Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Oversees the configuration and management of receiving parameters for the organization.


Name Type Description
OrganizationCode String The unique code that identifies the organization associated with the receiving parameters.
OrganizationId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the organization linked to the receiving parameters.
ShipToExceptionAction String The action to take when a ship-to location exception occurs during receiving.
EnforceShipToLocationCode String The flag or code used to enforce validation for the ship-to location during receiving.
ASNControlAction String The action associated with controlling Advanced Shipment Notices (ASN) during the receiving process.
ReceiptASNExistsCode String The code indicating whether an ASN has been received or not.
EarlyReceiptToleranceInDays Decimal The number of days before the expected receipt date that early receipts are allowed.
LateReceiptToleranceInDays Decimal The number of days after the expected receipt date that late receipts are allowed.
ReceiptExceedDaysAction String The action to take when the receipt exceeds the expected days tolerance.
ReceiptDaysExceptionCode String The code that applies when the receipt days exceed the tolerance, indicating an exception.
OverReceiptTolerance Decimal The maximum percentage tolerance allowed for over-receiving items during the receiving process.
OverReceiptAction String The action to take when an over-receipt occurs beyond the allowed tolerance.
QuantityRcvExceptionCode String The code indicating an exception related to the quantity received.
ReceiptRouting String The routing instructions to follow when processing the receipt of goods.
ReceivingRoutingId Long The unique identifier for the routing method used during the receiving process.
AllowSubstituteReceipts String A flag that indicates whether substitute receipts are allowed for orders during the receiving process.
AllowSubstituteReceiptsCode String The code representing the type or category of substitute receipts allowed.
AllowUnorderedReceipts String A flag indicating if unordered receipts (without matching purchase order) are allowed.
AllowUnorderedReceiptsCode String The code representing the allowance or exception for unordered receipts.
EnforceBlindReceiving String Indicates whether blind receiving (where receipt details are hidden until after processing) is enforced.
BlindReceivingCode String The code representing the blind receiving policy or enforcement method.
PrintReceiptTraveler String A flag indicating whether a receipt traveler document should be printed with the received goods.
PrintReceiptTravelerCode String The code for configuring or categorizing printed receipt travelers.
IncludeClosedPurchaseOrdersForReceipt String A flag indicating if closed purchase orders should be included in the receiving process.
IncludeClosedPOReceipt String Indicates whether to process closed purchase order receipts during receiving.
AllowRoutingOverride String A flag indicating if the receiving routing can be overridden for specific receipts.
AllowRoutingOverrideCode String The code that defines the condition or type of routing override allowed.
ProcessAllLinesTogether String A flag to specify if all lines of a receipt should be processed together rather than individually.
ProcessASNLinesTogether String A flag to specify if lines from the same ASN should be processed together.
PrintShippingDocumentsForReturnsToSuppliers String Indicates whether shipping documents should be printed for returns to suppliers during the receiving process.
IntfReturnsToShipping String A flag indicating if returns should be interfaced with the shipping module.
IntfDropshipsToShipping String A flag indicating if drop shipments should be interfaced with the shipping module.
IntfRmasToShipping String A flag to interface return merchandise authorizations (RMAs) to the shipping module.
ReceiptNumberGeneration String A flag to enable or disable automatic generation of receipt numbers during receiving.
UserDefinedReceiptNumberCode String The code used to define or categorize user-defined receipt numbers.
ReceiptNumberType String The type of receipt number to be generated, such as automatic or manual.
ManualReceiptNumberType String The specific type or category for manually entered receipt numbers.
NextReceiptNumber Long The next available receipt number in the sequence for automatic receipt generation.
RMAReceiptRouting String The routing instructions specific to handling return merchandise authorizations (RMAs) during receiving.
RMAReceiptRoutingId Long The unique identifier for the routing used to process RMAs.
RMALotValidation String Indicates whether validation of lots for RMAs is required during receiving.
EnforceRMALotNumber String A flag indicating whether the enforcement of RMA lot numbers is required.
RMASerialNumbersValidation String Indicates whether serial number validation is required for RMAs during the receiving process.
EnforceRMASerialNumbers String A flag to enforce serial number requirements for RMAs.
AllowDefaultingOfLotsAndSerialNumbersFromASNFlag Bool A flag to allow defaulting of lots and serial numbers from the ASN during receiving.
AllowDefaultingOfLotsAndSerialNumbersFromTransferOrderFlag Bool A flag to allow defaulting of lots and serial numbers from transfer orders during receiving.
DeliveryRequiredForExpenseLocations String Indicates whether delivery is required for locations defined as expense locations.
DeliveryRequiredForPARLocations String Indicates whether delivery is required for locations defined as PAR (point of use) locations.
BindOrganizationCode String The organization code used to bind specific parameters related to the receiving process.
BindOrganizationId Long The unique identifier used to bind the receiving parameters to a specific organization.
Finder String The code or method used to find the relevant parameters or data for receiving.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175