Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks eligible serial numbers for receiving return material authorizations (RMAs) when serial number enforcement is enabled.


Name Type Description
SerialNumber [KEY] String Unique identifier for the serial number of the item within the RmaRestrictedSerials table, used for tracking the specific item in the Return Merchandise Authorization process.
BindItemId Long Identifies the item associated with the serial number in the RmaRestrictedSerials table. This field links the serial number to a particular product or part within the system.
BindLotNumber String Refers to the lot number that this serial number belongs to in the RmaRestrictedSerials table. Lot numbers are often used to group items manufactured together.
BindOrganizationId Long Denotes the unique identifier for the organization to which the serial number is tied within the RmaRestrictedSerials table. This helps in associating the serial number with a specific organizational entity.
BindReceiptAdviceLineId Long References the line ID in the Receipt Advice header field that corresponds to this serial number in the RmaRestrictedSerials table. It links the serial number to a specific line of the receipt document.
BindSerialNumber String Contains the serial number tied to the receipt or item being tracked in the RmaRestrictedSerials table. This can be used to track the status and history of the item.
Finder String A value that helps identify or locate specific RmaRestrictedSerials records. This can be a search key or reference used within the system to quickly find specific serial numbers based on predefined criteria.

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Build 24.0.9175