Serves as a hub for managing requests related to receiving transactions such as inspections, putaways, corrections, and returns. Tracks errors for easier troubleshooting and updates.
Name | Type | Description |
InterfaceTransactionId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier for the interfaced receipt transaction line request. |
HeaderInterfaceId | Long | A unique identifier for the header of the interfaced receipt transaction line request. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the receiving receipt transaction request. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The timestamp when the receiving receipt transaction request was created. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The timestamp when the receiving receipt transaction request was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the receiving receipt transaction request. |
TransactionType | String | Defines the type of transaction for the receipt request. Options include ACCEPT, REJECT, TRANSFER, DELIVER, CORRECT, RETURN TO VENDOR, RETURN TO RECEIVING, RETURN TO CUSTOMER, and RETURN TO ORGANIZATION. |
AutoTransactCode | String | This field is not applicable for the receiving receipt transaction request and should be left blank. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | The date when the receipt transaction is created, typically used for accounting, invoicing, and related processes. This cannot be a future date. If no time zone is specified, the database’s time zone is used. |
OrganizationCode | String | The code representing the receiving organization. This value is required to derive the OrganizationId for the transaction. Either OrganizationCode or OrganizationId must be provided, or the request will fail. |
OrganizationId | Long | A unique identifier for the receiving organization. Either OrganizationCode or OrganizationId is mandatory for the request to be processed. |
ItemDescription | String | A description of the item associated with the receipt transaction request. It should match the purchase order item description when applicable or the inventory item description for transfer orders or RMAs. |
ItemId | Long | A unique identifier for the inventory item being received. If not provided, the corresponding value from the source document is used. |
ItemNumber | String | A number used to identify the item. This value is used to derive ItemId. If left blank, the value from the source document is used. |
ItemRevision | String | The revision number for the item being received. This is required if the item is revision-controlled. |
ReceiptSourceCode | String | An identifier for the source of the receipt, such as VENDOR for ASNs, INVENTORY for in-transit shipments, or CUSTOMER for RMAs. |
SourceDocumentCode | String | An abbreviation for the source document type. Values include PO for purchase orders, INVENTORY for in-transit shipments, and RMA for return material authorizations. |
DocumentNumber | String | A number identifying the document associated with the receipt line. It can represent a purchase order, in-transit shipment, transfer order, or RMA, depending on the SourceDocumentCode. |
DocumentLineNumber | Long | A number identifying the document line in the receipt request, such as the line number of a purchase order or transfer order. |
DocumentShipmentLineNumber | Long | A number identifying the schedule line for the receiving transaction based on the document. This value is mandatory for purchase order or ASN-related transactions. |
DocumentDistributionNumber | Long | A number identifying the distribution of the document for the receipt transaction. This is required when dealing with purchase orders that have multiple distributions. |
PODistributionId | Long | A unique identifier for the purchase order distribution, applicable when creating an ASN or receiving a purchase order. |
POHeaderId | Long | A unique identifier for the purchase order header, used when creating or receiving a purchase order or ASN. |
POLineId | Long | A unique identifier for the purchase order line, used for ASN creation and purchase order receiving. |
POLineLocationId | Long | A unique identifier for the purchase order schedule, which is used when creating an ASN or receiving a purchase order. |
ShipmentHeaderId | Long | A unique identifier for the shipment header related to receiving a transfer order, ASN, or in-transit shipment. |
ShipmentLineId | Long | A unique identifier for the shipment line in cases involving ASNs, in-transit shipments, or transfer orders. |
ShipmentNumber | String | The shipment number assigned by the source, identifying a shipment associated with an ASN, in-transit shipment, or transfer order. |
ASNLineNumber | Long | The line number associated with the ASN. This must be provided if receiving an ASN. |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Long | A unique identifier for the transfer order header, applicable when receiving a transfer order. |
TransferOrderLineId | Long | A unique identifier for the transfer order line, applicable when receiving a transfer order. |
TransferOrderDistributionId | Long | A unique identifier for the transfer order distribution, applicable for multi-distribution transfer orders. |
