Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks prorated costs for shipment lines, enabling precise cost allocation and reporting.


Name Type Description
ShipmentsDeliveryId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the delivery associated with the shipment.
OuterpackingunitsLPNId [KEY] Long License Plate Number (LPN) identifier for the outer packing unit.
ShipmentlinesShipmentLine [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the shipment line within the packing unit.
ProratedShippingCostId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the prorated shipping cost record.
ShippingCostTypeId Long Identifier for the type of shipping cost being applied.
ShippingCostType String Description of the specific shipping cost type.
ShippingCostTypeCategoryCode String System-generated code for the shipping cost category.
ShippingCostTypeCategory String Category of the shipping cost type, such as freight or handling.
ProratedAmount Decimal Amount of shipping cost allocated to the shipment line.
CurrencyCode String Code representing the currency used for the prorated shipping cost.
CurrencyName String Full name of the currency used for the prorated shipping cost.
CreatedBy String User or process that created the shipping cost record.
CreationDate Datetime Date and time when the shipping cost record was created.
LastUpdatedBy String User or process that last updated the shipping cost record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date and time when the shipping cost record was last updated.
BaseItem String Primary item associated with the shipment line.
DeliveryId Long Identifier for the delivery linked to the shipment line.
EndAssemblyItemNumber String Final assembled item number for the shipped product.
Finder String Internal reference or tracking identifier for the shipment.
IntegrationStatus String Current integration status of the shipment within external systems.
Item String Item being shipped, identified by its unique product number.
LineStatus String Current processing status of the shipment line.
OrderNumber String Customer or internal order number linked to the shipment.
OrderType String Type of order associated with the shipment, such as sales or transfer orders.
OrderTypeCode String System-generated code representing the type of order.
ParentPackingUnit String Parent packing unit containing this shipment line.
PickWave String Identifier for the picking wave in which this shipment was processed.
QuickShipStatus String Status indicator for expedited shipping processing.
RcvShipmentLineId Long Receiving shipment line identifier for inbound processing.
Shipment String Reference identifier for the entire shipment.
ShipmentSet String Grouping of shipments processed together as a set.
ShipToCustomer String Name or identifier of the customer receiving the shipment.
ShipToPartyId String Unique identifier for the party designated as the shipment recipient.
SourceOrder String Originating order that generated this shipment.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine String Fulfillment line reference from the source order.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId String Unique identifier for the source order's fulfillment line.
SourceOrderLine String Reference to the specific order line in the source order.
SourceSystemId String Identifier for the source system that created this shipment record.
TradeComplianceStatus String Indicates whether the shipment complies with trade regulations.
TransportationPlanningStatus String Current transportation planning status for the shipment.

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Build 24.0.9175