, m³). |
VolumeUOM | String | The UOM description for volume. |
LoadingSequence | Long | The sequence in which the shipment is loaded for transport. |
LotNumber | String | The lot number associated with the shipment items. |
EndAssemblyItemNumber | String | The item number for the final assembled product. |
OrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the organization handling the shipment. |
OrganizationCode | String | The code representing the organization managing the shipment. |
OrganizationName | String | The name of the organization handling the shipment. |
ParentPackingUnitId | Long | Unique identifier for the parent packing unit. |
ParentPackingUnit | String | Description of the parent packing unit. |
ShipmentId | Long | Unique identifier for the shipment. |
Shipment | String | Reference identifier for the shipment record. |
ProjectSalesOrderFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the shipment is linked to a project sales order. |
RcvShipmentLineId | Long | Unique identifier for the received shipment line. |
LineStatusCode | String | The status code representing the shipment line's progress. |
LineStatus | String | The description of the shipment line's current status. |
TrackingNumber | String | The tracking number assigned to the shipment. |
SealNumber | String | The seal number for the shipment container. |
PickWaveId | Long | Unique identifier for the pick wave associated with the shipment. |
PickWave | String | Reference to the pick wave associated with the shipment. |
SourceOrderId | Long | Unique identifier for the original source order. |
SourceOrder | String | Reference to the source order from which the shipment originates. |
SourceOrderLineId | Long | Unique identifier for the line item in the source order. |
SourceOrderLine | String | Reference to the line item in the source order. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | Int | Unique identifier for the fulfillment line in the source order. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine | String | Reference to the fulfillment line in the source order. |
TaxationCountryCode | String | The country code where the shipment is subject to taxation. |
TaxationCountry | String | The country where the shipment is subject to taxation. |
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationId | Long | Unique identifier for the tax registration of the first party. |
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | The tax registration number of the first party. |
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationId | Long | Unique identifier for the tax registration of the third party. |
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | The tax registration number of the third party. |
LocationOfFinalDischargeId | Long | Unique identifier for the final discharge location. |
LocationOfFinalDischargeCode | String | The code representing the final discharge location. |
LocationOfFinalDischarge | String | The name of the final discharge location. |
DocumentFiscalClassificationCode | String | The code representing the fiscal classification of the document. |
DocumentFiscalClassification | String | The fiscal classification of the document. |
TransactionBusinessCategoryCode | String | The business category code for the transaction. |
TransactionBusinessCategory | String | The business category description for the transaction. |
UserDefinedFiscalClassificationCode | String | User-defined fiscal classification code for the shipment. |
UserDefinedFiscalClassification | String | User-defined fiscal classification description for the shipment. |
TaxInvoiceNumber | String | The invoice number associated with taxation of the shipment. |
TaxInvoiceDate | Date | The invoice date associated with taxation of the shipment. |
ProductCategoryCode | String | The category code of the shipped product. |
ProductCategory | String | The description of the product category. |
IntendedUseClassificationId | Decimal | The classification ID representing the intended use of the product. |
IntendedUse | String | The description of the intended use of the product. |
ProductTypeCode | String | The code representing the type of product being shipped. |
ProductType | String | The description of the type of product being shipped. |
AssessableValue | Decimal | The assessable value of the shipment for tax purposes. |
TaxClassificationCode | String | The tax classification code assigned to the shipment. |
TaxClassification | String | The tax classification description for the shipment. |
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber | String | The certificate number for tax exemption. |
TaxExemptionReasonCode | String | The code representing the reason for tax exemption. |
TaxExemptionReason | String | The description of the reason for tax exemption. |
ProductFiscalClassificationId | Long | The fiscal classification ID assigned to the product. |
ProductFiscalClassification | String | The fiscal classification description for the product. |
TransportationPlanningStatusCode | String | The status code indicating transportation planning progress. |
TransportationPlanningStatus | String | The description of the transportation planning status. |
TransportationPlanningDate | Datetime | The date when transportation planning was completed. |
TransportationShipment | String | Reference to the transportation shipment. |
TransportationShipmentLine | String | Reference to the transportation shipment line. |
InitialDestinationId | Long | Unique identifier for the initial destination of the shipment. |
InitialDestination | String | The name of the initial destination of the shipment. |
TradeComplianceStatusCode | String | The status code indicating trade compliance approval. |
TradeComplianceStatus | String | The description of the trade compliance status. |
TradeComplianceDate | Datetime | The date of trade compliance approval. |
TradeComplianceReason | String | The reason for trade compliance approval or rejection. |
TradeComplianceScreeningMethodCode | String | The screening method code used for trade compliance. |
TradeComplianceScreeningMethod | String | The screening method description for trade compliance. |
ShipFromLocationId | Long | Unique identifier for the ship-from location. |
ShipFromAddress1 | String | The primary address line of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromAddress2 | String | The secondary address line of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromAddress3 | String | The third address line of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromAddress4 | String | The fourth address line of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromCity | String | The city of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromCounty | String | The county of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromPostalCode | String | The postal code of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromRegion | String | The region of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromState | String | The state of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromCountry | String | The country of the ship-from location. |
MaximumOvershipmentPercentage | Long | The maximum allowed percentage of overshipment. |
MaximumUndershipmentPercentage | Long | The maximum allowed percentage of undershipment. |
