Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages data about unpacked shipment lines, aiding in tracking and operational planning.


Name Type Description
ShipmentsDeliveryId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the shipment delivery within unpacked shipment lines.
ShipmentLine [KEY] Long Unique identifier for a specific shipment line within the shipment record.
OrderTypeCode String Code representing the type of order (for example, sales, transfer, return).
OrderType String Description of the order type associated with the shipment.
Order String Unique reference number assigned to the order.
OrderLine String Line-level identifier within the order.
OrderSchedule String Schedule reference associated with the order line.
InventoryItemId Long Unique identifier for the inventory item being shipped.
Item String Internal or external item number assigned to the product.
ItemDescription String Detailed description of the shipped item.
Revision String Item revision number indicating version control of the product.
UnitPrice Long Price per unit of the item at the time of shipment.
SellingPrice Long Final price per unit of the item after applicable adjustments.
RequestedQuantity Decimal Total quantity requested for shipment.
RequestedQuantityUOMCode String Unit of measure (UOM) code for the requested quantity (for example, EA, KG).
RequestedQuantityUOM String Full name of the UOM for the requested quantity.
SecondaryRequestedQuantity Decimal Requested quantity in an alternate UOM.
SecondaryRequestedQuantityUOMCode String UOM code for the secondary requested quantity.
SecondaryRequestedQuantityUOM String Full name of the UOM for the secondary requested quantity.
FOBCode String Code representing Free on Board (FOB) shipping terms.
FOB String Description of the FOB terms applicable to the shipment.
FreightTermsCode String Code indicating the freight terms applied to the shipment.
FreightTerms String Description of the freight terms used in the shipment.
ShippingPriorityCode String Code defining the priority level of the shipment.
ShippingPriority String Description of the shipping priority for the order.
PreferredGrade String Grade preference specified for the shipped item.
PreferredGradeName String Name of the preferred grade of the shipped item.
CurrencyCode String Code representing the currency used for the shipment transaction.
CurrencyName String Full name of the currency associated with the shipment.
ShipmentSet String Grouping identifier for shipments intended to be processed together.
ArrivalSet String Grouping identifier for shipments scheduled to arrive together.
CustomerPONumber String Purchase order number provided by the customer.
CustomerItemId Long Customer's internal identifier for the item being shipped.
CustomerItem String Customer-specific item number.
CustomerItemDescription String Description of the item as provided by the customer.
RequestedDate Datetime Date when the shipment was requested.
ScheduledShipDate Datetime Planned date for the shipment to be dispatched.
RequestedDateTypeCode String Code representing the type of requested date (for example, ship date, delivery date).
RequestedDateType String Description of the type of requested date associated with the shipment.
ShipToPartyId Long Unique identifier for the customer receiving the shipment.
ShipToCustomer String Name of the customer receiving the shipment.
ShipToCustomerNumber String Customer account number for the recipient.
ShipToPartySiteId Long Unique identifier for the ship-to location.
ShipToPartySiteNumber String Reference number for the ship-to location.
ShipToContactId Long Unique identifier for the primary contact at the ship-to location.
ShipToContact String Full name of the primary contact for the shipment recipient.
ShipToContactFirstName String First name of the ship-to contact person.
ShipToContactLastName String Last name of the ship-to contact person.
ShipToContactPhone String Phone number of the ship-to contact.
ShipToURL String Website or portal associated with the shipment recipient.
ShipToFax String Fax number for the ship-to location.
ShipToEmail String Email address of the primary contact at the ship-to location.
ShipToLocationId Long Unique identifier for the physical location where the shipment will be delivered.
ShipToLocationType String Type of location where the shipment is being sent (for example, warehouse, store).
ShipToAddress1 String Primary address line of the shipment destination.
ShipToAddress2 String Secondary address line of the shipment destination.
ShipToAddress3 String Additional address information for the shipment destination.
ShipToAddress4 String Extra address line for the shipment destination.
ShipToCity String City where the shipment will be delivered.
ShipToCounty String County or district of the shipment destination.
ShipToPostalCode String Postal or ZIP code of the shipment destination.
ShipToRegion String Region associated with the shipment destination.
ShipToState String State or province of the shipment destination.
ShipToCountry String Country where the shipment is being delivered.
SoldToPartyId Long Unique identifier for the entity purchasing the shipment.
SoldToCustomer String Name of the customer purchasing the shipment.
