Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Retrieves expected shipment lines ready for receipt, including purchase orders, transfers, and returns.


Name Type Description
ToOrganizationCode String The organization code where the goods or services are being transferred to in the LinesToReceive process.
ToOrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the organization receiving the goods or services in the LinesToReceive process.
FromOrganizationName String The name of the organization from which goods or services are being transferred in the LinesToReceive process.
FromOrganizationCode String The code used to identify the organization from which goods or services are being transferred in the LinesToReceive process.
FromOrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the organization sending the goods or services in the LinesToReceive process.
ItemNumber String The unique identifier or number assigned to the item being received in the LinesToReceive process.
ItemDescription String A textual description of the item being received in the LinesToReceive process.
ItemId Long The unique item identifier associated with the received item in the LinesToReceive process.
ItemRevision String The revision number of the item being received, indicating updates or changes to the item in the LinesToReceive process.
DocumentType String The type of document associated with the received items, such as purchase orders or transfer orders, in the LinesToReceive process.
SourceDocumentCode [KEY] String A code that identifies the source document, such as the original order, in the LinesToReceive process.
DocumentNumber String The unique document number associated with the received items, typically a reference for invoices or orders in the LinesToReceive process.
DocumentLineNumber String The line number within the document, which identifies a specific line item in the LinesToReceive process.
DocumentScheduleNumber String The schedule number associated with the document, indicating the expected delivery time or allocation for the received items.
DocumentDistributionNumber Long A unique identifier for the distribution of the document, which helps in managing document deliveries in the LinesToReceive process.
SoldtoLegalEntity String The name of the legal entity to which the sold goods or services are being transferred in the LinesToReceive process.
SourceSystem String The system from which the data for the received items originated, helping in tracking the source of the records in the LinesToReceive process.
DocumentLineId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the document line, which corresponds to the line item of the received document in the LinesToReceive process.
DueDate Date The expected date for the goods or services to be received, providing a timeline for inventory or order management in the LinesToReceive process.
VendorName String The name of the vendor supplying the goods or services in the LinesToReceive process.
VendorSiteCode String The code identifying the vendor’s specific site or location from which goods or services are being shipped in the LinesToReceive process.
VendorId Long The unique identifier for the vendor supplying the goods or services in the LinesToReceive process.
VendorSiteId Long The unique identifier for the specific vendor site or location from which the goods or services are being shipped in the LinesToReceive process.
VendorItemNumber String The number assigned by the vendor to the item being shipped or received in the LinesToReceive process.
TOShipmentNumber String The shipment number associated with the transfer order for tracking goods or services in the LinesToReceive process.
ASNNumber String The Advanced Shipping Notice number, indicating a notification of shipment, providing details of the upcoming delivery in the LinesToReceive process.
ASNLineNumber Long The line number within the ASN, providing identification for specific items within the shipment in the LinesToReceive process.
CustomerPartyName String The name of the customer receiving the goods or services, which helps identify the customer party in the LinesToReceive process.
CustomerId Long The unique identifier of the customer receiving the goods or services in the LinesToReceive process.
AvailableQuantity Decimal The quantity of the item that is available for receiving or processing in the LinesToReceive process.
UOMCode String The code representing the unit of measure for the received items, which helps in determining how quantities are tracked in the LinesToReceive process.
UnitOfMeasure String The description of the unit of measure used for the received items, such as pieces, kilograms, or liters, in the LinesToReceive process.
SecondaryAvailableQuantity Decimal The secondary unit's available quantity for the received items in the LinesToReceive process, used for tracking in alternate units.
SecondaryUOMCode String The code for the secondary unit of measure for the items being received, offering flexibility for conversion between units in the LinesToReceive process.
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure String The description of the secondary unit of measure for the items, used when the primary UOM is not suitable for all inventory tracking in the LinesToReceive process.
