Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Oversees shipping cost details for items within shipment lines.


Name Type Description
ShipmentLinesShipmentLine [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the shipment line, used to associate each cost entry with a specific line of the shipment.
FreightCostId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the freight cost associated with the shipment line. It allows for tracking and referencing specific freight charges.
DeliveryDetailId Long The identifier for the delivery detail related to the shipment line, helping to link the cost to the corresponding delivery information.
LPNId Long The unique identifier for the License Plate Number (LPN), used to track the specific container or unit of goods being shipped.
PackingUnit String The type of packing unit used for the shipment, such as a box, pallet, or container, which helps define the unit for cost allocation.
ShippingCostTypeId Long The identifier for the shipping cost type, which helps categorize the type of cost (for example, handling, freight, insurance) applied to the shipment.
ShippingCost String The description of the shipping cost type, providing more details about the nature of the charge (for example, freight, fuel surcharge).
ShippingCostTypeCategoryCode String A code that represents the category of the shipping cost (for example, freight, packaging), allowing for classification of the cost type.
ShippingCostTypeCategory String The name or description of the shipping cost category, offering a more readable classification for the type of shipping cost.
Amount Decimal The amount of the shipping cost associated with the shipment line, typically expressed in the relevant currency.
CurrencyCode String The currency code used for the amount of the shipping cost (for example, USD, EUR).
CurrencyName String The name of the currency used for the shipping cost (for example, USD, EUR), providing context for the cost amount.
ConversionRateTypeCode String The code identifying the type of conversion rate applied when converting between different currencies for the shipping cost.
ConversionRateType String The description of the conversion rate type, detailing how currency conversion was applied (for example, spot rate, fixed rate).
ConversionRate Decimal The rate used to convert the shipping cost from one currency to another, allowing for accurate financial reporting across currencies.
ConversionDate Date The date when the conversion rate was applied, used for tracking and ensuring the correct exchange rate was used for the cost calculation.
CreatedBy String The name or identifier of the user who created the shipping cost entry, useful for auditing and accountability.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the shipping cost entry was created, providing a timestamp for when the cost was recorded.
LastUpdatedBy String The name or identifier of the user who last updated the shipping cost entry, allowing for tracking changes and modifications.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when the shipping cost entry was last updated, providing a timestamp for the most recent changes to the cost information.
Finder String A reference to the search method or criteria used for locating the shipping cost entry in the system, often used in reporting or data queries.
ShipmentLine Long The identifier for the specific shipment line associated with this cost entry, ensuring that the cost is correctly linked to the appropriate shipment line.

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Build 24.0.9175