Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Serves as a hub for managing requests related to receiving transactions such as inspections, putaways, corrections, and returns. Tracks errors for easier troubleshooting and updates.


Name Type Description
InterfaceTransactionId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the interfaced receipt transaction line request.
HeaderInterfaceId Long A unique identifier for the header of the interfaced receipt transaction line request.
CreatedBy String The user who created the receiving receipt transaction request.
CreationDate Datetime The timestamp when the receiving receipt transaction request was created.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The timestamp when the receiving receipt transaction request was last updated.
LastUpdatedBy String The user who last updated the receiving receipt transaction request.
TransactionType String Defines the type of transaction for the receipt request. Options include ACCEPT, REJECT, TRANSFER, DELIVER, CORRECT, RETURN TO VENDOR, RETURN TO RECEIVING, RETURN TO CUSTOMER, and RETURN TO ORGANIZATION.
AutoTransactCode String This field is not applicable for the receiving receipt transaction request and should be left blank.
TransactionDate Datetime The date when the receipt transaction is created, typically used for accounting, invoicing, and related processes. This cannot be a future date. If no time zone is specified, the database’s time zone is used.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the receiving organization. This value is required to derive the OrganizationId for the transaction. Either OrganizationCode or OrganizationId must be provided, or the request will fail.
OrganizationId Long A unique identifier for the receiving organization. Either OrganizationCode or OrganizationId is mandatory for the request to be processed.
ItemDescription String A description of the item associated with the receipt transaction request. It should match the purchase order item description when applicable or the inventory item description for transfer orders or RMAs.
ItemId Long A unique identifier for the inventory item being received. If not provided, the corresponding value from the source document is used.
ItemNumber String A number used to identify the item. This value is used to derive ItemId. If left blank, the value from the source document is used.
ItemRevision String The revision number for the item being received. This is required if the item is revision-controlled.
ReceiptSourceCode String An identifier for the source of the receipt, such as VENDOR for ASNs, INVENTORY for in-transit shipments, or CUSTOMER for RMAs.
SourceDocumentCode String An abbreviation for the source document type. Values include PO for purchase orders, INVENTORY for in-transit shipments, and RMA for return material authorizations.
DocumentNumber String A number identifying the document associated with the receipt line. It can represent a purchase order, in-transit shipment, transfer order, or RMA, depending on the SourceDocumentCode.
DocumentLineNumber Long A number identifying the document line in the receipt request, such as the line number of a purchase order or transfer order.
DocumentShipmentLineNumber Long A number identifying the schedule line for the receiving transaction based on the document. This value is mandatory for purchase order or ASN-related transactions.
DocumentDistributionNumber Long A number identifying the distribution of the document for the receipt transaction. This is required when dealing with purchase orders that have multiple distributions.
PODistributionId Long A unique identifier for the purchase order distribution, applicable when creating an ASN or receiving a purchase order.
POHeaderId Long A unique identifier for the purchase order header, used when creating or receiving a purchase order or ASN.
POLineId Long A unique identifier for the purchase order line, used for ASN creation and purchase order receiving.
POLineLocationId Long A unique identifier for the purchase order schedule, which is used when creating an ASN or receiving a purchase order.
ShipmentHeaderId Long A unique identifier for the shipment header related to receiving a transfer order, ASN, or in-transit shipment.
ShipmentLineId Long A unique identifier for the shipment line in cases involving ASNs, in-transit shipments, or transfer orders.
ShipmentNumber String The shipment number assigned by the source, identifying a shipment associated with an ASN, in-transit shipment, or transfer order.
ASNLineNumber Long The line number associated with the ASN. This must be provided if receiving an ASN.
TransferOrderHeaderId Long A unique identifier for the transfer order header, applicable when receiving a transfer order.
TransferOrderLineId Long A unique identifier for the transfer order line, applicable when receiving a transfer order.
TransferOrderDistributionId Long A unique identifier for the transfer order distribution, applicable for multi-distribution transfer orders.