DestinationType String The type of destination for the goods or services being received, indicating whether they are sent to a warehouse, store, or another location in the LinesToReceive process.
DestinationTypeCode String The code used to represent the destination type for the received goods or services in the LinesToReceive process.
ShipToLocation String The physical location to which the goods are being shipped for receiving in the LinesToReceive process.
ShipToLocationId Long The unique identifier for the location where the goods are being shipped to in the LinesToReceive process.
Routing String The routing instructions for the items being received, detailing the shipping or handling path to the final destination in the LinesToReceive process.
RoutingHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the routing header, which organizes and tracks routing information for the received items in the LinesToReceive process.
OrderedQuantity Decimal The total quantity of items ordered for receiving, representing the amount requested in the LinesToReceive process.
OrderedUnitOfMeasure String The unit of measure used to specify the ordered quantity for the received items in the LinesToReceive process.
POHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the purchase order header, which represents the main order document associated with the received items in the LinesToReceive process.
POLineLocationId Long The unique identifier for the specific location or line of the purchase order, aiding in tracking where each order was placed in the LinesToReceive process.
POLineId Long The unique identifier for the purchase order line, which corresponds to a specific item or set of items within the purchase order in the LinesToReceive process.
PODistributionId Long The unique identifier for the distribution of a purchase order, ensuring accurate tracking of where the order is allocated across multiple locations in the LinesToReceive process.
PORevisionNumber Long The revision number of the purchase order, which helps track changes or updates made to the original purchase order in the LinesToReceive process.
ShipmentHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the shipment header, which is used to group and identify all related shipment records in the LinesToReceive process.
ShipmentLineId Long The unique identifier for the shipment line, helping track individual shipments or line items within a shipment in the LinesToReceive process.
TransferOrderHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the transfer order header, which tracks the overall order for goods transfer between locations in the LinesToReceive process.
TransferOrderLineId Long The unique identifier for the line of a transfer order, providing details for the specific item(s) being transferred in the LinesToReceive process.
TransferOrderDistId Long The unique identifier for the distribution of a transfer order, aiding in identifying the allocated portions of the transfer in the LinesToReceive process.
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the receipt advice header, which provides notification of goods receipt for the LinesToReceive process.
ReceiptAdviceLineId Long The unique identifier for the specific line item in the receipt advice, helping track individual items in the received goods notification in the LinesToReceive process.
ReceiptSourceCode String A code that identifies the source of the receipt, helping in managing and categorizing various types of incoming shipments in the LinesToReceive process.
ConsignedItems String Indicates whether the received items are consigned, meaning they are owned by the supplier until used or sold, in the LinesToReceive process.
BackToBack String Indicates whether the items received are part of a back-to-back order, typically referring to a situation where items are ordered only when they are needed for further processing in the LinesToReceive process.
CategoryName String The name of the category to which the received items belong, aiding in inventory classification and reporting in the LinesToReceive process.
CategoryId Long The unique identifier for the category to which the items belong, helping organize and categorize inventory in the LinesToReceive process.
CurrencyCode String The currency code used for pricing or costing the items in the LinesToReceive process.
CurrencyConversionRate Decimal The rate at which currency is converted for the received items, used in the LinesToReceive process to ensure accurate pricing across different currencies.
CurrencyConversionDate Date The date on which the currency conversion rate is applied for the received items in the LinesToReceive process.
CurrencyConversionType String The type of conversion method used for the received items, helping in tracking how different currencies are handled in the LinesToReceive process.
InventoryTransactionTypeId Long The identifier for the type of inventory transaction, helping classify and track different types of inventory changes in the LinesToReceive process.
POUnitPrice Decimal The unit price of items ordered through a purchase order, providing financial details for the received goods in the LinesToReceive process.
MatchOption String The option that determines how the system should match the received items to the purchase order, guiding the reconciliation process in the LinesToReceive process.
HeaderNoteToReceiver String Notes included with the header of the receiving document, often providing special instructions or remarks for the receiver of goods in the LinesToReceive process.
