Manages descriptive flexfields for lot attributes, supporting detailed customization of inventory data.
Name | Type | Description |
PickSlipDetailsPickSlip [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the Pick Slip record in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, representing the overall pick slip related to the transaction. |
PicklinesTransactionId [KEY] | Long | Transaction identifier associated with a specific pick line in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table. This helps link the pick line to its related transaction. |
ItemlotsLot [KEY] | String | Identifier for the item lot associated with a pick line in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table. Used to track inventory by lot number for specific items. |
TransactionTempId [KEY] | Long | Temporary identifier for a transaction during its processing within the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table. This ID helps manage transactions before they are finalized. |
LotNumber [KEY] | String | The lot number associated with a pick line in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, representing the batch or group of items being picked together. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Context for the flexible attribute setup in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, representing a dynamic field for additional data specific to the business process. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Display value corresponding to the flexible attribute context, used in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table to provide a user-friendly description of the context field. |
Finder | String | Finder field used in the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, likely a reference to a user-defined search key or lookup for items or transactions. |
PickSlip | Long | Identifier for the Pick Slip record within the PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, linking the specific pick line to its overall pick slip. |