Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Handles serial attributes through descriptive flexfields for items that are both lot and serial-controlled.


Name Type Description
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsInterfaceTransactionId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the transaction in the Receiving Receipt Transaction Requests interface. This ID is used to track each transaction request in the system.
LotserialitemlotsLotNumber [KEY] String The lot number associated with the item being processed in the Receiving Receipt Transaction Request. This is used to identify a specific batch of items in warehouse management.
LotserialitemserialsFromSerialNumber [KEY] String The serial number from which the transaction is being processed. This value helps to trace the beginning of a serial-controlled item batch.
TransactionInterfaceId [KEY] Long Identifier used for tracking the transaction within the interface system. This ID links the internal transaction to external systems or records.
FromSerialNumber [KEY] String The serial number of the item being processed. Used to track individual items under serial control.
_FLEX_Context String Name of the descriptive flexfield context for serial attributes. This context is relevant when items are managed under lot and serial control, providing flexibility for additional attribute configurations.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String Display value associated with the flexfield context, offering a user-friendly representation of the serial attributes.
DocumentNumber String The document number associated with the transaction. This is typically used for linking transactions to source documents like purchase orders or invoices.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String External reference for the transaction, used to link the internal transaction to external systems or processes, helping maintain consistency between systems.
Finder String A reference used for querying or finding related records in the system, potentially a reference to the transaction or item identifier.
FromDate Datetime The start date for the period of the transaction or process. This field helps in filtering transactions based on date ranges.
GroupId Long Identifier for grouping related transactions in the system. This can be used to track items or transactions grouped together under a common identifier.
InterfaceTransactionId Long The ID of the transaction in the interface layer, linking this transaction with other integrated systems or external sources.
ItemId String Unique identifier for the item in the transaction. This helps track the item being processed, typically linked to inventory or product records.
ItemNumber String The unique number assigned to the item within the system, used for identifying and managing items in the warehouse.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the organization associated with the transaction. This is used to associate the transaction with a specific organizational unit or business entity.
OrganizationId String Identifier for the organization managing the transaction. This value helps link the transaction to a specific operational or business unit.
POHeaderId Long Purchase Order Header ID, used to link the transaction to a specific purchase order. This ID ties the transaction back to the procurement process.
ProcessingStatusCode String Code representing the current processing status of the transaction. This field helps track whether the transaction is pending, completed, or failed.
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long Identifier for the receipt advice associated with the transaction. This helps track goods receipt transactions and ensure that items are received properly.
RMANumber String Return Merchandise Authorization number, used for tracking product returns within the system.
ShipmentHeaderId Long Identifier for the shipment header, linking the transaction to a specific shipment record. This helps manage inventory during the shipping process.
ShipmentNumber String Shipment number assigned to the transaction. This unique identifier helps track the shipment's movement and status.
SourceDocumentCode String Code associated with the source document related to the transaction. This can be used to link the transaction back to a particular order, invoice, or other source.
ToDate Datetime The end date for the period of the transaction or process. This value helps to filter transactions based on specific date ranges.
TransactionStatusCode String Code representing the status of the transaction (for example, pending, completed, or canceled). This helps track the progress of the transaction.
TransactionType String Type of transaction being processed, such as receipt, return, or transfer. This value categorizes the transaction for reporting or processing purposes.
TransferOrderHeaderId Long Identifier for the transfer order header, linking the transaction to a transfer order. This helps manage inventory movements between organizations or warehouses.

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Build 24.0.9175