Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages content details within packing units, ensuring accurate tracking of packed items.


Name Type Description
PackingUnitsPackingUnitId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the packing unit in the PackingUnitscontents table.
PackingUnitContentId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the content within a packing unit in the PackingUnitscontents table.
OrganizationId Long ID of the organization associated with the packing unit contents.
OrganizationCode String Code representing the organization tied to the packing unit contents.
InventoryItemId Long Unique identifier for the inventory item related to the packing unit contents.
ItemNumber String A unique identifier or number for the item associated with the packing unit contents.
ItemDescription String A textual description of the item within the packing unit.
Revision String The revision or version number associated with the packing unit's item.
LotNumber String Batch or lot number for tracking the packing unit's items.
Quantity Decimal The amount or number of items contained in the packing unit, represented as a decimal value.
UOMCode String Code representing the unit of measurement for the packing unit's quantity.
UOMName String The name of the unit of measurement used for the packing unit's quantity.
Finder String A reference code or identifier used for locating or identifying packing units within the system.
PackingUnitId Long Primary key identifier for the packing unit in the PackingUnitscontents table.
PPackingUnit String Additional reference or identifier for the packing unit, used for further classification or relationship in the PackingUnitscontents table.

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Build 24.0.9175