ScheduleNoteToReceiver String Notes included with the schedule of the receiving document, detailing specific instructions or expectations related to item delivery or handling in the LinesToReceive process.
IntegrationStatus String The current status of the integration for the received items, indicating whether the process is completed, pending, or encountering issues in the LinesToReceive process.
BindASNLineNumber Long The bound line number of the ASN, used for linking specific items within an Advanced Shipping Notice to corresponding records in the LinesToReceive process.
BindASNNumber String The bound ASN number, linking a specific ASN to the received items, enabling accurate tracking and matching in the LinesToReceive process.
BindBackToBack String The bound back-to-back indicator, helping track if the received items are part of a back-to-back order in the LinesToReceive process.
BindConsigned String The bound consignment status of the items, identifying whether the received items are consigned inventory in the LinesToReceive process.
BindDocumentDistributionNumber Long The bound document distribution number, providing a reference to a specific distribution of a document linked to the received items in the LinesToReceive process.
BindDocumentLineNumber String The bound document line number, helping to match specific document lines with received items in the LinesToReceive process.
BindDocumentNumber String The bound document number, linking specific received items to the original source document in the LinesToReceive process.
BindDocumentScheduleNumber String The bound document schedule number, tracking the scheduled time for receiving specific items as per the linked document in the LinesToReceive process.
BindDocumentType String The bound document type, indicating which type of document (for example, purchase order, transfer order) the received items are linked to in the LinesToReceive process.
BindFromDate Date The bound start date, indicating the beginning of the period for which the received items are tracked or relevant in the LinesToReceive process.
BindItemId Long The bound item identifier, linking the received items to their specific item record in the inventory or system for tracking purposes in the LinesToReceive process.
BindItemNumber String The bound item number, helping match specific items to their corresponding records during the receipt process in the LinesToReceive process.
BindOrganizationCode String The bound organization code, linking the received items to a specific organization, helping track the origin of the goods or services in the LinesToReceive process.
BindOrganizationId Long The bound organization identifier, linking the received items to a specific organization and assisting in tracking organizational inventory in the LinesToReceive process.
BindPODistributionId Long The bound purchase order distribution identifier, ensuring received items are linked to the correct purchase order distribution in the LinesToReceive process.
BindPOLineId Long The bound purchase order line identifier, linking the received items to their respective line within the purchase order in the LinesToReceive process.
BindPOLineLocationId Long The bound purchase order line location identifier, specifying where the received items are linked within a purchase order location in the LinesToReceive process.
BindReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long The bound receipt advice header identifier, linking the received items to the receipt advice header for tracking purposes in the LinesToReceive process.
BindReceiptAdviceLineId Long The bound receipt advice line identifier, linking the received items to the receipt advice line for detailed tracking in the LinesToReceive process.
BindShipmentHeaderId Long The bound shipment header identifier, linking the received items to their shipment header, providing overall shipment tracking in the LinesToReceive process.
BindShipmentLineId Long The bound shipment line identifier, linking specific items to a shipment line for tracking purposes in the LinesToReceive process.
BindSourceDocumentCode String The bound source document code, linking the received items to a specific source document code for better traceability in the LinesToReceive process.
BindToDate Date The bound end date, representing the end of the period during which the received items are relevant in the LinesToReceive process.
BindTransferOrderDistId Long The bound transfer order distribution identifier, linking the received items to the corresponding transfer order distribution in the LinesToReceive process.
BindTransferOrderHeaderId Long The bound transfer order header identifier, linking the received items to a transfer order header for better tracking in the LinesToReceive process.
BindTransferOrderLineId Long The bound transfer order line identifier, associating the received items with a specific transfer order line for proper processing in the LinesToReceive process.
Finder String A custom field or identifier used to locate or search for specific entries or records related to the LinesToReceive process.

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Build 24.0.9175