Handles management of purchase orders available for receiving, streamlining the receiving process.
Name | Type | Description |
PurchaseOrder | String | Unique identifier for a purchase order in the PurchaseOrdersForReceiving table, used for tracking and managing orders. |
POHeaderId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the header of a purchase order in the PurchaseOrdersForReceiving table. It is used to associate various line items and details with a specific purchase order. |
Supplier | String | The name or identifier of the supplier associated with the purchase order in the PurchaseOrdersForReceiving table. This helps link the order to a specific vendor or provider. |
VendorId | Long | The numeric identifier of the vendor linked to the purchase order. It helps associate the purchase order with a specific vendor for fulfillment purposes. |
SoldToLegalEntity | String | The legal entity that is the recipient of the purchase order. This is typically the organization that owns the goods or services being purchased. |
SoldtoLeId | Long | The unique identifier for the legal entity that will receive the purchased goods or services, linking the order to the appropriate business unit. |
OrganizationCode | String | The code that identifies the organization responsible for the purchase order within the system. This is used for organizational tracking and reporting. |
OrganizationId | String | The identifier for the organization in the PurchaseOrdersForReceiving table, distinguishing between different branches or divisions within the system. |
BindOrganizationCode | String | The organization code that is associated with the specific purchase order, used to associate the order with the correct organizational unit for processing. |
BindOrganizationId | Long | The identifier for the organization tied to a specific purchase order, providing the link between the order and the organizational structure within the system. |
BindPurchaseOrder | String | The purchase order number that binds to the current record, used to track and process the order within the context of other related orders. |
BindSoldToLegalEntity | String | The identifier of the legal entity to which the purchase order is bound, ensuring that the order is connected to the correct legal entity for processing. |
BindSupplier | String | The identifier for the supplier associated with this specific purchase order. This helps ensure that the right supplier is linked with the order for fulfillment. |
Finder | String | A search or query term that is used to locate specific purchase orders in the PurchaseOrdersForReceiving table based on various criteria such as order status or supplier. |