SoldToCustomerNumber String Customer account number of the purchasing entity.
Supplier String Supplier associated with the shipment transaction.
SupplierPartyNumber String Supplier reference number.
SoldToContactId Long Unique identifier for the contact person at the purchasing entity.
SoldToContact String Full name of the contact person at the purchasing entity.
SoldToContactFirstName String First name of the contact at the purchasing entity.
SoldToContactLastName String Last name of the contact at the purchasing entity.
SoldToContactPhone String Phone number of the contact person at the purchasing entity.
SoldToURL String Website or portal of the purchasing entity.
SoldToFax String Fax number of the purchasing entity.
SoldToEmail String Email address of the contact person at the purchasing entity.
BillToPartyId Long Unique identifier for the entity responsible for payment.
BillToCustomer String Name of the customer responsible for payment.
BillToCustomerNumber String Customer account number of the paying entity.
BillToPartySiteId Long Unique identifier for the billing address location.
BillToPartySiteNumber String Reference number for the billing site.
BillToContactId Long Unique identifier for the contact person at the billing entity.
BillToContact String Full name of the billing contact.
BillToContactFirstName String First name of the billing contact.
BillToContactLastName String Last name of the billing contact.
BillToContactPhone String Phone number of the billing contact.
BillToURL String Website or portal of the billing entity.
BillToFax String Fax number of the billing entity.
BillToEmail String Email address of the billing contact.
BillToLocationId Long Unique identifier for the billing location.
BillToAddress1 String Primary billing address line.
BillToAddress2 String Secondary billing address line.
BillToAddress3 String Additional billing address information.
BillToAddress4 String Extra billing address line.
BillToCity String City associated with the billing address.
BillToCounty String County or district of the billing address.
BillToPostalCode String Postal or ZIP code of the billing address.
BillToRegion String Region associated with the billing address.
BillToState String State or province of the billing address.
BillToCountry String Country of the billing entity.
Subinventory String Specific subinventory from which the items are being shipped.
LocatorId Long Unique identifier for the warehouse locator.
Locator String Warehouse location where the items are stored before shipment.
ShippedQuantity Decimal Total quantity of items shipped.
SecondaryShippedQuantity Decimal The secondary quantity of items that have been shipped.
NetWeight Long The net weight of the shipment, excluding packaging materials.
GrossWeight Long The total weight of the shipment, including packaging materials.
TareWeight Decimal The weight of the packaging materials for the shipment.
WeightUOMCode String The UOM code for weight (for example, KG, LB).
WeightUOM String The UOM description for weight.
Volume Long The total volume occupied by the shipment.
VolumeUOMCode String The UOM code for volume (for example, L, m³).
VolumeUOM String The UOM description for volume.
LoadingSequence Long The sequence in which the shipment is loaded for transport.
LotNumber String The lot number associated with the shipment items.
EndAssemblyItemNumber String The item number for the final assembled product.
OrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the organization handling the shipment.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the organization managing the shipment.
OrganizationName String The name of the organization handling the shipment.
ParentPackingUnitId Long Unique identifier for the parent packing unit.
ParentPackingUnit String Description of the parent packing unit.
ShipmentId Long Unique identifier for the shipment.
Shipment String Reference identifier for the shipment record.
ProjectSalesOrderFlag Bool Indicates whether the shipment is linked to a project sales order.
RcvShipmentLineId Long Unique identifier for the received shipment line.
LineStatusCode String The status code representing the shipment line's progress.
LineStatus String The description of the shipment line's current status.
TrackingNumber String The tracking number assigned to the shipment.
SealNumber String The seal number for the shipment container.
PickWaveId Long Unique identifier for the pick wave associated with the shipment.
PickWave String Reference to the pick wave associated with the shipment.
SourceOrderId Long Unique identifier for the original source order.
SourceOrder String Reference to the source order from which the shipment originates.
SourceOrderLineId Long Unique identifier for the line item in the source order.
SourceOrderLine String Reference to the line item in the source order.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId Int Unique identifier for the fulfillment line in the source order.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine String Reference to the fulfillment line in the source order.
TaxationCountryCode String The country code where the shipment is subject to taxation.
TaxationCountry String The country where the shipment is subject to taxation.
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationId Long Unique identifier for the tax registration of the first party.
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber String The tax registration number of the first party.