SoldtoLegalEntity String The name of the legal entity associated with the purchase order. This is used to derive the legal entity Id of the buyer.
SoldtoLegalEntityId Long A unique identifier for the sold-to legal entity, used in combination with DocumentNumber to derive POHeaderId.
DestinationTypeCode String An abbreviation that identifies the type of destination for the receiving transaction. This value is typically derived from the source document.
Subinventory String The name of the destination subinventory for the receiving transaction. This field is required under specific conditions for certain transaction types.
Locator String The name of the destination locator for the receiving transaction. Used to derive locator Id, this field is mandatory under specific conditions.
LocatorId Long A unique identifier for the destination locator in cases where locator control is enabled.
Quantity Decimal The quantity of items being received, based on the unit of measure (UOM) specified for the transaction.
UnitOfMeasure String The UOM used for the receipt transaction is essential for determining the UOM Code.
UOMCode String The abbreviation for the UOM used in the receipt transaction.
PrimaryQuantity Decimal The transaction quantity in the primary UOM used by the item.
PrimaryUOMCode String The abbreviation for the primary UOM used by the item in the receiving organization.
PrimaryUnitOfMeasure String The primary UOM for the item in the receiving organization, used to derive PrimaryUOMCode.
ProcessingStatusCode String Indicates the processing status for the line request. Possible values include PENDING, RUNNING, and COMPLETED, with PENDING as the default value.
SecondaryUOMCode String The abbreviation for the secondary UOM used by the item in the receiving organization.
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure String The secondary UOM for the item in the receiving organization.
SecondaryQuantity Decimal The quantity in the secondary UOM for the item.
EmployeeId Long A unique identifier for the employee performing the receiving transaction. If blank, the value from the parent transaction is used.
EmployeeName String The name of the employee who performed the receiving transaction. This can be derived from the parent transaction if left blank.
ParentTransactionId Long A unique identifier for the parent receiving transaction, which is required for processing certain operations such as inspections and returns.
SourceTransactionNumber String A unique identifier from the source system corresponding to the receiving transaction.
ParentSourceTransactionNumber String The source transaction number of the parent transaction.
InterfaceSourceCode String An abbreviation identifying the source system that interfaced the receiving transaction. This can be populated with the source application name.
InterfaceSourceLineId Long A unique identifier for the interfaced source line, typically populated with the line identifier from the source system.
ShipToLocationCode String The code identifying the receiving location for the transaction, used to derive ShipToLocationId.
ShipToLocationId Long A unique identifier for the receiving location. If blank, it is derived from the parent transaction or source document.
DeliverToLocationCode String The code identifying the deliver-to location for the transaction. This field is typically derived from the purchase order or transfer order distribution.
DeliverToLocationId Long A unique identifier for the deliver-to location. Used if the location isn’t provided, the default from the distribution is applied.
DeliverToPersonId Long The identifier for the person or requester to whom items are delivered. This value defaults from the purchase order or transfer order distribution if left blank.
DeliverToPersonName String The name of the deliver-to person or requester, used to derive DeliverToPersonId.
RoutingCode String A code indicating the receiving routing for the transaction. It is automatically derived from the parent transaction.
RoutingHeaderId Long A unique identifier for the receiving routing, derived from the parent transaction.
InspectionQualityCode String An abbreviation identifying the inspection quality. It is only used for ACCEPT or REJECT transaction types and is defined in the RCV_QUALITY_CODE lookup.
Exception String Indicates whether the receiving transaction has an exception. Set to Y to flag it as an exception, otherwise leave it blank.
RMAReference String The number provided by the supplier for the return material authorization during a return to vendor transaction.
RMANumber String The number of the return material authorization associated with the receipt. Used with return material authorization (RMA) source system name to derive receipt advice header Id.
RMALineNumber String The line number for the return material authorization associated with the receipt.
