Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks lot details for specific inbound shipment lines to ensure traceability.


Name Type Description
InboundShipmentsShipmentHeaderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking this lot-controlled inventory record to the corresponding inbound shipment header. This identifier ensures traceability of lot-based inventory.
ShipmentlinesShipmentLineId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking this lot record to a specific shipment line. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of lot-controlled items within an inbound shipment.
LotNumber [KEY] String The lot number assigned to the items in this shipment line. This lot number ensures batch traceability for inventory control, compliance, and expiration tracking.
ShipmentLineId [KEY] Long A system-generated identifier for the shipment line. This identifier links individual lots to specific shipment transactions for detailed tracking.
Quantity Decimal The total quantity of items associated with this lot. This quantity ensures accurate inventory management and batch tracking.
UOMCode String The unit of measure (UOM) code representing how the lot quantity is measured, such as 'EA' for Each or 'KG' for Kilograms.
SecondaryQuantity Decimal The quantity of items in a secondary UOM, used when dual-unit tracking is required (for example, cases and individual units).
SecondaryUOMCode String The UOM code for the secondary quantity, ensuring proper conversions between different measurement units.
TransactionId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the inventory transaction associated with this lot. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of lot movements within the warehouse.
SerialTransactionId Decimal A reference to a serial transaction linked to this lot. This reference ensures compatibility with serialized inventory tracking where applicable.
LotExpirationDate Date The expiration date assigned to this lot. This date ensures compliance with shelf-life tracking, quality control, and regulatory requirements.
BindExpectedReceiptDate Datetime The expected receipt date for the lot-controlled shipment. This receipt date allows for proper planning and warehouse resource allocation.
BindOrganizationCode String The code representing the receiving organization. This code ensures correct classification within enterprise inventory and procurement systems.
BindOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization receiving this lot-controlled shipment. This identifier ensures consistency in inventory records.
BindPOHeaderId Long The unique identifier linking this lot record to the associated purchase order (PO) header. This identifier ensures traceability in procurement transactions.
BindPONumber String The purchase order (PO) number corresponding to this lot-controlled shipment. This PO number ensures accurate reconciliation between ordered and received goods.
BindShipmentHeaderId Long The unique identifier linking this lot record to its shipment header. This identifier ensures proper tracking and auditing of inbound shipments.
BindShipmentNumber String The shipment number associated with this lot. This number provides a reference for logistics tracking and inventory management.
BindSupplier String The supplier associated with this lot-controlled shipment. This information ensures alignment with procurement and supplier documentation.
BindTONumber String The transfer order (TO) number linked to this lot. This TO number ensures proper tracking of inter-organizational inventory movements.
BindTransferOrderHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the transfer order header associated with this lot record. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of inventory transfers.
BindVendorId Long The unique identifier linking this lot record to the corresponding vendor. This identifier ensures accuracy in supplier tracking and procurement alignment.
Finder String A reference field or search parameter used to locate or filter lot-controlled inventory records efficiently, enabling streamlined tracking and retrieval.
ShipmentHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the shipment header. This identifier ensures all lot-controlled inventory details are grouped under the correct inbound shipment record.

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Build 24.0.9175