Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Customizes descriptive flexfields for lot-level data, enhancing lot-specific inventory management.


Name Type Description
OpenPickLinesTransactionId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the open pick line transaction in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table.
ItemlotsLot [KEY] String A reference to the lot number associated with an item in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table.
TransactionTempId [KEY] Long A temporary identifier for a transaction in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table, used during processing.
LotNumber [KEY] String The lot number associated with a specific item transaction in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table.
_FLEX_Context String The context value for the FLEX field in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table, indicating a specific data context.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String The display value of the FLEX context, providing a human-readable representation of the context field in OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs.
Finder String The identifier or key used to locate or search for specific data in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table.
PItem String The reference to the item in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table, typically indicating the product or part being processed.
PMovementRequest String The reference to the movement request, typically representing an action or request related to item movements in OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs.
POrder String The identifier for a specific order tied to the transaction or operation in OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs.
POrganization String The identifier for the organization associated with the transaction in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table.
POrganizationId String The unique ID for the organization within the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table, used for organizational identification.
PPickSlip String The pick slip identifier, associated with the picking process for an item in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table.
PPickWave String The pick wave identifier that organizes items for picking in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table.
PSourceSubinventory String The subinventory from which the item is sourced for the transaction, as recorded in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table.
PTransactionType String The type of transaction being processed, such as issue, receipt, or transfer, in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table.
TransactionId Long The unique identifier for the transaction in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs table, linking all related transaction data.

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Build 24.0.9175