Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Facilitates the management of lots within staged inventory transactions, providing detailed tracking of lot-specific information.


Name Type Description
InventoryStagedTransactionsTransactionInterfaceId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the transaction interface record associated with the staged inventory transaction. This identifier ensures that lot-controlled inventory transactions are accurately linked for processing and tracking.
TransactionInterfaceId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the inventory staged transaction. This identifier is used to track and manage transactions involving lot-controlled inventory.
LotNumber [KEY] String The unique lot number assigned to the inventory item. This lot number ensures traceability, batch tracking, and quality control in inventory management.
TransactionQuantity Decimal The quantity of the item involved in the inventory transaction. This quantity represents the stock movement for the specified lot.
PrimaryQuantity Decimal The transaction quantity of the item expressed in its primary unit of measure (UOM). This quantity ensures consistency in inventory tracking and valuation.
LotExpirationDate Date The date and time when the lot is set to expire. This timestamp helps in managing inventory rotation, avoiding stock obsolescence, and ensuring compliance with expiration-sensitive goods.
ExpirationActionCode String A code representing the action taken when the lot reaches expiration. This code helps in automating inventory management actions, such as disposal or hold placement.
ExpirationActionDate Date The date when the expiration action was performed on the lot. This date provides an audit trail for compliance and inventory control.
ExpirationActionName String The name of the action taken upon lot expiration (for example,'Dispose,' 'Hold,' or 'Rework'). This name depending on the business rules applied to expired inventory.
OriginationDate Date The date when the lot was created in the warehouse. This date is essential for tracking inventory age and lifecycle management.
OriginationType String The classification of the origination process for the lot. This classification helps distinguish between lots created via procurement, production, transfers, or other sources.
HoldDate Date The date when the warehouse applied a hold status to the lot. This date ensures that restricted stock is tracked and not mistakenly issued.
MaturityDate Date The date when the lot reaches maturity for use or sale. This date is crucial for industries where inventory requires an aging period, such as food, pharmaceuticals, or chemicals.
ReasonName String A descriptive name of the reason associated with the inventory transaction. This name helps document the purpose of the stock movement, such as returns, adjustments, or damage.
ReasonCode String A system-generated abbreviation representing the reason for the inventory transaction. This abbreviation allows for standardized categorization of stock movements.
ReasonId Long The unique identifier for the reason code associated with the inventory transaction. This identifier ensures accurate transaction tracking and reporting.
SourceCode String A code representing the source of the inventory transaction. This code helps classify inventory movements based on procurement, manufacturing, or distribution processes.
SourceLineId Long The unique identifier for the source line associated with the inventory transaction. This identifier ensures proper linkage between the transaction and its originating document.
StatusId Long The unique identifier for the status of the lot-controlled transaction. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of inventory states, such as available, on hold, or expired.
StatusCode String An abbreviation representing the current status of the inventory lot. This abbreviation is used for stock availability and compliance reporting.
GradeCode String A code representing the quality or grade assigned to the lot. This code is crucial for industries that classify inventory based on quality levels, such as food, metals, or chemicals.
SupplierLotNumber String The lot number assigned by the supplier for the inventory item. This lot number ensures traceability between supplier-provided stock and internal inventory records.
TerritoryShortName String The abbreviated name of the territory associated with the lot transaction. This abbreviated name is used for regional tracking and compliance with geographical inventory policies.
LotVolume Decimal The volume of the lot in the specified UOM. This field helps in inventory planning and storage allocation.
VolumeUOMName String The UOM used to define the lot volume. This field standardizes inventory reporting and capacity planning.
LotLength Decimal The length of the lot in the specified UOM. This field is useful for tracking dimension-based inventory items, such as raw materials and industrial goods.
LengthUOMName String The UOM used to define the lot length. This field standardizes inventory tracking for items with specific dimensional attributes.
LotThickness Decimal The thickness measurement of the lot. This value is used for industries that deal with sheet-based materials such as metals, fabrics, or wood.
LotWidth Decimal The width measurement of the lot. This value helps in managing dimension-based inventory items efficiently.
WidthUOMName String The UOM used to define the lot width. This field ensures consistency in inventory tracking for dimension-based products.
VendorName String The name of the vendor associated with the lot. This name helps in supplier-based inventory tracking and vendor quality control.
SerialTransactionTempId Long The unique identifier for the temporary serial transaction associated with the inventory lot. This identifier is used for tracking serialized inventory movements before finalization.
ErrorCode String A system-generated abbreviation representing an error encountered during the inventory transaction. This abbreviation helps in troubleshooting and correcting transaction failures.
ProductCode String A code representing the product associated with the lot transaction. This code ensures proper classification and tracking of product-based inventory movements.
ProductTransactionId Long The unique identifier for the product transaction linked to the lot. This identifier is crucial for managing product-specific inventory movements.
SecondaryTransactionQuantity Decimal The transaction quantity of the item in its secondary UOM . This quantity supports industries that track inventory in multiple measurement units.
Finder String A reference attribute used for searching and retrieving specific inventory lot transaction records. This attribute enhances system usability by allowing users to locate transactions based on predefined criteria.

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Build 24.0.9175