Retrieves shipment lines expected to be received, supporting various document types like purchase orders and returns.
Name | Type | Description |
OrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the organization associated with the receiving receipt expected shipment lines. |
OrganizationCode | String | The code representing the organization tied to the receiving receipt expected shipment lines. |
ToOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier of the receiving organization for the shipment lines. |
FromOrganizationCode | String | The code for the organization sending the goods in the shipment. |
FromOrganizationId | Decimal | The unique identifier of the originating organization for the shipment lines. |
ItemNumber | String | The unique identifier for the item in the shipment line, as defined by the system. |
ItemDescription | String | A detailed description of the item in the shipment line. |
ItemId | Long | The unique identifier of the item as used in the inventory or product catalog. |
ItemRevision | String | The revision number of the item, reflecting updates or changes made to the product. |
DocumentType | String | The type of document associated with the shipment, such as a purchase order or return order. |
SourceDocumentCode [KEY] | String | The reference code of the document from which this shipment line originates. |
SourceSystem | String | The system that generated the source document for this shipment line. |
DocumentLineId [KEY] | Long | The identifier for the specific line within the document, linking the item to its transaction. |
SoldtoLegalEntity | String | The legal entity that the goods are sold to in the shipment. |
DocumentNumber | String | The unique number for the document, such as an order or return, to track this shipment line. |
DocumentLineNumber | String | The line number within the document, used to differentiate multiple items or lines in a single document. |
DocumentShipmentLineNumber | String | The unique identifier for the shipment line within the context of the document. |
DistributionCount | Decimal | The number of times the goods in the shipment line are distributed or processed. |
PONumber | String | The purchase order number associated with the goods being shipped in this line. |
POLineNumber | Decimal | The line number in the purchase order that corresponds to this shipment line. |
POScheduleNumber | Decimal | The schedule number from the purchase order that indicates when this line's goods should be delivered. |
ASNNumber | String | The Advance Shipment Notice number for the shipment, providing early details of the goods in transit. |
IntransitShipmentNumber | String | The number assigned to a shipment that is in transit, providing tracking information. |
ShipmentLineNumber | Decimal | The identifier for the specific line in the shipment, helping to track individual items. |
TransferOrderNumber | String | The number for the transfer order that facilitates the movement of goods between organizations or locations. |
TransferOrderLineNumber | String | The line number within the transfer order to identify the specific item being transferred. |
RMANumber | String | The Return Merchandise Authorization number for goods being returned, identifying the return request. |
RMALineNumber | String | The specific line number within the RMA that corresponds to this returned item. |
DueDate | Date | The date by which the shipment is expected to be received. |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor supplying the goods in this shipment line. |
VendorSiteCode | String | The site code of the vendor where the goods are being shipped from. |
VendorId | Decimal | The unique identifier for the vendor supplying the goods in this shipment. |
VendorSiteId | Decimal | The unique identifier for the vendor's site, linking to the location from which the goods are shipped. |
VendorItemNumber | String | The identification number assigned by the vendor to the item being shipped. |
CustomerPartyName | String | The name of the customer receiving the shipment in this line. |
CustomerId | Decimal | The unique identifier for the customer receiving the goods in the shipment. |
AvailableQuantity | Decimal | The quantity of the item available for shipping in this particular line. |
UOMCode | String | The code representing the unit of measure for the item in the shipment line. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The unit of measurement for the item being shipped, such as 'each' or 'box'. |
SecondaryAvailableQuantity | Decimal | The quantity available in a secondary unit of measure, if applicable. |
SecondaryUOMCode | String | The code for the secondary unit of measure for the item, if it applies. |
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure | String | The name of the secondary unit of measure used for the item, like 'kg' or 'liter'. |
DestinationTypeCode | String | The code representing the destination type for the goods in the shipment, such as 'warehouse' or 'store'. |
ShipToLocation | String | The address or location to which the goods are being shipped. |
ShipToLocationId | Long | The unique identifier for the location where the goods are being shipped to. |
Routing | String | The routing instructions for the shipment, outlining the best or required path for delivery. |
RoutingHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the header record of the routing instructions. |
OrderedQuantity | Decimal | The total quantity of items ordered in this shipment line. |
OrderedUnitOfMeasure | String | The unit of measure for the quantity ordered, such as 'boxes' or 'cases'. |
POHeaderId | Decimal | The unique identifier for the purchase order header, linking the order to the overall transaction. |
POLineId | Decimal | The unique identifier for the purchase order line within the overall purchase order. |
POLineLocationId | Decimal | The identifier for the location of the line in the purchase order, indicating where it should be delivered. |
ShipmentHeaderId | Decimal | The unique identifier for the header record of the shipment, providing an overview of the entire shipment. |
ShipmentLineId | Decimal | The identifier for a specific line within the shipment, used for tracking individual items. |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Decimal | The unique identifier for the header of the transfer order, linking it to the overall transfer transaction. |
TransferOrderLineId | Decimal | The identifier for the specific line in the transfer order, representing the item being transferred. |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Decimal | The unique identifier for the header of the receipt advice, indicating confirmation of goods receipt. |
ReceiptAdviceLineId | Decimal | The line identifier for the receipt advice, confirming receipt of goods for this particular item. |
ReceiptSourceCode | String | The code indicating the source of the receipt, such as 'vendor' or 'return'. |
ConsignedItems | String | Indicates whether the items in the shipment are consigned, meaning the goods remain the property of the vendor until used. |
BackToBack | String | Indicates whether the shipment is linked to a back-to-back order, where the purchase order is automatically generated after a sales order. |
CategoryName | String | The name of the category to which the item in the shipment belongs. |
CategoryId | Long | The unique identifier for the category of the item in the shipment. |
HeaderNoteToReceiver | String | A note attached to the header of the shipment, providing additional instructions or information to the receiver. |
ScheduleNoteToReceiver | String | A note specific to the scheduled shipment, containing additional instructions for the receiver. |
RADocumentCode | String | The code for the Receipt Advice document that verifies the receipt of goods. |
POUnitPrice | Decimal | The unit price of the item on the purchase order, used to calculate the total cost of the shipment. |
ItemPrimaryImageURL | String | A URL link to the primary image of the item being shipped, useful for visual identification. |
BindASNNumber | String | The ASN number linked to the binding, indicating which ASN the shipment relates to. |
BindCustomer | String | The customer associated with the binding for this shipment line. |
BindFromDate | Date | The start date for the binding of the shipment, indicating when the shipment is valid. |
BindIntransitShipmentNumber | String | The in-transit shipment number tied to the binding, tracking the shipment during transit. |
BindItemNumber | String | The item number that is linked to the binding, identifying which item the shipment is associated with. |
BindOrganizationCode | String | The organization code for the binding, indicating the originating organization of the shipment. |
BindPONumber | String | The purchase order number linked to the binding, indicating which PO the shipment is fulfilling. |
BindRMANumber | String | The Return Merchandise Authorization number linked to the binding, if the shipment is related to a return. |
BindSupplier | String | The supplier connected with the binding, detailing who is providing the goods for the shipment. |
BindToDate | Date | The end date for the binding of the shipment, indicating when the shipment is no longer valid. |
BindTransferOrderNumber | String | The transfer order number tied to the binding, indicating a transfer of goods between organizations. |
Finder | String | A search term or key used to locate specific information regarding the shipment lines. |