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationId Long Unique identifier for the tax registration of the third party.
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber String The tax registration number of the third party.
LocationOfFinalDischargeId Long Unique identifier for the final discharge location.
LocationOfFinalDischargeCode String The code representing the final discharge location.
LocationOfFinalDischarge String The name of the final discharge location.
DocumentFiscalClassificationCode String The code representing the fiscal classification of the document.
DocumentFiscalClassification String The fiscal classification of the document.
TransactionBusinessCategoryCode String The business category code for the transaction.
TransactionBusinessCategory String The business category description for the transaction.
UserDefinedFiscalClassificationCode String User-defined fiscal classification code for the shipment.
UserDefinedFiscalClassification String User-defined fiscal classification description for the shipment.
TaxInvoiceNumber String The invoice number associated with taxation of the shipment.
TaxInvoiceDate Date The invoice date associated with taxation of the shipment.
ProductCategoryCode String The category code of the shipped product.
ProductCategory String The description of the product category.
IntendedUseClassificationId Decimal The classification ID representing the intended use of the product.
IntendedUse String The description of the intended use of the product.
ProductTypeCode String The code representing the type of product being shipped.
ProductType String The description of the type of product being shipped.
AssessableValue Decimal The assessable value of the shipment for tax purposes.
TaxClassificationCode String The tax classification code assigned to the shipment.
TaxClassification String The tax classification description for the shipment.
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber String The certificate number for tax exemption.
TaxExemptionReasonCode String The code representing the reason for tax exemption.
TaxExemptionReason String The description of the reason for tax exemption.
ProductFiscalClassificationId Long The fiscal classification ID assigned to the product.
ProductFiscalClassification String The fiscal classification description for the product.
TransportationPlanningStatusCode String The status code indicating transportation planning progress.
TransportationPlanningStatus String The description of the transportation planning status.
TransportationPlanningDate Datetime The date when transportation planning was completed.
TransportationShipment String Reference to the transportation shipment.
TransportationShipmentLine String Reference to the transportation shipment line.
InitialDestinationId Long Unique identifier for the initial destination of the shipment.
InitialDestination String The name of the initial destination of the shipment.
TradeComplianceStatusCode String The status code indicating trade compliance approval.
TradeComplianceStatus String The description of the trade compliance status.
TradeComplianceDate Datetime The date of trade compliance approval.
TradeComplianceReason String The reason for trade compliance approval or rejection.
TradeComplianceScreeningMethodCode String The screening method code used for trade compliance.
TradeComplianceScreeningMethod String The screening method description for trade compliance.
ShipFromLocationId Long Unique identifier for the ship-from location.
ShipFromAddress1 String The primary address line of the ship-from location.
ShipFromAddress2 String The secondary address line of the ship-from location.
ShipFromAddress3 String The third address line of the ship-from location.
ShipFromAddress4 String The fourth address line of the ship-from location.
ShipFromCity String The city of the ship-from location.
ShipFromCounty String The county of the ship-from location.
ShipFromPostalCode String The postal code of the ship-from location.
ShipFromRegion String The region of the ship-from location.
ShipFromState String The state of the ship-from location.
ShipFromCountry String The country of the ship-from location.
MaximumOvershipmentPercentage Long The maximum allowed percentage of overshipment.
MaximumUndershipmentPercentage Long The maximum allowed percentage of undershipment.
SourceRequestedQuantity Decimal The requested quantity from the source order.
SourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode String The UOM code for the requested quantity.
SourceRequestedQuantityUOM String The UOM description for the requested quantity.
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantity Decimal The secondary requested quantity from the source order.
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOMCode String The UOM code for the secondary requested quantity.
SecondarySourceRequestedQuantityUOM String The UOM description for the secondary requested quantity.
DeliveredQuantity Decimal The total quantity delivered in the shipment.
SecondaryDeliveredQuantity Decimal The secondary quantity delivered in the shipment.
CancelledQuantity Decimal The quantity of items canceled from the shipment.
SecondaryCancelledQuantity Decimal The secondary quantity of items canceled from the shipment.
BackorderedQuantity Decimal The quantity of items backordered in the shipment.
SecondaryBackorderedQuantity Decimal The secondary quantity of items backordered in the shipment.
PickedQuantity Decimal The quantity of items picked for shipment.
SecondaryPickedQuantity Decimal The secondary quantity of items picked for shipment.
