Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Maintains the historical serial data for cycle count sequences for detailed tracking.


Name Type Description
CycleCountSequenceDetailsCycleCountEntryId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the cycle count entry recorded in the sequence detail history. This identifier is used to track serialized inventory verification over time.
CycleCountSequenceDetailsCycleCountHeaderId [KEY] Long An identifier linking this sequence detail history record to a specific cycle count header. This identifier groups related cycle count entries for auditing and reconciliation of serialized inventory.
CycleCountSequenceDetailsOrganizationId [KEY] Long The organization identifier associated with this cycle count sequence detail history record. This identifier ensures proper classification of inventory transactions within the correct business entity.
HistoryEntryHistoryId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the historical record of a cycle count entry's changes. This identifier maintains a log of updates and corrections over time for serialized items.
EntryHistoryId [KEY] Long An identifier referencing the historical log of a cycle count entry. This identifier captures modifications and adjustments related to serialized inventory tracking.
CycleCountEntryId [KEY] Long An identifier referencing the cycle count entry recorded in this history table. This identifier ensures a structured log of serialized inventory transactions.
SerialNumber [KEY] String The serial number of the item being counted. This serial number is used for precise tracking of individual inventory units and ensuring accountability in cycle count history.
RecordedInSystemFlag Bool A flag indicating whether the serial number was recorded in the system's inventory records before the cycle count was conducted.
RecordedInCountFlag Bool A flag indicating whether the serial number was recorded during the physical cycle count, ensuring validation against system records.
BindCycleCountName String The name of the cycle count event associated with this historical record. This name provides a reference to the specific inventory verification process for serialized items.
BindOrganizationCode String The organization code corresponding to this cycle count sequence detail history record. This code ensures proper categorization within the business structure.
CycleCountHeaderId Long An identifier for the cycle count header. This identifier groups multiple cycle count entries under a single verification event for tracking serialized inventory.
Finder String A reference field or search parameter used to locate or filter cycle count records. This field or parameter facilitates quick access to serialized inventory data.
FromSerialNumber String The starting serial number of the item being counted. This serial number is used for tracking a defined range of serialized stock within inventory records.
OrganizationId Long The organization identifier associated with this cycle count history record. This identifier ensures that serialized inventory counts are correctly classified under the proper business entity.
ToSerialNumber String The ending serial number of the item being counted. This serial number is used for tracking serialized inventory movements within a specific range.

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Build 24.0.9175