SoldtoLegalEntity | String | The name of the legal entity associated with the purchase order. This is used to derive the legal entity Id of the buyer. |
SoldtoLegalEntityId | Long | A unique identifier for the sold-to legal entity, used in combination with DocumentNumber to derive POHeaderId. |
DestinationTypeCode | String | An abbreviation that identifies the type of destination for the receiving transaction. This value is typically derived from the source document. |
Subinventory | String | The name of the destination subinventory for the receiving transaction. This field is required under specific conditions for certain transaction types. |
Locator | String | The name of the destination locator for the receiving transaction. Used to derive locator Id, this field is mandatory under specific conditions. |
LocatorId | Long | A unique identifier for the destination locator in cases where locator control is enabled. |
Quantity | Decimal | The quantity of items being received, based on the unit of measure (UOM) specified for the transaction. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The UOM used for the receipt transaction is essential for determining the UOM Code. |
UOMCode | String | The abbreviation for the UOM used in the receipt transaction. |
PrimaryQuantity | Decimal | The transaction quantity in the primary UOM used by the item. |
PrimaryUOMCode | String | The abbreviation for the primary UOM used by the item in the receiving organization. |
PrimaryUnitOfMeasure | String | The primary UOM for the item in the receiving organization, used to derive PrimaryUOMCode. |
ProcessingStatusCode | String | Indicates the processing status for the line request. Possible values include PENDING, RUNNING, and COMPLETED, with PENDING as the default value. |
SecondaryUOMCode | String | The abbreviation for the secondary UOM used by the item in the receiving organization. |
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure | String | The secondary UOM for the item in the receiving organization. |
SecondaryQuantity | Decimal | The quantity in the secondary UOM for the item. |
EmployeeId | Long | A unique identifier for the employee performing the receiving transaction. If blank, the value from the parent transaction is used. |
EmployeeName | String | The name of the employee who performed the receiving transaction. This can be derived from the parent transaction if left blank. |
ParentTransactionId | Long | A unique identifier for the parent receiving transaction, which is required for processing certain operations such as inspections and returns. |
SourceTransactionNumber | String | A unique identifier from the source system corresponding to the receiving transaction. |
ParentSourceTransactionNumber | String | The source transaction number of the parent transaction. |
InterfaceSourceCode | String | An abbreviation identifying the source system that interfaced the receiving transaction. This can be populated with the source application name. |
InterfaceSourceLineId | Long | A unique identifier for the interfaced source line, typically populated with the line identifier from the source system. |
ShipToLocationCode | String | The code identifying the receiving location for the transaction, used to derive ShipToLocationId. |
ShipToLocationId | Long | A unique identifier for the receiving location. If blank, it is derived from the parent transaction or source document. |
DeliverToLocationCode | String | The code identifying the deliver-to location for the transaction. This field is typically derived from the purchase order or transfer order distribution. |
DeliverToLocationId | Long | A unique identifier for the deliver-to location. Used if the location isn’t provided, the default from the distribution is applied. |
DeliverToPersonId | Long | The identifier for the person or requester to whom items are delivered. This value defaults from the purchase order or transfer order distribution if left blank. |
DeliverToPersonName | String | The name of the deliver-to person or requester, used to derive DeliverToPersonId. |
RoutingCode | String | A code indicating the receiving routing for the transaction. It is automatically derived from the parent transaction. |
RoutingHeaderId | Long | A unique identifier for the receiving routing, derived from the parent transaction. |
InspectionQualityCode | String | An abbreviation identifying the inspection quality. It is only used for ACCEPT or REJECT transaction types and is defined in the RCV_QUALITY_CODE lookup. |
Exception | String | Indicates whether the receiving transaction has an exception. Set to Y to flag it as an exception, otherwise leave it blank. |
RMAReference | String | The number provided by the supplier for the return material authorization during a return to vendor transaction. |
RMANumber | String | The number of the return material authorization associated with the receipt. Used with return material authorization (RMA) source system name to derive receipt advice header Id. |
RMALineNumber | String | The line number for the return material authorization associated with the receipt. |
RMAScheduleNumber | String | The schedule number for the return material authorization associated with the receipt. |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | A unique identifier for the receipt advice header related to the transaction. |