ConvertedQuantity Decimal The quantity converted for shipment.
SecondaryConvertedQuantity Decimal The secondary quantity converted for shipment.
StagedQuantity Decimal The quantity staged for shipment.
SecondaryStagedQuantity Decimal The secondary quantity staged for shipment.
PendingQuantity Decimal The quantity pending shipment.
PendingQuantityFlag Bool Indicates if there is a pending quantity in the shipment.
CreationDate Datetime The date the shipment record was created.
CreatedBy String The user who created the shipment record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The last update date of the shipment record.
LastUpdatedBy String The user who last updated the shipment record.
SplitFromShipmentLine Long Indicates if the line was split from another shipment line.
SourceSubinventory String The subinventory from which the shipment was sourced.
CarrierId Long Unique identifier for the carrier handling the shipment.
Carrier String The name of the carrier.
CarrierNumber String The carrier's identification number.
ModeOfTransportCode String The code representing the mode of transport for the shipment (for example, AIR, SEA, ROAD).
ModeOfTransport String The description of the transport mode used for shipment.
ServiceLevelCode String The code indicating the level of service requested for the shipment (for example, STANDARD, EXPRESS).
ServiceLevel String The description of the service level for the shipment.
ShippingMethodCode String The code representing the shipping method selected for delivery.
ShippingMethod String The description of the shipping method used for delivery.
SourceDocumentTypeId Long Unique identifier for the source document type associated with the shipment.
UnitWeight Long The weight of a single unit in the shipment.
UnitVolume Long The volume occupied by a single unit in the shipment.
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerId Long Unique identifier for the logistics service provider's customer.
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomer String The name of the logistics service provider's customer.
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerNumber String The customer number assigned by the logistics service provider.
SourceLineUpdateDate Datetime The date when the source line was last updated.
SourceSystemId Long Unique identifier for the source system providing shipment data.
SourceSystem String The name of the source system that provided shipment data.
ShipmentAdviceStatusFlag Bool Indicates whether the shipment advice has been generated.
DoNotShipBeforeDate Datetime The earliest date when the shipment can be processed.
DoNotShipAfterDate Datetime The latest date when the shipment can be processed.
IntegrationStatusCode String The code indicating the integration status of the shipment with external systems.
IntegrationStatus String The description of the integration status for the shipment.
QuickShipStatus String Indicates whether the shipment is eligible for quick processing.
BusinessUnitId Long Unique identifier for the business unit responsible for the shipment.
BusinessUnit String The name of the business unit handling the shipment.
LegalEntityId Long Unique identifier for the legal entity responsible for the shipment.
LegalEntity String The name of the legal entity managing the shipment.
POHeaderId Long Unique identifier for the purchase order associated with the shipment.
PONumber String The purchase order number linked to the shipment.
POBillToBusinessUnitId Long Unique identifier for the business unit billed for the purchase order.
POBillToBusinessUnit String The name of the business unit billed for the purchase order.
POSoldToLegalEntityId Long Unique identifier for the legal entity that purchased the shipment.
POSoldToLegalEntity String The name of the legal entity that purchased the shipment.
ConversionTypeCode String The code indicating the type of currency conversion used.
ConversionDate Date The date when the currency conversion was applied.
ConversionRate Double The exchange rate applied to the currency conversion.
ParentItemId Long Unique identifier for the parent item in the shipment.
ParentItem String The name or number of the parent item in the shipment.
ParentItemDescription String A detailed description of the parent item in the shipment.
ParentSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId Long Unique identifier for the parent order fulfillment line.
BaseItemId Long Unique identifier for the base item in the shipment.
BaseItem String The name or number of the base item in the shipment.
BaseItemDescription String A detailed description of the base item in the shipment.
SrcAttributeCategory String Category classification for source attributes.
