Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages lot information for picked items, including tracking and validation.


Name Type Description
PickSlipDetailsPickSlip [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the pick slip associated with the pick slip detail line item in the system.
PicklinesTransactionId [KEY] Long The unique transaction ID for the pick line, representing a specific transaction in the pick slip process.
Lot [KEY] String The identifier for the lot of inventory being picked, specifying the batch or collection of items in the warehouse.
Quantity Decimal The quantity of items associated with the pick slip detail line item being processed.
SecondaryQuantity Decimal The secondary quantity of items, typically used for multi-unit items or measurements in a different unit, associated with the pick slip detail line item.
Finder String The identifier or code used to find or locate the item within the inventory or system.
PickSlip Long The unique identifier for the pick slip itself, representing the overall pick operation or process.

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Build 24.0.9175