CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111

Aggregate Functions

Certain aggregate functions can also be used within SQLAlchemy by using the func module.

To import this module, execute:

from sqlalchemy.sql import func

Once func is imported, the following aggregate functions are available:


The following example counts the number of records in a set of groups using the session object's query() method.
rs = session.query(func.count(Carriers.Id).label("CustomCount"), Carriers.CarrierId).group_by(Carriers.CarrierId)
for instance in rs:
	print("Count: ", instance.CustomCount)
	print("CarrierId: ", instance.CarrierId)

You can also execute COUNT using the session object's execute() method:

rs = session.execute([func.count(Carriers_table.c.Id).label("CustomCount"), Carriers_table.c.CarrierId])group_by(Carriers_table.c.CarrierId))
for instance in rs:


This example calculates the cumulative amount of a numeric column in a set of groups.

rs = session.query(func.sum(Carriers.AnnualRevenue).label("CustomSum"), Carriers.CarrierId).group_by(Carriers.CarrierId)
for instance in rs:
	print("Sum: ", instance.CustomSum)
	print("CarrierId: ", instance.CarrierId)

You can also invoke SUM using the session object's execute() method.

rs = session.execute([func.sum(Carriers_table.c.AnnualRevenue).label("CustomSum"), Carriers_table.c.CarrierId]).group_by(Carriers_table.c.CarrierId))
for instance in rs:


This example uses the session object's query() method to calculate the average amount of a numeric column in a set of groups:
rs = session.query(func.avg(Carriers.AnnualRevenue).label("CustomAvg"), Carriers.CarrierId).group_by(Carriers.CarrierId)
for instance in rs:
	print("Avg: ", instance.CustomAvg)
	print("CarrierId: ", instance.CarrierId)

You can also use the session object's execute() method to invoke AVG:

rs = session.execute([func.avg(Carriers_table.c.AnnualRevenue).label("CustomAvg"), Carriers_table.c.CarrierId]).group_by(Carriers_table.c.CarrierId))
for instance in rs:


This example finds the maximum value and minimum value of a numeric column in a set of groups.
rs = session.query(func.max(Carriers.AnnualRevenue).label("CustomMax"), func.min(Carriers.AnnualRevenue).label("CustomMin"), Carriers.CarrierId).group_by(Carriers.CarrierId)
for instance in rs:
	print("Max: ", instance.CustomMax)
	print("Min: ", instance.CustomMin)
	print("CarrierId: ", instance.CarrierId)

You can also use the session object's execute() method to invoke MAX and MIN:

rs = session.execute([func.max(Carriers_table.c.AnnualRevenue).label("CustomMax"), func.min(Carriers_table.c.AnnualRevenue).label("CustomMin"), Carriers_table.c.CarrierId]).group_by(Carriers_table.c.CarrierId))
for instance in rs:

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Build 24.0.9111