SrcAttribute1 String User-defined source attribute 1 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute2 String User-defined source attribute 2 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute3 String User-defined source attribute 3 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute4 String User-defined source attribute 4 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute5 String User-defined source attribute 5 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute6 String User-defined source attribute 6 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute7 String User-defined source attribute 7 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute8 String User-defined source attribute 8 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute9 String User-defined source attribute 9 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute10 String User-defined source attribute 10 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute11 String User-defined source attribute 11 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute12 String User-defined source attribute 12 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute13 String User-defined source attribute 13 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute14 String User-defined source attribute 14 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute15 String User-defined source attribute 15 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute16 String User-defined source attribute 16 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute17 String User-defined source attribute 17 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute18 String User-defined source attribute 18 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute19 String User-defined source attribute 19 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttribute20 String User-defined source attribute 20 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeDate1 Date User-defined date attribute 1 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeDate2 Date User-defined date attribute 2 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeDate3 Date User-defined date attribute 3 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeDate4 Date User-defined date attribute 4 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeDate5 Date User-defined date attribute 5 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber1 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 1 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber2 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 2 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber3 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 3 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber4 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 4 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber5 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 5 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber6 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 6 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber7 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 7 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber8 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 8 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber9 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 9 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeNumber10 Decimal User-defined numeric attribute 10 for additional shipment data.
SrcAttributeTimestamp1 Datetime Timestamp attribute 1 for tracking shipment-related events.
SrcAttributeTimestamp2 Datetime Timestamp attribute 2 for tracking shipment-related events.
SrcAttributeTimestamp3 Datetime Timestamp attribute 3 for tracking shipment-related events.
SrcAttributeTimestamp4 Datetime Timestamp attribute 4 for tracking shipment-related events.
SrcAttributeTimestamp5 Datetime Timestamp attribute 5 for tracking shipment-related events.
TransportationShipmentFromEvent String Indicates if the shipment was triggered by an external transportation event.
TransportationShipmentLineFromEvent String Indicates if the shipment line was created from an external transportation event.
TransportationShipmentCompleteFromEvent String Indicates if the shipment was marked as complete due to an external event.
TradeComplianceScreenedFromEvent String Indicates if trade compliance screening was triggered by an event.
CurrentBackorderedQuantityFromEvent Decimal The current backordered quantity resulting from an event-driven update.
OriginalShipmentLineFromEvent Long The original shipment line associated with an event-driven update.
ProjectCostingProjectId Long Unique identifier for the project associated with the shipment.
ProjectCostingProjectNumber String The project number related to shipment costing.
ProjectCostingProjectName String The name of the project related to shipment costing.
ProjectCostingTaskId Long Unique identifier for the project task associated with shipment costing.
ProjectCostingTaskNumber String The project task number related to shipment costing.
ProjectCostingTaskName String The name of the project task related to shipment costing.
OverShipTolerancePercentage Decimal The maximum percentage of overshipment allowed beyond the order quantity.
UnderShipTolerancePercentage Decimal The maximum percentage of undershipment allowed below the order quantity.
ShippingToleranceBehavior String Defines the system behavior when the shipping tolerance limits are exceeded.
ConvertedRequestedQuantity Decimal The requested quantity after conversion to the appropriate UOM.
LineNetWeight Decimal The net weight for the shipment line excluding packaging materials.
LineGrossWeight Decimal The gross weight for the shipment line including packaging materials.
SupplierLotNumber String The lot number assigned by the supplier for traceability.
MovementRequestLineId Long Unique identifier for the movement request line associated with the shipment.
AllowItemSubstitutionFlag Bool Indicates whether item substitution is permitted for this shipment line.
OriginalItemId Long Unique identifier for the original item before any substitution.
OriginalItemNumber String The item number of the original item before any substitution.
OriginalDeliveryDetailId Long Unique identifier for the original delivery detail before changes.
OriginalItemConvertedQuantity Decimal The converted quantity of the original item before any modifications.
DestinationOrganizationCode String The code representing the destination organization for the shipment.
LineUnitPrice Decimal The unit price for the shipment line item.
LineUnitVolume Decimal The volume per unit for the shipment line item.
LineVolume Decimal The total volume occupied by the shipment line item.
LineUnitWeight Decimal The weight per unit for the shipment line item.
LineSellingPrice Decimal The selling price per unit for the shipment line item.
OriginalSourceOrderFulfillmentLineId Long Unique identifier for the original source order fulfillment line.
OriginalSourceOrderFulfillmentLine String Reference to the original source order fulfillment line.
EnforceSingleShipment String Indicates if the entire order must be shipped as a single shipment.
CancelBackorders String Specifies whether backordered items should be canceled.
DeliveryId Long Unique identifier for the delivery associated with the shipment.
Finder String Search key used to locate and retrieve shipment data.
OrderNumber String The order number associated with the shipment.

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Build 24.0.9175