RMAScheduleNumber String The schedule number for the return material authorization associated with the receipt.
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long A unique identifier for the receipt advice header related to the transaction.
ReceiptAdviceLineId Long A unique identifier for the receipt advice line associated with the transaction.
CustomerId Long A unique identifier for the customer related to the transaction. If blank, it’s derived from the parent transaction.
CustomerPartyName String The name of the customer associated with the transaction. It defaults from the parent transaction if not specified.
CustomerPartyNumber String The number that identifies the customer for the transaction. It’s derived from the parent transaction if left blank.
CustomerItemNumber String The number used by the customer to identify the item. If blank, the value from the parent transaction is used.
CustomerItemId Long A unique identifier for the item used by the customer. This value defaults from the parent transaction if not provided.
Amount Decimal The receipt amount in the purchase order currency. It’s required when creating a receipt for a fixed price service purchase order.
CountryOfOriginCode String An abbreviation indicating the country of manufacture for the item. This field can be blank if not applicable.
CurrencyCode String The currency code for the receipt amount, required when the receipt is related to a fixed-price service purchase order.
CurrencyConversionDate Date The date when currency conversion took place. Applicable when the purchase order currency differs from the receiving organization’s ledger currency.
CurrencyConversionRate Decimal The currency conversion rate for the receipt. Used when the purchase order’s currency differs from the receiving organization’s currency.
FromOrganizationCode String The code identifying the source organization for an interorganization transfer. This is applicable for in-transit shipments or transfer order shipments.
FromOrganizationId Long A unique identifier for the source organization of an interorganization transfer.
ContainerNumber String The container number associated with the receiving transaction. This field is not currently used.
SubstituteItemNumber String The substitute item number for the receipt line. This attribute is not currently used.
SubstituteItemId Long A unique identifier for the substitute item. This attribute is not currently used.
SubstituteUnorderedCode String Indicates whether the transaction is for a substitute item. This attribute is not currently used.
VendorName String The name of the supplier associated with the transaction. This value can be blank and is derived from the parent transaction.
VendorId Long A unique identifier for the supplier. This attribute defaults from the parent transaction if left blank.
VendorNumber String The number identifying the supplier. It defaults from the parent transaction if not specified.
VendorSiteCode String The code identifying the supplier’s site for a business unit. Defaults from the parent transaction if left blank.
VendorSiteId Long A unique identifier for the supplier site. This value is derived from the parent transaction if not provided.
VendorItemNumber String The number used by the supplier to identify the item. It is derived from the parent transaction if not specified.
BusinessUnit String The name of the business unit associated with the transaction. It defaults from the parent transaction if not provided.
BusinessUnitId Long A unique identifier for the business unit. This value is derived from the parent transaction if left blank.
ConsignedLine String Indicates whether the receiving transaction is for consigned material. If left blank, it defaults from the parent transaction.
ReasonId Long A unique identifier for the inventory transaction reason for the receiving transaction.
ReasonName String The name of the inventory transaction reason, used to derive the ReasonId.
PackingSlip String The packing slip number associated with the container containing the item. This field can be left blank.
Comments String Text entered by the user when receiving the item, which provides additional details or notes.
FromSubinventory String The name of the source subinventory used in negative corrections or returns, typically derived from the parent DELIVER transaction.
FromLocator String The name of the source locator used in negative corrections or returns, which is derived from the parent DELIVER transaction.
FromLocatorId Long A unique identifier for the source locator used in returns or corrections, derived from the parent DELIVER transaction.
TransactionStatusCode String Indicates the status of the ASN line request or receipt transaction request. Status options include PENDING, RUNNING, or ERROR.
GroupId Long A unique identifier for a group of interface records that are submitted together for processing.
ExternalSystemPackingUnit String The license plate number used by the external warehouse management application to identify the packing unit.
DefaultTaxationCountry String Indicates the default taxation country, applicable only for return transactions.
DocumentFiscalClassification String The fiscal classification for the document, which is applicable only to return transactions.