ReceiptAdviceLineId | Long | A unique identifier for the receipt advice line associated with the transaction. |
CustomerId | Long | A unique identifier for the customer related to the transaction. If blank, it’s derived from the parent transaction. |
CustomerPartyName | String | The name of the customer associated with the transaction. It defaults from the parent transaction if not specified. |
CustomerPartyNumber | String | The number that identifies the customer for the transaction. It’s derived from the parent transaction if left blank. |
CustomerItemNumber | String | The number used by the customer to identify the item. If blank, the value from the parent transaction is used. |
CustomerItemId | Long | A unique identifier for the item used by the customer. This value defaults from the parent transaction if not provided. |
Amount | Decimal | The receipt amount in the purchase order currency. It’s required when creating a receipt for a fixed price service purchase order. |
CountryOfOriginCode | String | An abbreviation indicating the country of manufacture for the item. This field can be blank if not applicable. |
CurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the receipt amount, required when the receipt is related to a fixed-price service purchase order. |
CurrencyConversionDate | Date | The date when currency conversion took place. Applicable when the purchase order currency differs from the receiving organization’s ledger currency. |
CurrencyConversionRate | Decimal | The currency conversion rate for the receipt. Used when the purchase order’s currency differs from the receiving organization’s currency. |
FromOrganizationCode | String | The code identifying the source organization for an interorganization transfer. This is applicable for in-transit shipments or transfer order shipments. |
FromOrganizationId | Long | A unique identifier for the source organization of an interorganization transfer. |
ContainerNumber | String | The container number associated with the receiving transaction. This field is not currently used. |
SubstituteItemNumber | String | The substitute item number for the receipt line. This attribute is not currently used. |
SubstituteItemId | Long | A unique identifier for the substitute item. This attribute is not currently used. |
SubstituteUnorderedCode | String | Indicates whether the transaction is for a substitute item. This attribute is not currently used. |
VendorName | String | The name of the supplier associated with the transaction. This value can be blank and is derived from the parent transaction. |
VendorId | Long | A unique identifier for the supplier. This attribute defaults from the parent transaction if left blank. |
VendorNumber | String | The number identifying the supplier. It defaults from the parent transaction if not specified. |
VendorSiteCode | String | The code identifying the supplier’s site for a business unit. Defaults from the parent transaction if left blank. |
VendorSiteId | Long | A unique identifier for the supplier site. This value is derived from the parent transaction if not provided. |
VendorItemNumber | String | The number used by the supplier to identify the item. It is derived from the parent transaction if not specified. |
BusinessUnit | String | The name of the business unit associated with the transaction. It defaults from the parent transaction if not provided. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | A unique identifier for the business unit. This value is derived from the parent transaction if left blank. |
ConsignedLine | String | Indicates whether the receiving transaction is for consigned material. If left blank, it defaults from the parent transaction. |
ReasonId | Long | A unique identifier for the inventory transaction reason for the receiving transaction. |
ReasonName | String | The name of the inventory transaction reason, used to derive the ReasonId. |
PackingSlip | String | The packing slip number associated with the container containing the item. This field can be left blank. |
Comments | String | Text entered by the user when receiving the item, which provides additional details or notes. |
FromSubinventory | String | The name of the source subinventory used in negative corrections or returns, typically derived from the parent DELIVER transaction. |
FromLocator | String | The name of the source locator used in negative corrections or returns, which is derived from the parent DELIVER transaction. |
FromLocatorId | Long | A unique identifier for the source locator used in returns or corrections, derived from the parent DELIVER transaction. |
TransactionStatusCode | String | Indicates the status of the ASN line request or receipt transaction request. Status options include PENDING, RUNNING, or ERROR. |
GroupId | Long | A unique identifier for a group of interface records that are submitted together for processing. |
ExternalSystemPackingUnit | String | The license plate number used by the external warehouse management application to identify the packing unit. |
DefaultTaxationCountry | String | Indicates the default taxation country, applicable only for return transactions. |
DocumentFiscalClassification | String | The fiscal classification for the document, which is applicable only to return transactions. |
