Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages descriptive flexfields for lot attributes, supporting detailed customization of inventory data.


Name Type Description
PickSlipDetailsPickSlip [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the Pick Slip record in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, representing the overall pick slip related to the transaction.
PicklinesTransactionId [KEY] Long Transaction identifier associated with a specific pick line in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table. This helps link the pick line to its related transaction.
ItemlotsLot [KEY] String Identifier for the item lot associated with a pick line in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table. Used to track inventory by lot number for specific items.
TransactionTempId [KEY] Long Temporary identifier for a transaction during its processing within the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table. This ID helps manage transactions before they are finalized.
LotNumber [KEY] String The lot number associated with a pick line in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, representing the batch or group of items being picked together.
_FLEX_Context String Context for the flexible attribute setup in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, representing a dynamic field for additional data specific to the business process.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String Display value corresponding to the flexible attribute context, used in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table to provide a user-friendly description of the context field.
Finder String Finder field used in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, likely a reference to a user-defined search key or lookup for items or transactions.
PickSlip Long Identifier for the Pick Slip record within the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, linking the specific pick line to its overall pick slip.

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Build 24.0.9175