Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Defines and manages count classes used in cycle count operations.


Name Type Description
CycleCountDefinitionsCycleCountHeaderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking the cycle count definition to its associated ABC classes. This identifier ensures proper tracking and classification of counted items.
CycleCountClassId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the cycle count class. This identifier defines a specific group of inventory items categorized under this cycle count.
AbcClassId Long The unique identifier for the ABC classification associated with this cycle count. This identifier ensures accurate prioritization based on inventory movement and value.
AbcClass String The name of the ABC classification included in this cycle count. This classification categorizes inventory based on importance, such as high-value or frequently moved items.
CountsPerYear Long The number of times per year that items in this ABC class are scheduled for cycle counting. This information ensures consistent stock validation and compliance.
QuantityVariancePositivePercentage Decimal The maximum positive percentage variance allowed between the expected and actual counted quantity for items in this class before triggering an exception.
QuantityVarianceNegativePercentage Decimal The maximum negative percentage variance allowed between the expected and actual counted quantity for items in this class before requiring further review.
AdjustmentValuePositiveTolerance Decimal The maximum positive percentage adjustment allowed in the inventory value for items in this ABC class before requiring approval.
AdjustmentValueNegativeTolerance Decimal The maximum negative percentage adjustment allowed in the inventory value for items in this ABC class before requiring approval.
HitAndMissPostivePercentage Decimal The maximum positive percentage tolerance used for hit-or-miss analysis, defining an acceptable overcount threshold before corrective action is needed.
HitAndMissNegativePercentage Decimal The maximum negative percentage tolerance used for hit-or-miss analysis, defining an acceptable undercount threshold before requiring investigation.
BindCycleCountName String The cycle count name associated with the bound record. This name ensures correct linkage between cycle count definitions and ABC classes.
BindOrganizationCode String The organization code associated with the bound record. This code ensures accurate reference for cycle count definitions in multi-organization environments.
CycleCountHeaderId Long The unique identifier linking the cycle count header to the ABC classification. This identifier ensures proper association between the cycle count configuration and categorized inventory items.
Finder String A searchable reference key used to locate specific cycle count classes within the system. This reference key improves lookup efficiency and navigation.
ItemDescription String A brief description of the inventory item included in the cycle count class. This description provides additional context for warehouse personnel.
ItemNumber String The unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to an inventory item within the cycle count class. This identifier ensuring accurate tracking and classification.
Subinventory String The subinventory location where the cycle count is performed. This information specifies the warehouse, storage area, or bin where items in this ABC class are counted.

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Build 24.0.9175