SourceRequestedQuantity | Decimal | The requested quantity from the source order. |
SourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | The UOM code for the requested quantity. |
SourceRequestedQuantityUOM | String | The UOM description for the requested quantity. |
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantity | Decimal | The secondary requested quantity from the source order. |
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode | String | The UOM code for the secondary requested quantity. |
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOM | String | The UOM description for the secondary requested quantity. |
DeliveredQuantity | Decimal | The total quantity delivered in the shipment. |
SecondaryDeliveredQuantity | Decimal | The secondary quantity delivered in the shipment. |
CancelledQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of items canceled from the shipment. |
SecondaryCancelledQuantity | Decimal | The secondary quantity of items canceled from the shipment. |
BackorderedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of items backordered in the shipment. |
SecondaryBackorderedQuantity | Decimal | The secondary quantity of items backordered in the shipment. |
PickedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of items picked for shipment. |
SecondaryPickedQuantity | Decimal | The secondary quantity of items picked for shipment. |
ConvertedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity converted for shipment. |
SecondaryConvertedQuantity | Decimal | The secondary quantity converted for shipment. |
StagedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity staged for shipment. |
SecondaryStagedQuantity | Decimal | The secondary quantity staged for shipment. |
PendingQuantity | Decimal | The quantity pending shipment. |
PendingQuantityFlag | Bool | Indicates if there is a pending quantity in the shipment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date the shipment record was created. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the shipment record. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The last update date of the shipment record. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the shipment record. |
SplitFromShipmentLine | Long | Indicates if the line was split from another shipment line. |
SourceSubinventory | String | The subinventory from which the shipment was sourced. |
CarrierId | Long | Unique identifier for the carrier handling the shipment. |
Carrier | String | The name of the carrier. |
CarrierNumber | String | The carrier's identification number. |
ModeOfTransportCode | String | The code representing the mode of transport for the shipment (for example, AIR, SEA, ROAD). |
ModeOfTransport | String | The description of the transport mode used for shipment. |
ServiceLevelCode | String | The code indicating the level of service requested for the shipment (for example, STANDARD, EXPRESS). |
ServiceLevel | String | The description of the service level for the shipment. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | The code representing the shipping method selected for delivery. |
ShippingMethod | String | The description of the shipping method used for delivery. |
SourceDocumentTypeId | Long | Unique identifier for the source document type associated with the shipment. |
UnitWeight | Long | The weight of a single unit in the shipment. |
UnitVolume | Long | The volume occupied by a single unit in the shipment. |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerId | Long | Unique identifier for the logistics service provider's customer. |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomer | String | The name of the logistics service provider's customer. |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerNumber | String | The customer number assigned by the logistics service provider. |
SourceLineUpdateDate | Datetime | The date when the source line was last updated. |
SourceSystemId | Long | Unique identifier for the source system providing shipment data. |
SourceSystem | String | The name of the source system that provided shipment data. |
ShipmentAdviceStatusFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the shipment advice has been generated. |
DoNotShipBeforeDate | Datetime | The earliest date when the shipment can be processed. |
DoNotShipAfterDate | Datetime | The latest date when the shipment can be processed. |
IntegrationStatusCode | String | The code indicating the integration status of the shipment with external systems. |
IntegrationStatus | String | The description of the integration status for the shipment. |
QuickShipStatus | String | Indicates whether the shipment is eligible for quick processing. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Unique identifier for the business unit responsible for the shipment. |
BusinessUnit | String | The name of the business unit handling the shipment. |
LegalEntityId | Long | Unique identifier for the legal entity responsible for the shipment. |
LegalEntity | String | The name of the legal entity managing the shipment. |
POHeaderId | Long | Unique identifier for the purchase order associated with the shipment. |
PONumber | String | The purchase order number linked to the shipment. |
POBillToBusinessUnitId | Long | Unique identifier for the business unit billed for the purchase order. |
POBillToBusinessUnit | String | The name of the business unit billed for the purchase order. |
POSoldToLegalEntityId | Long | Unique identifier for the legal entity that purchased the shipment. |
POSoldToLegalEntity | String | The name of the legal entity that purchased the shipment. |
ConversionTypeCode | String | The code indicating the type of currency conversion used. |
ConversionDate | Date | The date when the currency conversion was applied. |
ConversionRate | Double | The exchange rate applied to the currency conversion. |
ParentItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the parent item in the shipment. |
ParentItem | String | The name or number of the parent item in the shipment. |
ParentItemDescription | String | A detailed description of the parent item in the shipment. |
ParentSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | Long | Unique identifier for the parent order fulfillment line. |
BaseItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the base item in the shipment. |
BaseItem | String | The name or number of the base item in the shipment. |
BaseItemDescription | String | A detailed description of the base item in the shipment. |
SrcAttributeCategory | String | Category classification for source attributes. |
