Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages descriptive flexfields to provide additional details about cycle count definitions.


Name Type Description
CycleCountDefinitionsCycleCountHeaderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking the cycle count definition to its associated descriptive flexfields (DFF). This identifier allows for additional configurable attributes.
CycleCountHeaderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier assigned to the cycle count definition. This identifier ensures accurate association with DFF data for reporting and customization.
_FLEX_ValidationDate Date The date when the DFF data for the cycle count was last validated. This date ensures data integrity and compliance with configuration rules.
_FLEX_Context String The DFF context name for cycle count. This context name defines the applicable structure and meaning of additional attributes associated with the cycle count.
_FLEX_NumOfSegments Int The total number of DFF segments available for this cycle count definition. This field provides configurable fields for capturing extended information.
_FLEX_NumOfVisibleSegments Int The number of visible DFF segments for this cycle count definition. This field controls which configurable attributes are displayed to users.
BindCycleCountName String The cycle count name associated with the bound record. This name ensures correct linkage between cycle count definitions and DFFs.
BindOrganizationCode String The organization code associated with the bound record. This code ensures accurate reference for cycle count definitions across multiple inventory organizations.
Finder String A searchable reference key used to locate specific cycle count DFFs within the system. This reference key improves efficiency in data retrieval and reporting.
ItemDescription String A brief description of the inventory item associated with the cycle count definition. This description provides additional context for warehouse personnel.
ItemNumber String The unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to an inventory item associated with the cycle count definition. This identifier ensures accurate classification and tracking.
Subinventory String The subinventory location associated with the cycle count. This location specifies the warehouse or storage area where counted items are stored.

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Build 24.0.9175