Manages inventory lines flagged for correction, ensuring accuracy in inventory adjustments and records.
Name | Type | Description |
ToOrganizationCode | String | The unique code representing the destination organization for the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ToOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the destination organization associated with the line in the LinesToCorrect table. |
FromOrganizationCode | String | The unique code representing the originating organization for the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
FromOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the originating organization associated with the line in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ItemNumber | String | The unique item number associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ItemDescription | String | A description of the item associated with the line in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ItemRevision | String | The revision number of the item in the LinesToCorrect table, indicating any changes or updates. |
ReceiptNumber | String | The unique receipt number associated with the line in the LinesToCorrect table. |
LineStatus | String | The current status of the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, indicating its processing state. |
DocumentType | String | The type of document associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table (for example, invoice, order). |
SourceDocumentCode | String | The unique code identifying the source document for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
DocumentNumber | String | The unique document number for the document associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
DocumentLineNumber | String | The line number within the document, used to identify the specific line item in the document in the LinesToCorrect table. |
DocumentScheduleNumber | String | The schedule number from the document related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
DocumentDistributionNumber | Decimal | The distribution number for the document associated with the line item, indicating its specific allocation. |
TransactionDate | Date | The date when the transaction related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table occurred. |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor supplying the item associated with the line in the LinesToCorrect table. |
VendorId | Long | The unique identifier for the vendor supplying the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
VendorSiteCode | String | The code representing the specific site of the vendor for the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
VendorSiteId | Long | The unique identifier for the vendor site associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
VendorItemNumber | String | The item number assigned by the vendor for the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
TOShipmentNumber | String | The unique shipment number for the transfer order related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ASNNumber | String | The Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) number for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ASNLineNumber | Decimal | The line number within the ASN related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
CustomerPartyName | String | The name of the customer party involved in the transaction for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
CustomerId | Long | The unique identifier for the customer associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
AvailableQuantity | Decimal | The available quantity of the item to be processed in the LinesToCorrect table. |
UOMCode | String | The code representing the unit of measure (UOM) used for the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The unit of measure describing how the item quantity is tracked in the LinesToCorrect table. |
SecondaryAvailableQuantity | Decimal | The available quantity of the item in an alternate unit of measure for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
SecondaryUOMCode | String | The code for the secondary unit of measure used for the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure | String | The secondary unit of measure used for the item, providing an alternate method for quantity tracking in the LinesToCorrect table. |
DestinationType | String | The type of destination (for example, warehouse, customer) for the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
DestinationTypeCode | String | The specific code representing the type of destination for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
Location | String | The location where the item is stored or shipped from, as associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
LocationId | Long | The unique identifier for the location associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
Routing | String | The routing or transportation path used for the item to reach its destination in the LinesToCorrect table. |
RoutingHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the routing header associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
POHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the purchase order header associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
POLineLocationId | Long | The unique identifier for the location associated with the purchase order line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
POLineId | Long | The unique identifier for the purchase order line associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
PODistributionId | Long | The unique identifier for the distribution of the purchase order line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ShipmentHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the shipment header related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ShipmentLineId | Long | The unique identifier for the shipment line related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the transfer order header related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
TransferOrderLineId | Long | The unique identifier for the transfer order line associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
TransferOrderDistId | Long | The unique identifier for the transfer order distribution associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the receipt advice header related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ReceiptAdviceLineId | Long | The unique identifier for the receipt advice line associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ReceiptSourceCode | String | The code indicating the source of the receipt related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ConsignedItems | String | Indicates whether the items are consigned, meaning they belong to the supplier but are stored at the buyer's location. |
BackToBack | String | Indicates whether the transaction is part of a back-to-back order, typically used in procurement or sales scenarios. |
CategoryName | String | The name of the category to which the item belongs in the LinesToCorrect table. |
CategoryId | Long | The unique identifier for the category associated with the item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
CurrencyCode | String | The currency code used for the monetary values related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
CurrencyConversionRate | Decimal | The exchange rate used to convert between currencies for the transaction associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
CurrencyConversionDate | Date | The date on which the currency conversion rate was applied for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
CurrencyConversionType | String | The type of currency conversion applied (for example, spot rate, average rate) for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
InventoryTransactionTypeId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory transaction type associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ParentTransactionType | String | The type of the parent transaction from which the current transaction derives its context. |
ParentTransactionId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the parent transaction related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
GrandParentTransactionId | Long | The unique identifier for the grandparent transaction, indicating an even higher-level parent relationship in the LinesToCorrect table. |
Reason | String | The reason for the transaction or adjustment made in relation to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ReasonId | Long | The unique identifier for the reason associated with the line item adjustment in the LinesToCorrect table. |
ReceiptException | String | Indicates any exceptions or issues encountered during the receipt process for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
EmployeeName | String | The name of the employee responsible for or associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
EmployeeId | Long | The unique identifier for the employee associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
Subinventory | String | The specific subinventory within a warehouse where the item is located or managed in the LinesToCorrect table. |
Locator | String | The exact locator or bin within the subinventory where the item is stored in the LinesToCorrect table. |
LocatorId | Long | The unique identifier for the locator associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindASNLineNumber | Long | The line number of the ASN associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindASNNumber | String | The ASN number associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindBackToBack | String | Indicates whether the line item is part of a back-to-back order in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindConsigned | String | Indicates whether the line item is consigned in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindDocumentDistributionNumber | Long | The distribution number of the document related to the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindDocumentLineNumber | String | The document line number of the transaction associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindDocumentNumber | String | The document number associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindDocumentScheduleNumber | String | The document schedule number associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindDocumentType | String | The document type associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindFromDate | Date | The start date from which the line item data is relevant for filtering in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindItemId | Long | The item ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindItemNumber | String | The item number for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindOrganizationCode | String | The organization code for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindOrganizationId | Long | The organization ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindParentTransactionId | Long | The parent transaction ID associated with the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindPODistributionId | Long | The purchase order distribution ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindPOHeaderId | Long | The purchase order header ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindPOLineId | Long | The purchase order line ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindPOLineLocationId | Long | The purchase order line location ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | The receipt advice header ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindReceiptAdviceLineId | Long | The receipt advice line ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindReceiptNumber | String | The receipt number for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindShipmentHeaderId | Long | The shipment header ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindShipmentLineId | Long | The shipment line ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindSourceDocumentCode | String | The source document code for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindToDate | Date | The end date up to which the line item data is relevant for filtering in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindTOShipment | String | The transfer order shipment number for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table. |
BindTransferOrderDistId | Long | The transfer order distribution ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindTransferOrderHeaderId | Long | The transfer order header ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
BindTransferOrderLineId | Long | The transfer order line ID for the line item in the LinesToCorrect table, used for filtering. |
Finder | String | The finder query parameter used to locate line items in the LinesToCorrect table. |