SrcAttribute1 | String | User-defined source attribute 1 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute2 | String | User-defined source attribute 2 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute3 | String | User-defined source attribute 3 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute4 | String | User-defined source attribute 4 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute5 | String | User-defined source attribute 5 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute6 | String | User-defined source attribute 6 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute7 | String | User-defined source attribute 7 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute8 | String | User-defined source attribute 8 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute9 | String | User-defined source attribute 9 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute10 | String | User-defined source attribute 10 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute11 | String | User-defined source attribute 11 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute12 | String | User-defined source attribute 12 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute13 | String | User-defined source attribute 13 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute14 | String | User-defined source attribute 14 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute15 | String | User-defined source attribute 15 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute16 | String | User-defined source attribute 16 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute17 | String | User-defined source attribute 17 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute18 | String | User-defined source attribute 18 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute19 | String | User-defined source attribute 19 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttribute20 | String | User-defined source attribute 20 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeDate1 | Date | User-defined date attribute 1 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeDate2 | Date | User-defined date attribute 2 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeDate3 | Date | User-defined date attribute 3 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeDate4 | Date | User-defined date attribute 4 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeDate5 | Date | User-defined date attribute 5 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber1 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 1 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber2 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 2 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber3 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 3 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber4 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 4 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber5 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 5 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber6 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 6 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber7 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 7 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber8 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 8 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber9 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 9 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeNumber10 | Decimal | User-defined numeric attribute 10 for additional shipment data. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp1 | Datetime | Timestamp attribute 1 for tracking shipment-related events. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp2 | Datetime | Timestamp attribute 2 for tracking shipment-related events. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp3 | Datetime | Timestamp attribute 3 for tracking shipment-related events. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp4 | Datetime | Timestamp attribute 4 for tracking shipment-related events. |
SrcAttributeTimestamp5 | Datetime | Timestamp attribute 5 for tracking shipment-related events. |
TransportationShipmentFromEvent | String | Indicates if the shipment was triggered by an external transportation event. |
TransportationShipmentLineFromEvent | String | Indicates if the shipment line was created from an external transportation event. |
TransportationShipmentCompleteFromEvent | String | Indicates if the shipment was marked as complete due to an external event. |
TradeComplianceScreenedFromEvent | String | Indicates if trade compliance screening was triggered by an event. |
CurrentBackorderedQuantityFromEvent | Decimal | The current backordered quantity resulting from an event-driven update. |
OriginalShipmentLineFromEvent | Long | The original shipment line associated with an event-driven update. |
ProjectCostingProjectId | Long | Unique identifier for the project associated with the shipment. |
ProjectCostingProjectNumber | String | The project number related to shipment costing. |
ProjectCostingProjectName | String | The name of the project related to shipment costing. |
ProjectCostingTaskId | Long | Unique identifier for the project task associated with shipment costing. |
ProjectCostingTaskNumber | String | The project task number related to shipment costing. |
ProjectCostingTaskName | String | The name of the project task related to shipment costing. |
OverShipTolerancePercentage | Decimal | The maximum percentage of overshipment allowed beyond the order quantity. |
UnderShipTolerancePercentage | Decimal | The maximum percentage of undershipment allowed below the order quantity. |
ShippingToleranceBehavior | String | Defines the system behavior when the shipping tolerance limits are exceeded. |
ConvertedRequestedQuantity | Decimal | The requested quantity after conversion to the appropriate UOM. |
LineNetWeight | Decimal | The net weight for the shipment line excluding packaging materials. |
LineGrossWeight | Decimal | The gross weight for the shipment line including packaging materials. |
SupplierLotNumber | String | The lot number assigned by the supplier for traceability. |
MovementRequestLineId | Long | Unique identifier for the movement request line associated with the shipment. |
AllowItemSubstitutionFlag | Bool | Indicates whether item substitution is permitted for this shipment line. |
OriginalItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the original item before any substitution. |
OriginalItemNumber | String | The item number of the original item before any substitution. |
OriginalDeliveryDetailId | Long | Unique identifier for the original delivery detail before changes. |
OriginalItemConvertedQuantity | Decimal | The converted quantity of the original item before any modifications. |
DestinationOrganizationCode | String | The code representing the destination organization for the shipment. |
LineUnitPrice | Decimal | The unit price for the shipment line item. |
LineUnitVolume | Decimal | The volume per unit for the shipment line item. |
LineVolume | Decimal | The total volume occupied by the shipment line item. |
LineUnitWeight | Decimal | The weight per unit for the shipment line item. |
LineSellingPrice | Decimal | The selling price per unit for the shipment line item. |
OriginalSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | Long | Unique identifier for the original source order fulfillment line. |
OriginalSourceOrderFulfillmentLine | String | Reference to the original source order fulfillment line. |
EnforceSingleShipment | String | Indicates if the entire order must be shipped as a single shipment. |
CancelBackorders | String | Specifies whether backordered items should be canceled. |
DeliveryId | Long | Unique identifier for the delivery associated with the shipment. |
Finder | String | Search key used to locate and retrieve shipment data. |
OrderNumber | String | The order number associated with the shipment. |