CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Retrieves and manages commit measure details associated with collaboration order forecasts, including supply commit responses.


Name Type Description
CollaborationOrderForecastsCollaborationOrderForecastId [KEY] Long A unique identifier linking the committed quantities to the corresponding collaboration order forecast.
CollaborationOrderForecastId Long A unique identifier for the collaboration order forecast associated with this commit quantity.
CollaborationOrderForecastDetailsId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the detailed record associated with the collaboration order forecast.
BucketId [KEY] Long A unique identifier for the time bucket used in the commit quantity.
CorrelationCode String A unique code identifying the orchestration process instance.
BucketStartDate Date The date when the time bucket for the commit quantity begins.
BucketEndDate Date The date when the time bucket for the commit quantity ends.
BucketAggregationCode String The code indicating the bucket aggregation type for the commit quantity. Accepted values are defined in the lookup type ORA_VCS_BUCKET_AGGR_LEVEL. These values can be managed in the Setup and Maintenance work area under the Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Lookups task.
Quantity Decimal The quantity that the supplier has committed to supply.
CommitMismatchReasonCode String A code representing the reason the supplier could not commit to the requested forecast quantity, resulting in a mismatch.
CommitMismatchReason String A description of the reason for the commit mismatch between the requested and committed quantities.
Version Int The version number of the commit time bucket for the collaboration order forecast.
CommittedByPersonId Long A unique identifier for the user who committed the quantity.
CommittedByUserName String The username of the person who committed the quantity.
CommitDate Datetime The date and time when the commit quantity was last confirmed.
CommittedByPartyCode String A code identifying the type of user who performed the commit action. Accepted values are defined in the lookup type ORA_VCS_PARTY_ORIGIN. These values can be managed in the Setup and Maintenance work area under the Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Lookups task.
Finder String A system-generated reference used to locate the committed quantities for the collaboration order forecast.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175