Enables file uploads or updates for unpacked shipment line data.
Name | Type | Description |
TransactionId | Integer | Unique identifier for the shipment transaction request, used to track and manage shipment processing. |
DeliveryInterfaceId | Integer | Unique identifier for the candidate shipment being processed in the system. |
DeliveryDetailInterfaceId10 | Integer | Hashed key used to uniquely identify a specific resource item in the shipment process. |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Tracking identifier used to monitor the status of uploaded files in the system. |
AttachedDocumentId | Integer | Unique identifier assigned to an attachment related to a work order or shipment transaction. |
CategoryName | String | Category classification of the attachment, indicating its type or function. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Boolean | Indicates whether the attachment is shared among multiple records (true or false). |
DatatypeCode | String | Code representing the format of the data contained in the attachment (for example, PDF, image, text).
The default value is FILE. |
Description | String | Detailed description of the attached document or file. |
DmDocumentId | String | Unique identifier assigned to the document stored in the content repository. |
DmFolderPath | String | Path specifying the location of the document within the repository. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Version number of the document, used for tracking updates and revisions. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON-formatted metadata containing details about the attachment's download options. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error code indicating any issues encountered during file processing. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Message providing details about any errors encountered during file processing. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Date when the attachment expires and may no longer be accessible. |
FileName | String | Name of the attached file. |
FileLocation | String | Local path where the document was stored before being uploaded. |
FileUrl | String | Web-accessible URL where the attachment can be viewed or downloaded. |
Title | String | Title assigned to the attachment for easy identification. |
Uri | String | Unique resource identifier (URI) referencing the attachment. |
Url | String | Web-accessible link to locate and access the attachment. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
AsyncTrackerId | String | Tracking ID returned after successful processing of uploaded files. |
AttachedDocumentId | Integer | Unique identifier assigned to the processed attachment. |
CategoryName | String | Category classification of the attachment after processing. |
ContentRepositoryFileShared | Boolean | Indicates if the attachment remains shared after processing. |
CreatedBy | String | User who originally created or uploaded the attachment. |
CreatedByUserName | String | Username of the individual who created the attachment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when the attachment record was created. |
DatatypeCode | String | Code representing the data type of the processed attachment. |
Description | String | Updated description of the attachment after processing. |
DmDocumentId | String | Unique document identifier assigned after processing. |
DmFolderPath | String | Storage location of the processed document in the repository. |
DmVersionNumber | String | Updated version number of the document reflecting modifications. |
DownloadInfo | String | JSON-formatted metadata about the attachment post-processing. |
ErrorStatusCode | String | Error code returned after processing, if applicable. |
ErrorStatusMessage | String | Message describing any errors encountered during processing. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Expiration date for the processed attachment. |
FileContents | Byte | Binary content of the uploaded attachment. |
FileName | String | Final name assigned to the attachment file. |
FileUrl | String | URL where the processed attachment can be accessed. |
FileWebImage | Byte | Base64-encoded image representation of the uploaded file. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating the last modification of the document. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who most recently updated the document. |
LastUpdatedByUserName | String | Username used for the last modification of the attachment. |
Links | String | Hyperlinks related to the attachment, such as download or metadata links. |
Title | String | Title assigned to the attachment after processing. |
UploadedFileContentType | String | Content type representing the format of the uploaded file. |
UploadedFileLength | Integer | Size of the uploaded file in bytes. |
UploadedFileName | String | Final stored name of the uploaded file. |
UploadedText | String | Extracted or entered text content from the uploaded file. |
Uri | String | Unique resource identifier (URI) for the processed attachment. |
Url | String | Web-accessible URL for retrieving the uploaded file. |
UserName | String | Username of the individual who added or modified the attachment. |