Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Retrieves shipment lines expected to be received, supporting various document types like purchase orders and returns.


Name Type Description
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization associated with the receiving receipt expected shipment lines.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the organization tied to the receiving receipt expected shipment lines.
ToOrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the receiving organization for the shipment lines.
FromOrganizationCode String The code for the organization sending the goods in the shipment.
FromOrganizationId Decimal The unique identifier of the originating organization for the shipment lines.
ItemNumber String The unique identifier for the item in the shipment line, as defined by the system.
ItemDescription String A detailed description of the item in the shipment line.
ItemId Long The unique identifier of the item as used in the inventory or product catalog.
ItemRevision String The revision number of the item, reflecting updates or changes made to the product.
DocumentType String The type of document associated with the shipment, such as a purchase order or return order.
SourceDocumentCode [KEY] String The reference code of the document from which this shipment line originates.
SourceSystem String The system that generated the source document for this shipment line.
DocumentLineId [KEY] Long The identifier for the specific line within the document, linking the item to its transaction.
SoldtoLegalEntity String The legal entity that the goods are sold to in the shipment.
DocumentNumber String The unique number for the document, such as an order or return, to track this shipment line.
DocumentLineNumber String The line number within the document, used to differentiate multiple items or lines in a single document.
DocumentShipmentLineNumber String The unique identifier for the shipment line within the context of the document.
DistributionCount Decimal The number of times the goods in the shipment line are distributed or processed.
PONumber String The purchase order number associated with the goods being shipped in this line.
POLineNumber Decimal The line number in the purchase order that corresponds to this shipment line.
POScheduleNumber Decimal The schedule number from the purchase order that indicates when this line's goods should be delivered.
ASNNumber String The Advance Shipment Notice number for the shipment, providing early details of the goods in transit.
IntransitShipmentNumber String The number assigned to a shipment that is in transit, providing tracking information.
ShipmentLineNumber Decimal The identifier for the specific line in the shipment, helping to track individual items.
TransferOrderNumber String The number for the transfer order that facilitates the movement of goods between organizations or locations.
TransferOrderLineNumber String The line number within the transfer order to identify the specific item being transferred.
RMANumber String The Return Merchandise Authorization number for goods being returned, identifying the return request.
RMALineNumber String The specific line number within the RMA that corresponds to this returned item.
DueDate Date The date by which the shipment is expected to be received.
VendorName String The name of the vendor supplying the goods in this shipment line.
VendorSiteCode String The site code of the vendor where the goods are being shipped from.
VendorId Decimal The unique identifier for the vendor supplying the goods in this shipment.
VendorSiteId Decimal The unique identifier for the vendor's site, linking to the location from which the goods are shipped.
VendorItemNumber String The identification number assigned by the vendor to the item being shipped.
CustomerPartyName String The name of the customer receiving the shipment in this line.
CustomerId Decimal The unique identifier for the customer receiving the goods in the shipment.
AvailableQuantity Decimal The quantity of the item available for shipping in this particular line.
UOMCode String The code representing the unit of measure for the item in the shipment line.
UnitOfMeasure String The unit of measurement for the item being shipped, such as 'each' or 'box'.
SecondaryAvailableQuantity Decimal The quantity available in a secondary unit of measure, if applicable.
SecondaryUOMCode String The code for the secondary unit of measure for the item, if it applies.
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure String The name of the secondary unit of measure used for the item, like 'kg' or 'liter'.
DestinationTypeCode String The code representing the destination type for the goods in the shipment, such as 'warehouse' or 'store'.
ShipToLocation String The address or location to which the goods are being shipped.
ShipToLocationId Long The unique identifier for the location where the goods are being shipped to.
Routing String The routing instructions for the shipment, outlining the best or required path for delivery.
RoutingHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the header record of the routing instructions.
OrderedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of items ordered in this shipment line.
OrderedUnitOfMeasure String The unit of measure for the quantity ordered, such as 'boxes' or 'cases'.
POHeaderId Decimal The unique identifier for the purchase order header, linking the order to the overall transaction.
POLineId Decimal The unique identifier for the purchase order line within the overall purchase order.
POLineLocationId Decimal The identifier for the location of the line in the purchase order, indicating where it should be delivered.
ShipmentHeaderId Decimal The unique identifier for the header record of the shipment, providing an overview of the entire shipment.
ShipmentLineId Decimal The identifier for a specific line within the shipment, used for tracking individual items.
TransferOrderHeaderId Decimal The unique identifier for the header of the transfer order, linking it to the overall transfer transaction.
TransferOrderLineId Decimal The identifier for the specific line in the transfer order, representing the item being transferred.
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Decimal The unique identifier for the header of the receipt advice, indicating confirmation of goods receipt.
ReceiptAdviceLineId Decimal The line identifier for the receipt advice, confirming receipt of goods for this particular item.
ReceiptSourceCode String The code indicating the source of the receipt, such as 'vendor' or 'return'.
ConsignedItems String Indicates whether the items in the shipment are consigned, meaning the goods remain the property of the vendor until used.
BackToBack String Indicates whether the shipment is linked to a back-to-back order, where the purchase order is automatically generated after a sales order.
CategoryName String The name of the category to which the item in the shipment belongs.
CategoryId Long The unique identifier for the category of the item in the shipment.
HeaderNoteToReceiver String A note attached to the header of the shipment, providing additional instructions or information to the receiver.
ScheduleNoteToReceiver String A note specific to the scheduled shipment, containing additional instructions for the receiver.
RADocumentCode String The code for the Receipt Advice document that verifies the receipt of goods.
POUnitPrice Decimal The unit price of the item on the purchase order, used to calculate the total cost of the shipment.
ItemPrimaryImageURL String A URL link to the primary image of the item being shipped, useful for visual identification.
BindASNNumber String The ASN number linked to the binding, indicating which ASN the shipment relates to.
BindCustomer String The customer associated with the binding for this shipment line.
BindFromDate Date The start date for the binding of the shipment, indicating when the shipment is valid.
BindIntransitShipmentNumber String The in-transit shipment number tied to the binding, tracking the shipment during transit.
BindItemNumber String The item number that is linked to the binding, identifying which item the shipment is associated with.
BindOrganizationCode String The organization code for the binding, indicating the originating organization of the shipment.
BindPONumber String The purchase order number linked to the binding, indicating which PO the shipment is fulfilling.
BindRMANumber String The Return Merchandise Authorization number linked to the binding, if the shipment is related to a return.
BindSupplier String The supplier connected with the binding, detailing who is providing the goods for the shipment.
BindToDate Date The end date for the binding of the shipment, indicating when the shipment is no longer valid.
BindTransferOrderNumber String The transfer order number tied to the binding, indicating a transfer of goods between organizations.
Finder String A search term or key used to locate specific information regarding the shipment lines.

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Build 24.0.9175