FirstPartyRegistrationId Long A unique identifier for the first-party registration, applicable only for return transactions.
ThirdPartyRegistrationId Long A unique identifier for the third-party registration, applicable only for return transactions.
TransactionBusinessCategory String Indicates the business category of the transaction. This is relevant only for return transactions.
TaxInvoiceNumber String The number for the tax invoice associated with the transaction, relevant for return transactions.
TaxInvoiceDate Date The date when the tax invoice is generated, applicable only for return transactions.
EwayBillNumber Long An identifier for the electronic waybill issued by the supplier for shipment of goods. This field should remain blank.
EwayBillDate Date The date the electronic waybill was generated. This attribute should remain blank.
UserDefinedFiscalClassification String The fiscal classification defined by the user for return transactions.
ProductFiscalClassificationId Long A unique identifier for the product's fiscal classification. This is only used for return transactions.
TaxClassificationCode String A tax classification code, applicable only for return transactions.
IntendedUseClassificationId Long A unique identifier for the intended use classification, applicable only for return transactions.
IntendedUse String Indicates the intended use for the product, applicable only for return transactions.
ProductCategory String Indicates the product category for taxation, applicable only for return transactions.
AssessableValue Decimal The assessable value of the transaction for taxation purposes, applicable only for return transactions.
FinalDischargeLocationId Long A unique identifier for the final discharge location. This is used only for return transactions.
ProductType String Indicates the product type for taxation purposes. This is relevant only for return transactions.
FirstPartyRegistrationNumber String The registration number for the first party. It is used to derive the FirstPartyRegistrationId for return transactions.
ThirdPartyRegistrationNumber String The registration number for the third party. It is used to derive the ThirdPartyRegistrationId for return transactions.
ProductFiscalClassName String The name for the product's fiscal classification. This is used to derive the ProductFiscalClassificationId for return transactions.
FinalDischargeLocationCode String The code for the final discharge location, used to derive the FinalDischargeLocationId for return transactions.
BarcodeLabel String A label containing the barcode for the product. This field is not currently in use.
TruckNumber String The truck number associated with the transaction. This field is not currently used.
InsertAndProcessFlag Bool Indicates whether the interface data should be automatically processed upon posting. Set to true for immediate processing.
ReturnStatus String Indicates the status of the API call response. Includes values such as SUCCESS, ERROR, SUBMITTED, and QUEUED.
LPNId Long A unique identifier for the license plate number in the transaction. This value can be blank.
LicensePlateNumber String The license plate number associated with the source. This attribute can be blank.
SaveAndSubmitFlag Bool Indicates whether the interface data should be resubmitted automatically after being patched. Set to false to prevent automatic resubmission.
CreateDebitMemoFlag Bool Indicates whether a debit memo should be created for the receipt, applicable only for return transactions to the vendor.
PhysicalMaterialReturnRequiredFlag Bool Indicates whether a physical return of material is required for the transaction, applicable for certain return types.
RecallHeaderId Long A unique identifier for the recall notice, used for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions.
RecallLineId Long A unique identifier for the line associated with the recall notice, used for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions.
RecallLineNumber Long The line number of the recall notice, used for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions.
RecallNoticeNumber String The recall notice number, used only for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String A reference number from an external system associated with the transaction.
DefaultLotsAndSerialNumbersFromASNFlag Bool Determines if lots and serial numbers from an ASN should be defaulted during a receipt or put away transaction.
DefaultLotsAndSerialNumbersFromTransferOrderFlag Bool Determines if lots and serial numbers from a transfer order should be defaulted during receipt or put away transactions.
ReturnMessage String The message returned to the caller after the input payload is processed asynchronously.
Finder String The finder used to search for receiving receipt transaction requests.
FromDate Datetime The start date of the receiving receipt transaction requests.
ToDate Datetime The end date of the receiving receipt transaction requests.

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Build 24.0.9175