Facilitates supplier collaboration by requesting order forecasts and tracking the status of submitted requests.
Name | Type | Description |
CollaborationOrderForecastRequestId [KEY] | Long | A unique identifier for the collaboration order forecast request. |
StatusCode | String | The status code indicating the current state of the collaboration order forecast request. |
SupplyPlanName | String | The name of the supply plan used to generate the collaboration order forecast. |
SupplyPlanDescription | String | A description of the supply plan used to generate the collaboration order forecast. |
ProcurementBUName | String | The name of the business unit responsible for procurement. The application assigns the supplier to this business unit. |
ShipFromSupplierName | String | The name of the supplier that ships the requested item. |
ShipFromSupplierSiteName | String | The name of the specific supplier site from which the item is shipped. |
ShipToOrganizationCode | String | The code identifying the organization receiving the item. |
ShipToCustomerName | String | The name of the customer receiving the item. |
ShipToCustomerSiteName | String | The name of the specific customer site where the item is delivered. |
ShipToCustomerSiteNumber | String | A unique identifier for the customer site that received the item. |
ItemNumber | String | A unique identifier for the item being forecasted. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The unit of measure in which the item is quantified. |
UOMCode | String | The abbreviation representing the unit of measure for the item. |
SourceSystem | String | The source system from which the collaboration order forecast request originates. |
SourceSystemCode | String | The code representing the source system for the collaboration order forecast request. |
CreatedBy | String | The username or system identifier of the user who created the request. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time when the collaboration order forecast request was created. |
ProcessId | Long | A unique identifier for the process associated with the collaboration order forecast request. |
NoteToSupplier | String | A message from the collaboration planner to the supplier regarding the forecast request. |
NoteToPlanner | String | A message from the supplier to the collaboration planner regarding the forecast request. |
Finder | String | A system-generated reference used to locate the collaboration order forecast request. |