FirstPartyRegistrationId | Long | A unique identifier for the first-party registration, applicable only for return transactions. |
ThirdPartyRegistrationId | Long | A unique identifier for the third-party registration, applicable only for return transactions. |
TransactionBusinessCategory | String | Indicates the business category of the transaction. This is relevant only for return transactions. |
TaxInvoiceNumber | String | The number for the tax invoice associated with the transaction, relevant for return transactions. |
TaxInvoiceDate | Date | The date when the tax invoice is generated, applicable only for return transactions. |
EwayBillNumber | Long | An identifier for the electronic waybill issued by the supplier for shipment of goods. This field should remain blank. |
EwayBillDate | Date | The date the electronic waybill was generated. This attribute should remain blank. |
UserDefinedFiscalClassification | String | The fiscal classification defined by the user for return transactions. |
ProductFiscalClassificationId | Long | A unique identifier for the product's fiscal classification. This is only used for return transactions. |
TaxClassificationCode | String | A tax classification code, applicable only for return transactions. |
IntendedUseClassificationId | Long | A unique identifier for the intended use classification, applicable only for return transactions. |
IntendedUse | String | Indicates the intended use for the product, applicable only for return transactions. |
ProductCategory | String | Indicates the product category for taxation, applicable only for return transactions. |
AssessableValue | Decimal | The assessable value of the transaction for taxation purposes, applicable only for return transactions. |
FinalDischargeLocationId | Long | A unique identifier for the final discharge location. This is used only for return transactions. |
ProductType | String | Indicates the product type for taxation purposes. This is relevant only for return transactions. |
FirstPartyRegistrationNumber | String | The registration number for the first party. It is used to derive the FirstPartyRegistrationId for return transactions. |
ThirdPartyRegistrationNumber | String | The registration number for the third party. It is used to derive the ThirdPartyRegistrationId for return transactions. |
ProductFiscalClassName | String | The name for the product's fiscal classification. This is used to derive the ProductFiscalClassificationId for return transactions. |
FinalDischargeLocationCode | String | The code for the final discharge location, used to derive the FinalDischargeLocationId for return transactions. |
BarcodeLabel | String | A label containing the barcode for the product. This field is not currently in use. |
TruckNumber | String | The truck number associated with the transaction. This field is not currently used. |
InsertAndProcessFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the interface data should be automatically processed upon posting. Set to true for immediate processing. |
ReturnStatus | String | Indicates the status of the API call response. Includes values such as SUCCESS, ERROR, SUBMITTED, and QUEUED. |
LPNId | Long | A unique identifier for the license plate number in the transaction. This value can be blank. |
LicensePlateNumber | String | The license plate number associated with the source. This attribute can be blank. |
SaveAndSubmitFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the interface data should be resubmitted automatically after being patched. Set to false to prevent automatic resubmission. |
CreateDebitMemoFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a debit memo should be created for the receipt, applicable only for return transactions to the vendor. |
PhysicalMaterialReturnRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a physical return of material is required for the transaction, applicable for certain return types. |
RecallHeaderId | Long | A unique identifier for the recall notice, used for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions. |
RecallLineId | Long | A unique identifier for the line associated with the recall notice, used for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions. |
RecallLineNumber | Long | The line number of the recall notice, used for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions. |
RecallNoticeNumber | String | The recall notice number, used only for RETURN TO VENDOR transactions. |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | A reference number from an external system associated with the transaction. |
DefaultLotsAndSerialNumbersFromASNFlag | Bool | Determines if lots and serial numbers from an ASN should be defaulted during a receipt or put away transaction. |
DefaultLotsAndSerialNumbersFromTransferOrderFlag | Bool | Determines if lots and serial numbers from a transfer order should be defaulted during receipt or put away transactions. |
ReturnMessage | String | The message returned to the caller after the input payload is processed asynchronously. |
Finder | String | The finder used to search for receiving receipt transaction requests. |
FromDate | Datetime | The start date of the receiving receipt transaction requests. |
ToDate | Datetime | The end date of the receiving receipt transaction requests. |