Manages content details within packing units, ensuring accurate tracking of packed items.
Name | Type | Description |
PackingUnitsPackingUnitId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the packing unit in the PackingUnitscontents table. |
PackingUnitContentId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the content within a packing unit in the PackingUnitscontents table. |
OrganizationId | Long | ID of the organization associated with the packing unit contents. |
OrganizationCode | String | Code representing the organization tied to the packing unit contents. |
InventoryItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the inventory item related to the packing unit contents. |
ItemNumber | String | A unique identifier or number for the item associated with the packing unit contents. |
ItemDescription | String | A textual description of the item within the packing unit. |
Revision | String | The revision or version number associated with the packing unit's item. |
LotNumber | String | Batch or lot number for tracking the packing unit's items. |
Quantity | Decimal | The amount or number of items contained in the packing unit, represented as a decimal value. |
UOMCode | String | Code representing the unit of measurement for the packing unit's quantity. |
UOMName | String | The name of the unit of measurement used for the packing unit's quantity. |
Finder | String | A reference code or identifier used for locating or identifying packing units within the system. |
PackingUnitId | Long | Primary key identifier for the packing unit in the PackingUnitscontents table. |
PPackingUnit | String | Additional reference or identifier for the packing unit, used for further classification or relationship in the PackingUnitscontents table. |