Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages lot assignments for issuing or transferring inventory, ensuring accurate tracking within inventory organizations.


Name Type Description
LotNumber [KEY] String The unique identifier assigned to the lot being issued. This identifier ensures traceability and accurate tracking of lot-controlled inventory during issue transactions.
LotExpirationDate Date The expiration date of the lot. This date ensures that expired inventory is not issued, supporting quality control and regulatory compliance.
ParentLotNumber String The lot number of the parent lot from which this lot was derived. This lots helps track lot genealogy in cases of lot splits, merges, or transformations.
BindItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with the lot issue transaction. This identifier ensures accurate linkage between lots and their respective items.
BindLocatorId Long The unique identifier for the locator where the lot is stored before being issued. This identifier enables precise tracking of lot-controlled inventory at a storage location level.
BindLotNumber String The lot number being bound to the transaction. This lot number ensures that the correct lot is selected for issue, preventing stock discrepancies.
BindOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization managing the lot issue transaction. This identifier ensures inventory control across multiple business units or warehouses.
BindOwningEntityId String The unique identifier for the entity that owns the inventory being issued. This identifier helps track inventory ownership within multi-organization environments.
BindOwningType String The classification of the owning entity, such as internal business unit, supplier, or customer. This classification ensures proper inventory ownership tracking.
BindRevision String A revision code associated with the lot. This code ensures that the correct version of a lot-controlled item is issued, supporting engineering and manufacturing controls.
BindSubinventory String The subinventory from which the lot is being issued. This information helps manage stock at a more granular level within warehouses and storage locations.
BindTransactionTypeId Long The unique identifier for the transaction type associated with the lot issue. This identifier ensures that the correct inventory movement type is recorded in the system.
Finder String A reference attribute used for searching and retrieving specific lot issue records. This attributes enhances system usability by allowing users to locate transactions based on predefined criteria.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175